Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 493

Chapter 487 : Shadow Claw

Pain Hess rode on Ning’s back, passing over the road of death, the cold storm even tore the flesh and blood of the corpses along the road.

Before long, a tall Roman-style fortress was exposed in front of Painhus. Every inch of the wall and every tower of the castle were densely covered with blood-stained human skin and gloomy bones. All kinds of evil and evil things create extremely terrifying here.


Condensed the dragon wings, four huge dragon claws stomped heavily on the blood-stained ground, splashed with dust in the sky, and the inertia of high-speed flying made her sprint forward for a long distance, leaving four on the ground. Deep gully.

Unlike ghouls, when he showed his strength in front of these undead creatures, no vampire on the wall dared to compete with him. Those vampires decorated with skeletons, human skins, and even lightning patterns on the armor did not hesitate. Turned into a pitch-black bat, flew to the inner castle in a panic.

Pain Hess frowned slightly, and randomly figured out all this: The ghouls under San Giles may be used to competing with their kings. In this “honor” contest, even if they lose. There will be no consequences.

So those weak evil spirits even dared to throw their gloves on themselves, and the sword wanted to.

However, the vampires here, if they dare to challenge their vampire king, they will probably be torn to pieces in the next second: a long and thin ghost wearing a midnight armor, quietly emerging in its own shadow, scarlet His claws pierced his heart with precision.

As soon as the midnight wandering soul emerged from the shadows, it was a lore. However, the world around him suddenly dropped frames for a moment. When his claws penetrated the two hearts of the centaur, the pale centaur disappeared in an instant. In situ.

In the world where time stopped, the warchief looked at the vampire king who was frozen in place: He was slender and thin, like a bloodthirsty evil spirit, his skin was as pale as ice and snow, but his hair was as dark as midnight.

The midnight wandering spirit quickly locked on the disappearing white horse, but to his surprise, the guy’s appearance changed drastically in an instant, and the whole person more than doubled. Four slender and strong horse hooves burned with four-colored magic fire. The whole person was covered with a chaotic tulle, and the whole person seemed to exude a terrifying aura, like a heavy sea, pressing on the heart of the vampire king.

“Time stopped?”

The pupils of the midnight wandering soul shrank suddenly to the size of a needle, and three or four magic arts were recognized on the opponent in an instant. No one can perform several magic arts in a flash, unless… he stopped time.

The Vampire King disappeared without hesitation in a group of dead shadows, the calm shadow, like a boiling black pool, set off waves of ripples.

Before the warchief could react, the thin ghost figure crawled out of the shadow within the horse’s four hooves when it disappeared. The scarlet claw tip touched the soft belly of the white horse, making him creepy.

Two attacks, one attacking the heart, one opening his stomach, and within a few seconds, the terrifying ghost image threatened the warchief’s life twice in a row.

The pale warlock quickly moved the time ahead. Pulling back to the present time, the huge body, in an instant, turned into a vague wind, rushed to the high sky, looked down, and sure enough, after the elongated ghost disappeared in the shadow, it moved away from itself. Appeared in the shadow under the abdomen.

He, wearing a pair of peculiar fists and daggers, stretched out two serrated blood-stained blades from the glove guard, looking from a distance, it seemed to be four serrated claws.

The opponent’s speed is amazing, a pair of scarlet claws, glowing with the eerie light of death, and even has the ability to walk through the shadows, and this immortal place without sunlight all day-all shadows.

A strong enemy.


Ning let out a thunderous roar, three slender and graceful dragon necks awkwardly biting at the blood-sucking evil spirits, but they were lightly avoided by the opponent. Instead, relying on the opponent’s charging momentum, dexterously avoided the silver dragon’s fangs. The claws were attached to the side of the dragon’s neck, and a pair of scarlet claws erupted in the dark with terrifying electric light.

The four jagged lightning claws were wrapped around countless golden thunder snakes, and almost instantly, on the silver dragon scales, twenty-four **** scars were torn out.

Clumsy Ning, let out a pitiful wailing, the blood-sucking ghost king succeeded, and it was like a tarsal maggot, clinging to the huge body of the Primordial Silver Dragon.

His hands were as fast as shadows, tearing and scratching again and again, splitting pieces of silver dragon scales, tearing pieces of stiff flesh and blood!

“Don’t be so stupid! Raise the flying height! Stay away from me! Don’t let the shadow of the other person fall over the other person!”

The warchief, who had recovered from the sequelae of the rapid outbreak, immediately gave himself stupidly condensed instructions.

After the silver dragon climbed up to the sky, the two slender necks, as graceful as swans, were already blurred by the sharp claws of the lightning.

One person and one dragon flew above the dim sky, staring solemnly at the vampire king standing in a group of shadows. The strength of this guy was not inferior to the commander of the empire.

“I’m not here this time to provoke a war, King of Vampires.”

The warchief opened his hands to show his sincerity.

“I have a proposal, listen to it, and decide whether to do it, how?”


In Selana’s plan, she must provoke a battle between two undead kings, and then stand on the side of the ghoul king San Giles, relying on the advantage of two against one, to kill this one called Conrad Koz The Vampire King.

Immediately afterwards, Serrana will take her army and request to join forces with the blood angel, and the three legends will jointly kill the hidden lich.

Finally, when this immortal place is left with only Painhus, Serrana, and San Giles, the queen will show her last fangs and kill the Ghoul King with a two-on-one advantage. .

Serana, as the undead king, will command all the undead army here and declare loyalty to the tribe.

At first, Painhurs thought this plan was good, but as his understanding of the undead became deeper, he felt that the Vampire Queen’s plan was unreliable.

In Baal, there are about 10,000 ghouls, and those skeletons that do not have any food consumption and do not need any living space are 90,000.

If the strength of the four undead kings is equal, then once Serana is allowed to unify the immortal land, her power will even be higher than that of Centaur!

It is impossible for Painhurs to allow this to happen, not to mention the terrifying characteristics of these undead troops: they will not feel fear, nor will their morale collapse.

The ten clan people, although not the most numerous race in the tribe, they are the most powerful race. Following closely behind were the Eastern Goths and the green-skinned orcs.

The supreme king of the Eastern Goths was trapped by the magical spells of the dead, and the horses secretly restricted their horse supplies. Most of these troops from Northern Europe were mainly infantry and navy, and there was no way to stop the destructive charge of the horses. There is no way to threaten the dominance of Centaur.

The greenskins, the orcs directly under the rule of the beast Onado, are only the cavalry of the Xieri clan. The brutal, snakebite, evil moon, and dead skull four clans have their own warlords, but they are limited by that great skill. Under the prostitution, the same does not pose too much threat.

The number of goblins is indeed the first in the tribe, but they do not have a unified chief at all.

Even Bleda’s Hoarfrost Sagittarius himself has restrictions on him. They live on the northwest coast of the Black Sea, while the cat people who are closely related to Hoarfrost thrive on the southeastern coast of the Black Sea and the Caucasus.

With the deepening of his understanding of the Immortal Land, a brand-new plan came to Painhurs’ mind.

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