Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 32

Chapter 25 : 30th Urpius Victory Army

Hundreds of goblins who had returned from fleeing had already lost all their will to fight. Even if there are only thirty-two tall men and horses standing at your door, there is no one in the mighty sea of ​​goblins who dare to attack them! Under the precise and deadly arrow rain from Pain Hess and others, the cowardly goblins let out a cry of pity one after another, dropped dozens of blood-stained corpses, and fled into the distance in a panic. At this moment, they just want to stay away from those horrible monsters that are half-man, half-horse, the better!

Dozens of bear goblins, panting for breath, escaped from the camp of Bloodfury all the way back to their nest. After seeing the figures of horses and horses near the camp, they couldn’t help but let out a mournful wailing, turned around and fled to the camps of other goblin clan-split from the kingdom After that, this grassland still occupies several goblin clans. Perhaps those chiefs wouldn’t want to be timid and weak goblins, but the strong and cunning bear goblins, no matter where they go, they are all sought-after. They behave a little bit well, maybe they can be directly mixed into the position of chief guard! There is no need to hang on the tree like Manclaw!

The tree fell and scattered, but so.

“Kill all! Grab all! Burn all!!!” the predators roared excitedly. Some of their eagle partners hovered above the cold sky, monitoring the movement nearby. Some flew back to the camp and reported their location to the tribe, so that they could bring more manpower and more horses, and move the treasures stored by the entire clan back to their igloos as trophies.

“Robbery? This is a new experience.” The thought of these goblin stabbings. He even killed a dozen of his own companions. Painhurs’ resistance to this kind of violation of law and discipline disappeared in an instant. Following the appearance of a predator, he kicked the bony sloping roof above the crypt with one hoof, and the foul smell accumulated in the cave immediately rose from the ground, stimulating the fragile nasal cavity of the pale white horse.

Pain Hess held his nose and looked down in disgust: I saw eight or nine “mats” made of animal skins densely packed the entire short and shallow crypt. He knelt down on his two front hooves, grabbed a bed of animal skins with his empty left hand, and shook violently. He actually threw out two white ribs that were not known to be humans, beasts, or monsters.

Well, the second bed of animal skins also shook out a Roman Suders gold coin.

“You are sick, what good things can be hidden in the dirty crypts where the goblins sleep?” Seeing the peculiar and serious attitude of the pale white horse, Christian silently covered his beautiful and exotic face. . “Hurry up and put a rope around the necks of those livestock, pull the sheep back and raise them, pigs…why goblins can raise pigs, take them back and slaughter them for meat.”

“No, no, you are wrong.” Kuronia grinned happily while looting the goblin’s lair, and said greedily. “Dig three feet in the ground! Open all the wooden boxes, skins, and leave no grain of wheat! This is the fun of searching. Huh? There is also a rough silver coin with the head of an orc hidden in this crypt. It looks like an antique from the era of the Parthian Empire.”

“…Whatever you want, I’ll go and see if there are any good things in the dirt fortress built by the bear goblins.” Christian rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction. Live the nomadic blood flowing inside the body. Tilting his head, the petite and low-tempered curvaceous body, went straight into the simple door for the bear goblins to enter and exit, and carefully observed the furnishings in the house.

“Chain armor? Wow, a lot of holes. Long sword? This thing was forged by a blacksmith when he was drunk. Black clay, hexagonal transparent crystals, hair wrapped in a jelly… Wait, aren’t these things the dirt, mica, and gel in the ghoul’s lair? They are all spell-casting materials! Could it be that the bear goblin has produced a wizard?!”

“Woo! Woo! Woo!”

Suddenly, a rush of whimpering sound, accompanied by the crisp sound of the flesh hitting the wooden plank, suddenly exploded from Christian’s side, and the frightened black mare let out an exclamation, the slender and elegant black four-hooves slammed hard. , The whole body was like an arrow from the string, quickly bounced off the ground, his head slammed against the mud wall wrapped with wooden piles, making a crisp sound.

“What’s wrong! Is there a bear goblin in the room?!”

Hearing the exclamation of the tribe, Painhurs and Curonia, like two terrifying storms, rushed to the front of the fortress almost at the same time, pulling away the longbow in their hands nervously.

“No.” The bard said with a grin, clutching his aching head. “Look at that wooden box! Something is moving inside!”

“Girls are just timid, what terrible things can be packed in such a small wooden box?” Painhurs bent his four hooves amusedly, and barely squeezed into the simple door that the bear goblin and Christian could easily enter and exit. Curiously opened the top cover of the wooden box. I saw that there was a clear stream with a thin layer of ice in it, and there was a frail drow that was **** with a hemp rope and was thrown in the center? !

The long silver hair reaching to the ankles half-hidden a slender and dark body. The soft black skin adhered to a thin cloth that had been wetted by cold water and was almost transparent. Exposed her curvaceous and graceful figure. The soft arms and a pair of slender and round thighs were **** by countless ropes, and they were thrown into the water tank with a thin layer of ice!

This terrifying treatment can make the drenched elf girl tremble with cold. On the brown face, a pair of long pointed ears were flushed with the horrible low temperature, and the lower half of the face was covered with animal skins tightly, unable to speak, so I had to blink a pair.

Poor purple eyes, pleadingly looking at the horses and horses in front of them

“Yeah, these bear goblins are good at playing, and they caught a drow as a pet.” Kuronia slowly retracted the bowstring in his hand and tore the beast tied to the mouth of the elf. Skin, revealing her stiff lips that were frozen purple. “What’s your name, what happened?”

“I, my name is Leah, please… please help me! Our caravan was ambushed by bear goblins. Everyone was eaten by bear goblins for dinner one by one, and they will eat tonight. I am! Please help me!”

“Okay, I’m here to save you.” Kuronia snorted, and distressedly pulled out the knife from his waist, trying to cut the rope on the opponent’s body. The powerful predator leader never tortures the enemy, at best he hangs it. According to his words: Only things as weak and poor as goblins can torture the captives, listening to their miserable howls, pretending that they are extremely powerful, and can even dominate the fate of others-it is really ridiculous.

“Oh my God, this dark elf said something casually, you actually believe it? I really convinced you these simple-minded and well-developed predators.” Christian stopped in front of Curonia with a sneer. “Look carefully, the dark circles on her cheeks are so obvious! The clothes on her body were wet, and the water in the wooden box even formed a thin layer of ice: Obviously, the group of bear goblins turned towards her day and night. Splashing water, afraid that she will sleep well to restore the spell slots that have been consumed. Combined with the spelling materials I found-the poor [weak and weak woman] in front of you, but a bear goblin that can make hundreds of bear goblins feel terrified. The mage or warlock!”

“What! She is a spellcaster!” Kuronia took a step on his hind legs in shock, and subconsciously retracted his hands. The power of the caster is never related to their size: the best example is Christian in front of them. Although she is a petite dwarf, she controls all sorts of weird tunes and becomes the indispensable second-in-command of the clan.

“Listen! Spellcaster! Answer my question honestly! If you dare to confide a lie or spell in your mouth, I will definitely sew your mouth with needles and threads forever!” said the bard. On one side, he took out the emerald green clarinet on guard. Watching the drow warily. “I will ask you again, who are you!”

“I…My name is Herniwell. I am from Egypt. I am a warlock. After awakening my spellcasting ability, I was drafted into the army by the Romans. I am now serving in the 30th Ulpius Victory Army of the Eastern Roman Empire . Is a warlock of the Arcane Squadron. He was captured by the bear goblin in a reconnaissance mission! I can only say so much.” The drow from the port of Alexandria, already exhausted under the torment of the bear goblin, is at this moment. , I just want to leave this cold and horrible water **** soon. She pursed her icy lips, which were frozen into purple, and simply recruited everything from the truth. “If you let me go, I will use gold as heavy as my body to repay you for your kindness today!”

“Eastern Roman Empire!” Painhurs’ heart shook. Augustus of the Roman Empire: After the death of Theodosius in 395 AD, he split the huge Roman Empire into East and West parts. They were given to their two children respectively.

The older brother Arcadius acquired a whole of fertile crescents in Greece, Asia Minor, the eastern side of the Mediterranean, and Egypt and Libya in North Africa. Form the Eastern Roman Empire.

The younger brother Honoriu gained a large number of territories in Italy, Gaul, Britannia, Iberia, Carthage, Pannonia, and southern Germania. Become the Western Roman Empire. It seems that my previous guess about time travel was very accurate.

“I’m very curious. The Eastern Roman Empire is tens of thousands of miles away.” Painhurs slowly walked to the trembling face of the elf girl and asked suspiciously. “Why did you get here? Why did those bear goblins raise you? After all, they can’t even feed themselves with the remaining food, and there is no trace of infringement on you.”

“If you answer your first question, my entire family will be wanted by the empire. As for the second question, their chief is a warlock who has awakened the blood of the black dragon. You should have seen it. It is a long right arm. Bear goblin with dragon scales and giant claws, “Henivale rattled his teeth from the freezing cold because of the bone-chilling cold. Egypt and Thrace have never been cold like this! “In order to protect myself, I promised to teach him about magic, so I have lived to this day.”

After listening to the other party’s defense, the three horses looked at each other for a while, and showed an evil smile one after another. Isn’t Painhurs missing a magic teacher! It’s really sleepy to send pillows! Now, the clan finally has one more spellcaster.

“How about a suggestion, Painhurs? You don’t have any spoils this time, but the elf in front of you is at your disposal! From today onwards, she will be your slave. You can do whatever you want with her. What are you doing?” Christian changed into Muzu language specifically, and said with a smirk.

“I understand Muzu language! What do you want to do! Half-man and half-horse monster! I am the 30th legion of Eastern Rome: powerful warlock of Urpius! Proud and proud citizen of the empire! Not a slave to you monsters !” Herniwell shook her curvaceous body **** by the big five flowers in despair. Desperately roared. I didn’t expect that I had just left the bear’s mouth and entered the horse nest again!

“Deal.” Painhurs and Christian high-five. Then he turned his head and tried to squeeze a kind smile on his handsome face. “Hey, I won’t take you as a slave. Actually… I am also a warlock who can’t control my own power. In this way, I can save you without charging you any money! But

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