Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 122

Chapter 114 : The Chaos of the North

Carlos Port

With the **** sunset slowly sinking into the sea, the dilapidated flag with scales also fell into the red mud. The terrible corpses of countless lizardmen were fragmented and piled up into a mountain of death towering into the clouds.

The sturdy scales they are proud of were smashed by some kind of blunt weapon. Countless crimson trickles flowed down the broken flesh and gurgling out of the recesses, smearing the beautiful beaches like hell.

A nine-foot-high blue werewolf wearing a giant dragon scale armor, standing on the top of the highest corpse mountain, arrogantly overlooking the entire battlefield, victory, the werewolf captured the port city dominated by lizardmen after the battleground was refined. . An elite werewolf wearing chain mail and holding a long-handled battle axe quickly swept the embers of the battlefield, and accompanied by a creepy wolf howl, chopped out a series of shocking blood sprays on the survivors’ heads.

However, after the victory, Horus’ heart was filled with endless anger and fear. Eugene came back with a lot of appalling sad messages: Gavill died heroically, Northern Castle, Iron Peak, Diodosia, all fell under the horseshoes of those nomadic monsters, and the Goths lost their most fertile anointing at the same time. Fields, and the most abundant mineral veins!

At the same time, those **** monsters threatened to continue the war and demanded a lot of gold from themselves!

Compared with this terrible loss, defeating the Corruption Clan by himself and regaining the victory on the west coast is not enough.


Just as Cangqing Wolf King was irritated, suddenly, a slight sound of horseshoes exploded in his ears!

Horseshoe! The speed in the giant wolf state is not lost to ordinary cavalry. The baggage transport troops arrived this morning, where is the sound of horseshoes!

The wolves who also heard the movement suddenly exploded their nests, erecting two furry pointed ears one after another. He cast his sharp gaze to the east vigilantly: a tall and strong black steed. We are approaching here fast!

Horus frowned. The horse’s dim eyes were lifeless. The large pink skin exposed to the outside of the hair has long lost its luster and elasticity, and countless blood has solidified the hideous wounds, which are slowly decomposing, attracting countless flies and mosquitoes along the way, buzzing around him, a huge terror The fissure traversed the entire horse body, exposing the bones to the air.

The most ridiculous thing is that there is still a brown flag hanging on its side, with a blood scab that has long been condensed into black, smeared with a line of universal text: “Letter to the Gothic King.”

A poor animal manipulated by necromantic spells. It seems that the Centaur knew that he had angered the real master of this land, so he dared not come to deliver the letter in person, so he had to manipulate the carcass of an animal and come to do it for him.

Cangqing Wolf King walked forward very cautiously, carefully looking at the undead in front of him. The hideous claws took out a parchment paper roll from the inside of the animal skin on the side of the black horse.

“Skerritt’s newly appointed god, the humble servant of the King of Joy, the true master of the boundless steppe, the pious priest, the hunter of the storm, the whistling feather arrow, the blood-stained spear. The green-skin slayer, the troll Disaster, the real supreme king of the peoples and horses: the holy Huo Ka’an. Pay tribute to the Gothic king.

The fall of the southern cities is the work of the centaurs and rebels. You and I join hands. After victory, you will have the mountains and seashores in the south, and I will have the fertile grasslands in the north. ”

Horus was taken aback for a moment. He had just seen a series of noble titles. He thought the other party was a cunning politician or a hypocritical nobleman. As a result…this guy used half a piece of paper to write his title, and a sentence to clarify all the negotiating matters?

Nouveau riche, greedy for vanity.

Cangqing Wolf King quickly set a series of negative definitions for the unknown Supreme King in his heart. On the surface, it looked like ancient ice, without showing any expression.

“So…Diodosia was shot down by the rebels of the centaur and the party? They actually didn’t dare to provoke us?” Eugene, who survived by chance, carefully expressed his views, for fear that it would arouse the anger of the Wolf King again. .

“How is it possible?” Abaddon, who was covered in darkness, smiled contemptuously. “Obviously, those four-legged monsters split into two factions. The weaker side was swallowed by fear and even sought help from the enemy at any cost.”

“So, are we going to help one of them and retake Diodosiya?”

“Help? Why do you want to help. Let them kill each other and consume their vital power.” Horus sneered, lifted the mace in his hand, and slammed it heavily on the heads of the undead horses, accompanied by a terrifying loud noise. , Rotten flesh and blood, and broken bones splattered everywhere.

“Everyone, quickly go back to Simferopol and fix it! Eugene! You go to Cesonisus, we need more food and supplies! Abaddon! Take all your scouts, go to the east, tell me as soon as possible, Centaur What happened inside!”

“What about you?”

“Me? I went to the Viseurius Fortress. I have to say that those goblins were really shrewd and cunning. They actually used my father’s fortress to collect tolls.” Horus grinned two rows of sharp fangs. , Said with a grin. “Well, it’s time to change my attitude. I will show my benevolence and allow some monster communities to leave the unsurvivable icy Northland, set foot in my warm country, and survive this cold and bone-chilling winter.

——As long as they swear to fight for me, and surrender a sufficient number of people as hostages. ”


The totem flags of the nine clans obscured the dark sky, and the deafening sound of horseshoes shook the entire green pasture! After a long preparation, the eight chiefs united and slaughtered Tolia a fortune. After receiving enough bribes, she was again elected as the highest commander.

The Centaur Council, for the second time, drew an elite army of up to 10,000 people, more than 40,000 horses, and a large amount of bacon, salted fish, bread, and fresh water. As well as bags of bulging feather arrows, they embarked on the journey of the Northern Expedition mightily.

No one knows how many monster communities those greedy goblins sent to Gredingy. Fortunately, the remote south, the northern pastures were almost overwhelmed by the merciless war. The beast and the evil flame orcs under him are like a green natural disaster, destroying and plundering everything within sight. The werewolf tries to wipe out the ogres and maintain a road leading to the fortress of Viseurius. Exit. And the ogres, clutching their hungry fat belly, whizzed and killed the convoy of the Centaur!

Toria sighed. Just a few days after the Jinlu clan left the north, the chaos here unexpectedly became like this! The grass was thirsty for blood and grew stronger and stronger. In just one day, the logistics and transportation troops were robbed three times! three times! Ogre, goblin, cat man… are they not the same monster? !

The nine chiefs held a small meeting again. Christina and Med, lead the Bloodfury and Windhowl clan back to their original path, and are responsible for protecting the transportation of food. After all, the nearby Gothic village has been looted completely. Centaurs can indeed maintain a minimum of life by eating grass-but then, they will fall into a state of fatigue and cannot sustain a high-intensity battle at all.

Fortunately, those livestock that meet the standards of excellent war horses but are used as beasts by horses and horses can eat anywhere without having to carry extra grain and grass supplies-if they lose their fat, they lose their fat, and when they are exhausted, they can be eaten directly as food. Anyway, there are as many horses as you want at home.

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