Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 116

Chapter 108 : Drunkard doesn’t mean wine

The negative energy kills. The dark green poisonous cloud entwined with a strong stench, representing the rot and paralysis of [Ghoul’s Touch]. But what is this deep and terrifying dark red face…?


The ghost bones and claws fell heavily on the surface of the parrot beast, its feathers with extremely high magic resistance. But this time, it was not bounced by the feathers! The horrible crimson bone claws, raw a lot of beautiful brown-red feathers were torn from its body, and the monster was naked on its side.

Expose a large pink muscle surface!

The walking chicken turned his head in pain, the sharp bone claws penetrated deeply into his body, and every sharp fingertip was like a siphon-like sharp mouthpart, sucking his life energy frantically, turning red. Through the illusory crimson tentacles, his blood is continuously transported back to Painhurs’s body!


Suddenly, the monster felt his paws loose and fell on the grass. It fixed its gaze and saw that it was pressed firmly on the surface by itself, and its sharp claws were also deeply pierced into the body. The fixed and sturdy man and horse warlock turned into a cloud of ethereal mist, like a ghost, easily passing through its minions and body. , In the distance, reverted back to the flesh and blood of the entity.

Accompanied by the flashing pink light, abundant arcane energy quickly gushed out of his body, filling and repairing every wound of the six limbs and hundred skeletons!

Super Magic Casting, Shunfa Casting, Vampire Touch, False Life.

“Aren’t you just talking about it? Teacher?” The pale white horse’s eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, gritted his teeth and said. He once again summoned a crimson tentacles, dancing wildly to the distance!

The parrot beast quickly escaped the deadly tentacles that plundered life and blood, but this was just a feint. Pain Hess manipulated the blood-colored ghost hand and grabbed his own two-handed battle axe from behind Herniwell! Rolled back to his side.

“The injury was temporarily healed by arcane magic, and the weapon returned to my hand.” The white white horse rubbed the wooden axe handle, feeling unprecedented stability in his heart, just when he wanted to cut the free-range chicken into meat scraps. The parrot beast was suddenly dismissed back to its original world, a beautiful body wrapped in white fox fur, like a soft feather, gently fell from the sky.

Close your eyes lightly, breathe evenly, do you fall asleep after drinking?

Painhurs was sulking in his heart, and his body ran forward honestly. With his generous hands, he steadily received the drow falling from the sky, and gently hugged her charming body in his arms. . Feel the graceful and seductive body curves of the other party, and the delicate and soft skin touch.

Herniwell seemed to feel uncomfortable being held by someone, gently swaying the bumpy body, rubbing back and forth on the chest of the pale white horse. The beautiful and beautiful sleeping face is like a lovely black cat, and also like a beautiful but deadly blood-stained poppy.

“You will never wake up a person who pretends to be sleeping, Painhurs.” Looking at the regained acting chief, he tried to awaken the elf, the scarlet devil in his arms, flapping his wings and returning from a distance, revealing an ambiguity. Smile.

“Sorry for interrupting your good deeds, buddy, don’t you ask me to be invisible and hide among the Gothic slaves and monitor their loyalty? There is a problem! In the past few days, their faith has been shaken on a large scale, inexplicably Talking about the Roman God of Punishment, I’m still investigating the specific situation, so I’ll let you know before you come here! You guys should be prepared!”

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