Atlas: Back to the Present – Time Travel + Post Apoc + OP MC

CHAPTER 62: Final Preparations

The energy was out of this world as the final battle of the season approached. "Today’s the day! Did you see the sold-out crowd, Cotton?" Bob's voice crackled with excitement, barely able to contain his enthusiasm.

"Bob, the crowd is definitely insane. But ever since the popularity of SFB exploded, it's to be expected," Cotton replied, unable to hide his grin. The crowd's roar was a constant reminder of just how big the league had become.

"Yeah, I saw a guy outside scalping tickets for a thousand bucks each for the nosebleeds."

"Well, that’s someone making good use of tickets," Cotton quipped, shaking his head.

Bob chuckled. "Did you catch the fan meet and greet earlier? Huge crowd there too."

"What I found funny was people asking Atlas to sign those ‘Atlas the Alien’ shirts."

"Haha, people are nuts."

"Yeah, but he signed them anyway. What a good sport."

"Alright, let’s get into the final round stats," Bob said, and the arena darkened as a massive holographic projection lit up the Jumbotron.

The stats flashed up, showing the strengths and weaknesses of each team. "As you can see, Portal Crushers have average stats with the exception of Atlas. Both Sword & Iron and Shadow Vipers have better overall stats, with Sword & Iron narrowly edging out Shadow Vipers in terms of KILLS versus DEATHS."

"So, what do you predict the strategy to be?" Bob asked.

"Well, Cotton, in a case like this, it’s usually going to turn into a 1v1 type battle where Shadow Vipers will focus on taking down Sword & Iron. They’ll both be keeping an eye out for the Portal Crushers, though. They don’t want to be sniped while taking out their main competitor."

"So, Portal Crushers will be hanging back, is your guess."

"That’s right. They’ll be trying to be the mantis stalking the cicada."

"There’s no spawn point on this battlefield, correct?"

"Correct. It’s a straight arena. All three teams will enter, and only one will walk out."

"Well, it looks like it’s going to be a fast-paced battle then."

Meanwhile, in the locker room of the Portal Crushers, Atlas was giving his final speech. "Alright, Crushers, you’ve put in the time, sweat, and tears to get here. Now it’s time to show the world you’re the best. As the great Coach Taylor once said, 'Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.'"

"Portal Crushers on three!" he shouted.

"Portal Crushers!" The team cheered in unison, their voices echoing through the locker room. The adrenaline was pumping, and they were ready to give it their all.


In the locker room of Sword & Iron, the air was thick with anticipation. The team huddled together, their hearts pounding as they prepared for the final showdown. The excitement was everywhere—they were just one victory away from taking back-to-back championships. While the players psyched themselves up, Mohammed, their owner, was focused on something else. He stood off to the side, his phone pressed to his ear.

"Alright, Monica, have we got ourselves a deal?" Mohammed asked, his voice low but laced with confidence.

"You bet we do, honey," came Monica’s reply, her tone dripping with insincerity that Mohammed didn’t seem to catch. "We both focus on taking out the Portal Crushers before we attack each other."

"That’s right," Mohammed confirmed, satisfaction curling his lips. His mind raced with thoughts of victory. He could already see the championship trophy in his hands, and he wasn’t about to let some upstart team ruin his shot at it.

"Monica," Mohammed hesitated for a moment, his voice dropping an octave. "I’ve got to ask… you're not planning to double-cross me, are you? I need reassurance that we’re on the same page here. You know how these things go."

Monica let out a light laugh, the kind that sounded practiced but held just the right amount of warmth. "Oh, Mohammed, darling, if I wanted to double-cross you, I would’ve done it ages ago. But here’s the thing—our teams are the real rivalry everyone’s buzzing about. Your Sword & Iron and my Vipers? It’s the classic North versus South, Canada versus the good ol’ USA. You know that’s box office gold. We’ve got ticket sales through the roof because of it. Why mess with a good thing?"

Mohammed couldn’t help but nod, even though Monica couldn’t see it. She was right. The rivalry between their teams was practically scripted for prime-time television. Canadians versus Americans. The storyline was almost too perfect. "I guess that makes sense," he admitted, though there was still a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"Trust me, Mohammed," Monica continued, her tone now more serious. "I’m not interested in burning bridges, especially not with someone who’s helped build one of the best rivalries in SFB. What we’ve got here? It’s something special. Fans on both sides are rabid for it. And as much as I’d love to crush your team into the dirt, I’d rather see us both in the finals, year after year. That’s where the real money is. People pay good money to see us tear each other apart, but only when it counts."

Mohammed mulled over her words, the tension in his chest easing slightly. "Alright, Monica, you’ve convinced me. Let’s take out the Portal Crushers together, and may the best team win after that."

"That’s the spirit," Monica said, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "And who knows, maybe one day we’ll be sipping champagne together after a finals where we both made a fortune. Sound good?"

"Sounds like a plan," Mohammed agreed, though he still felt a slight pang of doubt. But business was business, and if Monica was true to her word, they’d both come out on top—one way or another.

The tension in the arena was mounting. The fans in the stands buzzed with anticipation, their cheers echoing through the space. The announcer’s voice boomed over the speakers, capturing everyone’s attention. "It looks like the SFB holographic technology has generated the environment! What’s it going to be?"

All eyes turned to the massive holographic display as the arena transformed before them. "Oh, look, it’s a ruined castle! And wow, that castle is really messed up. It’s open to all the elements, and those elements are foggy. Visibility is definitely going to be poor for this one."

"And it looks like the teams are coming out of their respective locker rooms!" Bob announced, his voice rising in anticipation.

"Let’s get ready for the duel!" Cotton added as the crowd roared, the energy reaching a fever pitch.

The crowd roared with excitement as the three teams—Sword & Iron, Shadow Vipers, and Portal Crushers—stepped into the arena, ready to do battle. The countdown began, the tension rising with each second. "Three… two… one… duel!"

The teams surged forward, the ground vibrating with the force of their charge. But almost immediately, something strange happened. The announcers were quick to notice. "Oh, it looks like Shadow Vipers and Sword & Iron are both rushing towards Portal Crushers. This is not what we expected at all!"

"Yeah, that’s a big surprise," Cotton added, his voice filled with shock.

As the fight began, it quickly turned into a 20-on-10 melee. The odds were overwhelmingly against the Portal Crushers. Atlas moved with deadly precision, but even he couldn’t be everywhere at once. Wilfredo was the first to go down, (KILLED!) Moments later, Jim fell, a (FATALITY) echoing through the arena as the sensors registered the lethal blow.

Seeing his teammates fall, Atlas quickly assessed the situation. "Everyone! Get back! Get into the castle!" he shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos.

The Portal Crushers retreated, their movements disciplined despite the mounting pressure. They made it into the castle, but their respite was short-lived. Sword & Iron and the Shadow Vipers were hot on their heels, The fog swirling around them was like a hungry ghost, as they entered the castle’s ruins.

However, something felt off. Shadow Vipers, who had been at the forefront, suddenly hung back, allowing Sword & Iron to take the lead. As the last three members of Sword & Iron pushed deeper into the castle, the Shadow Vipers made their move. With ruthless efficiency, they surrounded the Sword & Iron players, cutting them down one by one.

"FATALITY! KILL! MEGA KILL!" the announcer shouted as the SFB system registered the carnage. The crowd went wild, their cheers deafening as the fight reached a fever pitch. Mohammed’s plan had backfired spectacularly, and Monica’s double-cross had paid off.

Monica watched from the sidelines, her lips curling into a satisfied smile. *I knew it would work,* she thought, her mind buzzing with excitement. She had played Mohammed like a fiddle, and now she was one step closer to the championship. The thrill of victory coursed through her veins, and she couldn’t wait to see how the rest of the battle would unfold.


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