Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 488

Chapter 482 : Self-destructing the Great Wall

The warchief squeezed the face of the fairy loli, that exquisite face, without any change in expression, the whole person was like a fine silver object, without a trace of emotion.

“I suddenly have a question. I can control this unconscious puppet effortlessly. Other people are also okay? I take this thing to the battlefield and I risk being betrayed?”

“Yes, so I said there is no chance of winning against a group of undead kings with undead puppets.”

Serana nodded. Said helplessly.

“However, this silver dragon has an amazingly high spell resistance. Only a legend like you can use magic to penetrate her dragon scale skin. Most wizards can’t penetrate her silver scale.”


The warchief frowned. A spellcaster who was weaker than himself could defeat him without using the silver dragon. If it was a dragon of Peturabo’s level, he would not dare to play.

I was able to repel the Lord of Steel last time only because of the assistance of the legendary psionicist, Bleda, and the other side only remembered a time stop that day, and saw that I paused twice in a row, and I still had enough energy to stop, directly. I chose to retreat.

Even if he repelled the war commander of the Eastern Roman Empire, he still couldn’t hurt him.

After thinking about it for a long time, the warchief decided to give the necromancer a mind, and chanted a terrifying necromantic spell. He manipulated the power of chaos, and was extremely effective in magical spells, and even shredded his soul. A small part blended into it, pale palms, gently grabbing the opponent’s forehead, slowly transferring energy. Infused into the body of the silver-haired loli in front of her.

With the passage of time, the other party’s ice-covered face was like nine cold winters, slightly melted, and a pair of extremely colorful and bright eyes slowly gained spirituality, and began to wonder.

Undead enlightenment.

“What’s this?”

Painhurs stretched out a finger and shook it in front of the opponent. The immature elf blinked his eyes puzzledly, looked at his little hand in confusion, and followed the strange man and horse in front of him. Fingers.


The warchief frowned, and the other party did the same, and his mouth grew up obediently, and he made a loud noise.

“So, this undead enlightenment technique is purely to give intelligence, but the brain is still pure and white? The battle still relies on muscle memory?”

“Yes, you have to teach her knowledge slowly. It will take some time for my plan to be implemented. This time, I just concluded a contract with you. When the time is right, I will naturally appear again.”

Serrana gracefully performed a noble courtesy of the Roman Empire, quietly dissipating like a shadow. The side had just opened his mind and left the Taikoo Silver Dragon who didn’t understand anything.

“Yes, I’m busy all day long, and I have to raise a daughter.”

The warchief gave a wry smile. Although it looked like an elf loli, it was an ancient dragon after being restored to its original form! It is still his own undead servant, how can he rest assured that he will be raised by others.


Just as the tribes were fighting their horses in Dacia, on the other side of the Danube, an event that shocked the world happened: the warlord of the Western Roman Empire: Stiriko, who was half of the Vandals, was taken by the 19th Senate. His final advice was transferred back to Ravenna, and on the same day, Augustus was beheaded to the public on an unreasonable charge.

And this series of absurd things is only because of the entire empire’s collapse, and the nobles are not willing to let a mixed-blood as the commander of the war. They were frightened and jealous of Stirico’s great achievements, and they slandered the pillars of the empire in front of Augustus all day long, and personally demolished the Great Wall that defended the empire.

The entire Western Empire was shaken by this capital punishment. One of the largest military forces in the Western Empire immediately rioted. The united army composed of Romans, Vandals, and Alan orcs was instantly torn apart. .

The people Augustus sent to take over the legion were cut off by the angry barbarians. The Vandals formed an alliance with the green-skinned orcs and jointly defeated the small number of Roman soldiers. They piled their heads into **** Jingguan, sent the empire to send the heads of the new commander, and hanged them on the eagle flag of the old commander, declaring his betrayal.

The most brave and eloquent soldiers of the entire empire were unwilling to sacrifice their lives for the empire. They cried and cried for the former commander. In the name of Stirico, they moved towards Ravenna, towards Milan, towards Rome, and launched. The war of revenge.

The barbarians wearing the imperial armor destroyed the line of defense, allowing the Germanic tribes in the north to swarm in like a wave of a dyke, burning, killing and looting in their former jurisdiction.

They roared and marched towards Italy, the army is mighty and can’t see the end at a glance, the red-painted orc pioneer is already in the foothills of the Alps, sending out a creepy WAAAGH.

The Visigoths living in Pannonia were surprised to find that the entire Dalmatian military power was gone, and the defense line was empty. Stiriko, who had defeated them several times, and their most feared military power, unexpectedly At the same time disappeared into the world.

Large tracts of fertile land and rich cities were exposed without defense before his fangs and claws.

A dark idea began to brew in the mind of the barbarian king Alaric…

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