Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 480

Chapter 474 :Zhulian Nine Races

In an instant, spears and arrows rained over the sky, directly cutting off the forwards of the ogre army. One hundred ogres were killed on the spot, and the whole body was densely packed with tribal flying weapons, red blood, mixed with stickiness. Thick grease gurgled out of hundreds of holes.

The remaining ogres are all wounded. Even if their fat flesh and blood can be as defensively as chain mail, they are still somewhat powerless in the face of these tens of thousands of projectile weapons, even if they are twenty. Among the roaring spears, there was only one that could hit their bodies, and with the huge base of goblins, it was also an extremely terrifying damage number.

“Retreat, retreat!!!”

The ogres who attacked from this direction were directly beaten and blindfolded. Before they could react, there were two waves of spears and arrows that covered the sky and the sun, sending out a terrifying and terrifying howling in the air! The vanguard dropped two or three hundred fat corpses and ran back with thick short legs.

The first round of tentative attacks failed completely.

Skarsnick quickly dispatched some cannon fodder to pick up the thrown spears and arrows. They also had a new understanding of the roughness of the enemy’s skin—many ogres were densely packed. Hundreds of throwing spears were not dead, they were just lying on the ground dying, and they had to go out to pick up the cannon fodder of ammunition and cut their throats by the way. Moreover, in four volleys, tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition killed more than 300 ogres, which was too inefficient.

And here, the Kingdom of Gedder is also discussing new countermeasures: They compiled the slaves composed of human barbarians and alien monsters into vanguard forces, and carried out the first round of attacks to consume and defraud the opponent’s ammunition. The elite ogre troops carried some thick wooden boards and marched behind them.

A few hours later, the ogre roared and launched an attack from three directions. It was an army of slaves composed of humans, goblins, lizardmen, and even more warlords of the Transcarpathian mountains, which could not be named. , Accompanied by a miserable wailing, rushed to the barrier of the goblin, and the tribe’s army also used the color, like a locust plague-like dense javelin arrows, whistling and smashing on the slaves, splashing blood in the sky.

Finally, the ogre army trampled on the corpses of the slaves and successfully rushed to the edge of the car fort. The ogres in the first row saw the sharp horses. After the stakes, they wanted to stop, but the charge brought about Inertia made them unable to stop in time, and the compatriots roaring and rushing behind them pushed them and slammed their heads against the sharp wooden thorns.

In an instant, dozens of sharpened wooden stakes and spears plunged into their fat belly, mixing the broken internal organs and large intestine, blood and grease, accompanied by painful wailing all over the floor. Yes, almost all the ogres rushing in the first row lost their fighting ability in the severe pain.

The ogres in the second row trampled on the fat and bloated corpses of their compatriots, looking down at the inside of the car fort, and the goblins who kept throwing javelins. The height of the car fort was only two meters, and the huge ogres were all as high as two meters. Three meters!

Their sturdy arms stretched directly into the car, catching thin goblins like a mouse, and with their five fingers, they pinched them alive in their palms. Some goblins were scared before they were pinched to death. Foamed at the mouth and fainted. The blood of death, mixed with the urine of fear, gurgled down the fat fingers of the ogre.

The other ogres roared and smashed the giant wooden stick in their hands, and slammed them on the wooden car barrier, accompanied by a loud noise, the broken limbs of the goblin, and the blood-stained wood chips. Sprinkle in all directions.

“Set fire to those ogres! What are you doing!”

Skarsnick let out an angry scream, his eyes burst out with terrifying psychic lights, his small dark green hand was fierce, and the chaotic psychic energy in his head quickly turned into five flaming missiles, screaming and hitting them. On the faces of five ogres, the terrifying psychic flames burned their hair almost instantly, and the deadly high temperature dissolved the face and flesh of the giant monsters, and soon, it was in rude misery. In the cry, they burned their heads, leaving only the scorched skulls.

The Warlord Transcarpathian looked at his hand incredibly. Since the Battle of Trabzonspor, the power of himself and all the psionicists of the tribe has been qualitatively improved, and the number of psionicists has also been greatly increased. At most, their own energy missiles usually burned their faces out of blisters. Now, they have actually reached the point of burning flesh and blood and melting their brains. What happened?

The Teflins let out an angry low growl, and the endless rain of majestic arrows roared and smashed on the bodies of the three-meter behemoths, but their skin was still fat, which was too thick.

A General Teflin saw it with his own eyes. The face of an ogre was densely packed with dozens of sharp arrows. As a result, the opponent took a blunt knife and struck his face vigorously. Dozens of broken arrow shafts followed him. The tip of his nose fell to the ground accompanied by blood raindrops.

But the monster screamed excitedly like a okay person. After the feathers without the tail of the arrow obstructed his vision, he rotated the blunt knife in his hand as if it were cutting melons and vegetables, and continued to slaughter the goblin in front of him.

“Kindness! Kindness!”

“Let’s surrender!”

“Slave! Slave!”

After realizing that they were in a disadvantaged position, together with the cruel bloodthirsty, the cowardly and fateful engraved in the goblin’s bones, they raised their heads again. Many goblins directly threw away the spear thrower in their hands, knelt in front of the ogre, pouted and shivered.

Skarsnick found sadly that these goblins under his men really could only fight tailwinds. Once the situation was wrong, they wanted to escape. No matter how large the number was, it was useless. Some ogres have broken through the wooden car fort and rushed into the city.

The goblin warlord once again showed psychic powers, but this time, five ice missiles entwined with thousands of hoarfrost fragments hit the surrendered goblins, and directly froze them into a seat covered with hoarfrost. An ogre kicked his foot curiously, and the frozen sculpture instantly shattered into hundreds of pieces of flesh and blood.

“No surrender! Get up! Fight for the Horde!”

Skarsnick hissed and screamed. At this moment, the hobgoblin clan, which is stronger and more reliable than the goblins, also came to support from all directions under the command of the warlord.

“Listen! The soldiers surrendered, your family, and the ten heads of households who ran you were all punished as deserters!

Ten heads of households surrendered, and ten soldiers under his command were as guilty as the heads of one hundred who managed you!

The heads of one hundred households surrendered, and one hundred soldiers under his command took the responsibility together with the heads of thousands of households!

If the head of a thousand households descends, all the next thousand soldiers in his command will be put to death, and the chiefs of ten thousand households who care about him will not want to continue to do it, and choose the heir as soon as possible!

If Chief Wanhu dares to surrender, then all of your clan will be designated as traitors! Your names will be erased, totems will be burned, all clansmen will be killed, none will be left! ! ! ”

Hearing the death scream of the warlord, all the goblin generals shuddered. Ten heads and one hundred heads of households spontaneously executed their soldiers who dared to throw their weapons, surrender or escape, and the soldiers also spontaneously killed them. The upper-ranking officer kneeling on the ground was afraid that his life would be lost because of this coward.

The chaotic scene stunned the ogres, and these goblins actually killed each other?

However, after the initial chaos, all goblin generals and soldiers thought of their own lives and future, and killed all the weak traitors by thunder means. Others also found sadly that the underlying logic of their surrender was not just to survive? Now it seems that surrendering is faster? ? ?

Let’s work hard, at least the tribe, never hesitated to reward meritorious warriors.

At the same time, Skasnik’s hobgoblin guards also rushed to the front line of the battlefield. They learned from the Romans and formed a strong shield wall, resisting the impact of the ogres, with a short spear from the shield. Stabbed out of the gap, killing the monster’s flesh and blood, and the battlefield once again fell into a stalemate.

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