Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 170

Chapter 162 : Christian (Part 2)

Christian climbed up from the ground humiliatingly, singing magical songs, healing the wounds on his left arm. On the side, Chalaton retracted the sharp spear from the bard’s throat, like a cat and a mouse, playing with the enemy in front of him-even if it was just an illusion, he wanted to see Anna who was already dead. Chief.

“Sparing the enemy’s life in the duel? Are you humiliating me, Chalaton? Very good, good, good!”

The hatred in Christian’s eyes was even greater, and the wooden kite shield in his left hand suddenly burst out with a dazzling light! The smooth and flat surface of the shield is as bright as a thousand suns. It is dazzling and piercing the surrounding audience. They can’t open their eyes, not to mention the **** angry households in the center of the light!

The scorching light, like a thousand steel needles burned by the flames, pierced the hazel eyes of Chalaton at the same time!

Under the cover of the dazzling light, Christian’s two hearts were beating faster and more violently. The delicate bronze skin, like being swept by the hand of death, cracked and scarred scars. The red blood, like boiling molten slurry, surged in her body, and through the terrifying cracks, **** steam was emitted. They flew and rotated, and finally condensed together, and finally turned into a sky. Dark red smoke!

“Oh my God! It’s the chief! It’s the **** rage of the chief, Fangxiu! She deserves to be her sister!” A wild hoofed man who just joined the clan and didn’t know the truth, admiring Christian’s power.

“It’s kind of interesting. After so many years, this dwarf has achieved the same level of fearlessness as her mother and sister?”

“Damn it! This dwarf is still covered by the phantom of Chief Anna, plus the **** fog…looks exactly like the old Chief!” The two **** scouts who grew up with Christian, then Surprised at each other’s growth.

The bard, who was completely swallowed by anger, did not hear the noise around him at all. Like a furious female beast, she rushed to the front of the veteran in an instant. Her right hand was decorated with a gold-embossed warhammer, wrapped in thousands of electric currents, and hit the right shoulder of Chalatong. Bludgeoning, made of steel, is an excellent conductor of Thunder!

Accompanied by a terrifying sound of shattering, a horrible depression appeared on the right shoulder of the **** veteran. The clenched fist instantly relaxed, and the sharp spear fell to the ground. The whole arm was like noodles. It hung softly at his waist.

And the crackling pale electric current ran around along the chain armor on his body, bombarding and irritating the six limbs of Chalaton.

“Two pieces of magic equipment? Where did she get it! The blind shield and the armor-piercing electric warhammer are aimed at Chalaton!” Seeing the situation in front of him took a turn for the worse, a scout roared anxiously.

“No-these two pieces of equipment, not so much for a hundred households, as for all melee units-including our chiefs.” The other, a little old man, looked more thoroughly.


Chalaton is like a wounded old wolf, let out a terrifying roar! After he lost his vision, suffered severe injuries, and was paralyzed by electric shocks all over his body, he resisted the pain and did not retreat. The horseshoe took a big step forward, pulled out the dagger tied to his chest with his left hand, and drew a sharp arc in the air at a speed that the naked eye could not catch!

Go to





The thunder strike just now, if it were an ordinary man, he would definitely be caught off guard, and his throat would be cut by his sharp blade. However, Christian’s body is too small, and the **** veteran who has not recovered his vision can not know her height. The sharp blade, and the chain armor on Christian’s chest, draws a dazzling spark.

Christian, in **** rage, was frightened out of cold sweats. She subconsciously swung the warhammer and hit the opponent’s left arm. The sharp dagger fell out of her hand, skewed and broken. The blood-stained arm bones were accompanied by shocking blood. The waves pierced the flesh and blood of Chalaton and were exposed to the air.

The bard looked up at the tall man and horse, and she lifted her left hand with all her strength. The sturdy shield eaves sturdyly hit the veteran’s lower jaw. With this full blow, he spit blood from the mouth and lifted her front feet off the ground .

Under the blessing of Scarlet Fury, Christian’s power finally reached the passing line of an adult horse.

Hundred households who received a heavy blow to their jaws turned black in front of him and almost fainted. After he regained consciousness and his eyes regained his vision, he saw a vision that made him dream of.

Anna, who was surrounded by blood and mist, seemed to return to the clan from the picture scroll. The heavy hammer head gently touched her left shoulder, demanding her loyalty.

Suddenly, the scroll in front of him was distorted, and the tall and handsome mare in front of him disappeared. Instead, it was a petite and exquisite dwarf who hadn’t reached his chest. However, on her bronze face, the pair was depressed. The eyes with endless hatred and anger are exactly the same as her mother.


Glory of Skerrit·Bloodfury Camp

“Chief! Chief! It’s not good!”

A **** scout stumbled through the camp door and rushed to Christina and Pain Hess. His breathing was disordered, his soft coat was thoroughly wet with dripping sweat.

“What happened? So anxious? The green scale evil dragon rushed out of the forest? Toria is about to start a civil war? Or is there a group of monsters wandering in the grassland that attacked our pastures and fields?”

The pale white horse raised the halberd with cold light in his hand—the hammer-dropping craftsmen began to build this complex weapon that also served as a spear, axe, and a hammer. In his hand, it was Kaor Baihu, the first exquisite weapon forged.

“No… No, neither, Christian, Christian is back! And he is dueling Chalaton near the South Gate, robbing him of a hundred positions!”

“What! Is she crazy!” Painhurs’ eyes widened in surprise. The veteran’s experience and skills were exaggerated to a degree of horror! As soon as he established the household registration system, he has defeated countless strong people in succession, and he can definitely rank among the top three among twelve hundred households.


While the white horse was still surprised, Christina had already knocked over the wooden table full of documents, rushed out of the white camp, and turned into a terrifying storm inside the castle! In an instant, he rushed out of the fortified castle, anxiously searching for his twin sister.

“Near the south gate, near the south gate, Christian! Where are you! Damn! I knew I would bring that scout here!”

The Bloodwrath Chief looked around anxiously. Suddenly, a weird picture came into her eyes: a large group of people and horses surrounded by dwarf rivers, and thunderous applause and applause erupted from it!

“A bunch of bastards! How many times have I said it! As long as I live one day, you are not allowed to laugh at Christian!!!”

Christina, wearing a Chimera armor, is like an angry female, running madly forward. The old **** Chalaton will definitely humiliate her twin sister in a duel in front of everyone!

Just thinking of the scene made Rouge Lima’s eyes congested, and his entire body was trembling slightly because of anger!

“Chalaton! Stop me! Do you want to fight so much? Come on! I’ll fight with you! I swear I will shed the last drop of blood in your body-Huh???”

The **** chief, who pushed aside the crowd and rushed to the center of the crowd, made an incredible sound-his sister, although a little embarrassed, stood proudly among the crowd, accepting the cheers and praise of the crowd, and was scarred. The **** angry veteran, instead, knelt under Christian’s hoof, willing to exchange his eternal loyalty for his life.

Christian won? She defeated a veteran that even herself finds tricky?

“Where have you been these days! Are you injured? Why don’t you tell me!”

Rouge Liema rushed to her sister’s side anxiously, and hugged her sister. The sound of blame was mixed with a little scared cry. He hugged the bard in front of him tightly with his arms, as if afraid that she would leave her side again.

“Ann, I’m fine…sister.”

The dark, delicate hands of the bard gently wrapped around Christina’s waist. Enjoying the long-lost hug.

Pain Hess followed the Bloodwrath Chief and came to the scene of the incident. Christina was indulged in the joy of the sisters’ reunion, and found nothing unusual, but—Christian’s “sister”.

It does not come from the family love that blood is thicker than water, but a kind of lofty…arrogance.

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