Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 57: Finals

The arena was buzzing with excitement as the crowd settled in for the microdrama pre show . Fans filled the seats, their voices a lively hum of anticipation. "Don't you love the show?" one fan asked, leaning over to his friend, his face lit up with enthusiasm.

"It's great," the friend replied, nodding vigorously. "They actually use Atlas in it." The admiration in his voice was unmistakable, and it was clear that Atlas had become a fan favorite, not just for his fighting skills but for his charisma as well. 

"Yeah, he's so handsome," a woman a few seats down chimed in, her eyes glued to the screen where Atlas's character made his entrance. She had actually bought a magazine with his photo on the cover, last week. The magazine was pure trash, but she loved the picture. More than a few fans seemed to share her sentiments, as giggles in the area were heard.

As the scenes from the microdrama unfolded, reactions came from different sections of the crowd. "Wouldn't it be a hoot if it was real?" another fan joked, sparking a ripple of chuckles and nods from those around him. The thought of their favorite fighters being thrust into the wild, scripted scenarios of the microdrama was an amusing one, and the crowd seemed to enjoy entertaining the idea.

The atmosphere was noisy, with everyone eager to see how the show would play out, especially with Atlas in the mix. The excitement in the air was a perfect prelude to the main event that was still to come.


"Well, here we are, Cotton, starting the finals. How's everybody looking?" Bob's voice carried a mix of excitement and anticipation, echoing through the packed arena.

Cotton, who could barely contain his enthusiasm, responded with a chuckle, "Bob, I'm as excited as you are. You can call me a cat on a hot tin roof. It's been a crazy full season."

"I know, right? No one would have expected these final 10, but I'm glad that they've all put up their fights," Bob continued, his eyes fixed on the massive holographic projection displayed on the Jumbotron overhead.

The crowd's energy was buzzing as they gazed up at the screen, where the final rankings were now displayed. The top 10 teams, who had fought tooth and nail throughout the season, were now poised for the ultimate showdown. It was a tight race, with no clear favorite.

"Okay, as you can see on the holographic projection on the Jumbotron, our following 10 teams are up," Cotton announced, his voice rising with the swell of the crowd's cheers.

The screen lit up with the rankings:

1. **Sword & Iron** - 43 points  

2. **RogueStand** - 41 points  

3. **Dragon's Edge** - 40 points  

4. **StormRiders** - 39 points  

5. **Blazing Shadows** - 38 points  

6. **Iron Guard** - 37 points  

7. **Frost Wolves** - 37 points  

8. **Portal Crushers** - 36 points  

9. **Shadow Vipers** - 36 points  

10. **Thunderstrike** - 35 points

"Portal Crushers, coming in at number 8," Bob pointed out, the disbelief evident in his tone. "Who would have thought? But they've scraped their way through, and now they're here, ready to take on the best of the best."

Cotton nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and with Sword & Iron sitting pretty at number one with 43 points, it's going to be a tough battle. But remember, these are the finals. Anything can happen. All the work, the strategy, the blood, sweat, and tears—it all comes down to this."

The arena's lights dimmed as the final teams were introduced one by one, each greeted by a thunderous wave of applause and cheers from their supporters. The tension seemed to vibrate the air, with every fan holding their breath, waiting to see if their team would emerge victorious.

In the crowd, a man leaned over to his friend, "I flew all the way from Toronto for this, man. Paid a huge scalper fee, too. Worth every penny."

His friend grinned, nodding. "Totally. The energy here is insane. You can feel it in your bones."


Atlas stood with his team, feeling the weight of the upcoming matches. Despite their rank, he knew that the Portal Crushers had something the other teams didn't—an unbreakable spirit and the element of surprise. They had fought their way up from obscurity, defying the odds at every turn. And now, in the finals, they had one last chance to prove that they belonged among the elite.

*We can’t afford to get kicked out now. The stakes are too high, and this pressure is exactly what we need to sharpen our edge. If we keep pushing, this mental state will make us stronger than ever. Perfect for the wasteland.*

As the holographic projection shifted to a dramatic montage of the season's highlights, Cotton's voice cut through the noise. "This is what we've all been waiting for, folks. The final 10 teams, the best of the best, are ready to clash in the ultimate test of skill, strategy, and sheer determination."

Bob leaned closer to his mic, the excitement in his voice reaching a fever pitch. "Buckle up, everyone. This is going to be one hell of a ride."


In the locker room, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. The Portal Crushers had made it this far, and now it was time for the final push.

Atlas stood before his team, the clipboard in his hand reflecting the strategic brilliance that had brought them this far. "Here's the lineup," he began, his voice steady and commanding. "Barbara, you're going for number one."

Barbara blinked in surprise. "Really, me?" she thought, her heart racing. She hadn't had many chances to prove herself in the 1v1 matches, and now, she was being thrust into the spotlight.

"For the 3v3," Atlas continued, "I'll be taking that one. Plus, John and Alicia."

"Seriously?" John interjected, a mix of disbelief and excitement in his tone. "Are we not even going to pretend?"

Atlas gave a huge shit eating grin, a rare expression that caught the team off guard. "We're actually going to have a little fun with this one."

"What's that?" John asked, intrigued by the sudden shift in Atlas's usual serious demeanor.

Atlas leaned in slightly, his impossibly wide grin widening. "Do you want to take a crack at it?"

John's eyes popped out of head. "Are you kidding?"

*John needs to get into a high-pressure fight for practice for the portals, and being live on PPV is a perfect opportunity for this,* thought Atlas.

"Nope. Totally serious," Atlas replied. "We'll have you run first on the 3v3. I'll go second. And Alicia, you can, uh, grab that beer and popcorn you wanted. In fact, Anchor Beer said they'd love it if you did."

Alicia chuckled, shaking her head. "All right, sounds like a plan."

Atlas nodded, satisfied with the lineup. "In 5v5, we've got our final squad set. Right, Alexander?"

"You betcha we do," Alexander confirmed, his confidence evident.

Atlas turned his attention to the larger strategy, his mind already racing through potential scenarios. "Well, with that squad set and our new tactic of Hank rolling around on the floor with two other guys, I want to run the Jungle V squad."

"What's the Jungle V squad again?" Jim asked, his tone slightly sour. He hadn’t been fighting recently, and it was clear he wasn’t too happy about it. Today was his first match back for a long time.

Atlas explained patiently, "Jungle Vee squad. Hank rushes up the middle, Alexander slightly behind him. Then three people on the right-hand side, swiftly striking to their spawn point. Hopefully, while they're tangled up in the center, we've gone all the way up the right-hand side."

The team listened intently, visualizing the maneuver in their heads.

"The key to this one is, Isabella," Atlas continued, locking eyes with her, "you've got to be on the very back of that V, making sure that if they do spot us, you head back to the spawn and delay them."

Isabella nodded, understanding the weight of her role in this tactic. "Alright. Sounds good."

Atlas took a step back, surveying his team. "We’ve made it this far by outthinking, outmaneuvering, and outlasting everyone who’s come at us. This is just another step on that journey. Let's give them a final they won't forget."

“Portal Crushers. On 3.”

“Portal Crushers!”

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