Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 181

Chapter 173 : The first battle of the dead

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Gulvia went dark before her eyes and instantly lost her consciousness, and the sound of war roar in her ears turned into a silent void.

I don’t know how long it took, the sound of steel clashing from table tennis, the rasping black roar like a beast, and the extremely angry and fearless roar of the same robe of the golden shoe filled her ears again. The leader of the Forbidden Army regained consciousness, panting heavily, his six limbs and hundreds of skeletons were covered with cold sweat.

The short-term heart stopped, causing herself to be thrown to the ground by the damned black soldier, weighing a ton of terrifying weight, and she couldn’t move.

“Protect the leader!”

The other golden masks, who were heavily armed and fighting against the black venom, uttered an angry roar. Under the cover of their robes, they barely pulled out some of their hands, rushing in the direction of Gulvia, while shooting sharp ones. Yuya.

The black-leaf soldier hurriedly picked up the leader of the imperial army, and because he was unconscious, he dropped the kite shield beside him. Blocking the incoming sharp arrow, by the way, with the lower end of the shield, the slender, sharp shield eaves, along the eye hole of the golden mask, slammed into Gulvia’s right pupil fiercely.


Logan spit out a large pool of dripping blood at the corpse of the imperial army. Gulvia’s preemptive spear thrust at least smashed two ribs. He had just endured the piercing pain completely. With fearless fury, he reluctantly killed the enemy.

At this moment, the fearless rage gradually subsided, and the extremely exhausted feeling of weakness swept through his body like a sea tide. His arms were as heavy as lead-filled, and he could no longer raise the shield in his hand. Seeing the six golden masks roaring, he didn’t even have the strength to get up.

“Forget it…Killing the opponent’s leader is enough.”

Logan sighed, closed his eyes in relief, and accepted his death happily-but several gusts of wind, mixed with the roar of beasts, whizzed past his ears!

“Yeah! The little guy is promising and killed Gulvia alone!”

“Can’t your kid call someone to charge together? Look at your embarrassed appearance! We will help you guard and heal yourself quickly!”

The reinforcements of the black roe arrived at the battlefield at the same time as the guards of the golden shoes! Surrounded by the two, a fierce battle broke out again. Logan smiled bitterly and sang a sacred prayer, healing the terrible wound on his chest.

One ring of healing magic cannot restore bone and internal organ wounds, but it is still possible to sew up the fleshy skin on the chest to stop the flow of blood.

“It’s a pity, such a beautiful girl.”

After the treatment, Logan stripped off Gulvia’s golden mask. Looking at the opponent’s gradually cold and beautiful face, he slapped his tongue regretfully, drew out a spare hatchet with his left hand, skillfully chopped off the opponent’s head, and pierced it on the tip of a spear.

“Your leader is killed by Lao Tzu! All of you will be like her, dead worthless!” Logan roared with all his strength, his arrogant voice hovering over the battlefield, unable to dissipate for a long time.

At the same time, the black gendarme raised the spear in his hand so that all the enemies could see Gulvia’s tragic death, the red blood, gurgling down the brown wooden pole, pouring it down. His rough face with a smirk was lost.



On the other side of the battlefield, Sandra’s Stormpike clan was attacked back and forth. A thousand people. At the same time, facing Painhurs’ anger, and fighting with the air and land of the Evil Flame clan, it was a little stretched.

In desperation, all the druids turned into vigorous eagles, cooperating with themselves and some of the predators’ eagle partners, to face the fangs and claws of the flying dragon and try to delay their offensive. More than five hundred soldiers, also under the orders of the three Thunder Spears, quickly restored their neat formation. While pulling away the longbows in their hands, they launched a countermeasure against the roaring Skug Cavalry. charge.

In an instant, the sharp feathers, like a swarm of locusts, were like endless raindrops, pouring on the bodies of both sides, splashing thousands of waves of scarlet blood. After the two sides shot the three arrows, they took back the length of their hands. The bow, erect a slender spear and a spear, like two fast-moving trains, slammed together!

“The rest, follow me! Back to the back of these orcs!”

Sandra took the remaining warriors along the slender and neat queue of Thunder Spear, desperately running eastward, trying to bypass the front battlefield on the right, but they finally came to the edge of the battlefield, one with only a skeleton left. The skull monster also showed its hideous and terrifying body from behind the green-skinned army. After a brief consternation, he immediately turned into a pale white wind, and rushed to the chief of Stormpike!

“Be careful, chief!”

A guard with quick eyes and fast hands, holding a shield high, and blocking Sandra’s face, but the skeleton Chimera’s speed is unabated. The goat head on its left side is slightly drooping. With the help of impact, the sharp horns and strong forehead are directly in front of Sandra. The wooden shield that pierced and smashed the skin, the horns sank deeply into the guard’s right chest!


The six groups of blue flames burning in the eye sockets of the dead became more and more terrifying. Two horrifying front paws of the skeletons were on the waist and abdomen of the horse. The black dragon head on the right side bit the opponent’s left shoulder with one bite. The sharp canine teeth pierced into the opponent’s flesh and blood. Using two front paws, and the skulls on both sides, firmly fixed the opponent’s body.

The skeletal lion head in the center aimed at the guard’s neck. The terrifying bite force combined with the deadly fangs has improved in quality. One bite down, directly chewed the other’s cervical spine! The blood splashed into the high sky like a fountain!


“Painhurs! What happened inside you guys? Actually you join forces with the orcs? Our contract is not counted! Say it in advance, Panticapone doesn’t have enough time and energy to get involved in you. dispute!”

The archmage of the high elves: Ogilvyin Chaoge, riding on a tall steed, following Painhurs and Herniwell, along the back of the orc cavalry, running madly to the east. Trying to circumvent the frontal battlefield and outflank Thunder Spear’s back.

At first, he saw the golden shoe and the orcs teaming up to surround himself. This old mage was so frightened that he even thought that the horses and the orcs were playing together, preparing to attack Panticapone, and almost launched a teleportation. The door escaped. Later, it was discovered that the opponent was in a civil war, and he let out a sigh of relief.

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