Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 502

Chapter 496 : Pecheneg

Titan Skugger quickly landed on the West Bank under the arrow rain. Their tails were drooping on the ground, and their huge heads wrapped in countless wooden boards and iron blocks were directly on the edge of the city wall. A large number of orc boys exclaimed happily. Regarding these two giant beasts as living moving ladders, they scrambled over its spine and hit the towering city walls.

The defensive pressure of the Visigoths increased suddenly. Originally, they only needed to guard the narrow corridor. Immediately afterwards, almost half of the soldiers were used to garrison the port to defend against the terrifying army of undead.

And now, the Visigoth generals had to send additional soldiers to the wall to repel the horrible green skin raging on the wall.

Orcs are chaotic by nature, but some boys, because of the rebellious period, become extraordinarily disciplined when they are young, and under the leadership of some big guys, they line up in a neat square and walk forward. The most elite green-skinned boys will be trained into a special unit: Stormtroopers.

The overwhelming two-footed dragons cast the shadows of their wings on the narrow streets of Selman. After they grabbed a loose, fist-sized stones in their net pockets landed on the top of the defenders like a torrential rain, smashing their heads. Broken blood.

After the ten flying dragons whizzed to the center of the city, besides the rider on their backs, the other five fully armed orc boys also cheered and jumped off the dragon’s back. They took the creative blueprint proposed by the great chief, the parachute made by the beast Onado himself, the huge umbrella surface sewn together by countless leathers, painted with huge, weird orc totems.

Under the cover of night, fifty orc storm boys successfully landed in the middle of the city. They relied on their superb skills as wanderers and cleverly used bunkers, lights and shadows to hide their bodies and whereabouts. Sprinkle flammable animal fat on a nearby wooden house, then take out flint and ironware and set it on fire.

Suddenly, the city of Selman in the dark, amidst the screams, cries, and roars, bursts of burning black smoke rose.

“Damn it! Who’s lighting the fire in the city?! The tribe has come in?”

“Fire! Fire out!”

Some Visigoth soldiers hurried back to help. They gathered the people with sleepy eyes and put out the water basin to put out the fire. However, the arsonist did not leave at all. After they were blinded by the smoke, they did not hold weapons in their hands. On the contrary, when holding the water basin, a sharp dagger crept across their necks.

The storm boys who infiltrated, spreading killing and chaos in the city, they forged a huge momentum, so that the barbarian army fighting on the wall and the dock thought that there were thousands of enemy troops in the city, and they had to send more soldiers back to help. , Making the pressure on the frontline soldiers even greater.

And the dignitaries at midnight infiltrated the city even earlier, bewitching and inciting the people in the city, triggering a series of terrifying riots. Make the city more chaotic.

Those who surrender can become members of the tribe. Those who resist to the end cannot rest even if they die. The body and soul will be enslaved by the undead lords until the end of time.

If someone can kill a Visigoth soldier, a head can be exchanged for a tribal gold, killing a barbarian centurion to reward one hundred gold, sealing a hundred household chiefs, killing a barbarian general to reward one thousand gold, and sealing a thousand household chiefs!

After completing the propaganda mission, the twelve vampires even planned an assassination against the Visigoth guard.

Although the operation failed, the midnight dignitaries were unscathed. They all turned into ethereal gas and withdrew to the coffin on the other side of the river to recuperate. At the scene of the assassination, they left more than one hundred wearing Roman chain mail and scarlet shoulders. Qi’s miserable corpse, and the barbarian general who broke his arm and coughed up blood.

After losing thousands of corpses and cannon fodder, and finally taking down the dock, the ghouls directly under San Giles gradually floated from the bottom of the water. They took out individual black agates and chanted a gloomy song. Mantra.

I saw that the dead bodies of port workers, soldiers, and even civilians stiffly climbed up from the ground, and the dark blue flames of death burned in the deep-set eyes, pieces of necrotic flesh and blood, as if withered. Autumn leaves fell one after another from their skeletons. It’s falling all over the floor.

A brand-new skeleton army has filled up the previous cannon fodder consumption of the ghouls.


“Chief? Chief! Something happened to Selman! Look at the fire to the south!”

On the outskirts of Selman, some nomadic clans stationed here have gradually discovered a vision in the city. The cavalry guarding the night can see the bright firelight in the dark night after dozens of miles. When you get closer, you can even hear Selman’s noisy sound of war and battle roar.

The Pechenegs and Martons, two nomads of smaller clans, looked uncomfortably towards the city-state of civilized people. They joined the Visigothic barbarian covenant, and at the cost of patrolling the borders and obeying military service for the High King, they could graze cattle and sheep on this fertile grassland.

“Get up! Lazybones! Don’t sleep! Gather troops! I need to gather my troops!”

The chief of the Marton, waving his whip and howling loudly. He was a lean man, armed with Roman armor. The clothes of the civilized people and the paintings of the barbarians are messy and mixed together, which looks very funny.

“Something happened to the Visigoths! Ride on the steeds and pick up the bows and arrows! Let’s help them!”

“What’s wrong? Brother?”

Accompanied by the rustling sound of chain armor and iron rings colliding with each other, another nomad leader appeared next to Chief Marton, his head full of long hair braided into countless pigtails, fixed with small rings made of gold and white bones.

“Something happened to Selman. Chief of the Pecheneg.”

The leader of Marton looked back at his allies, and then looked to the south with concern.

“Look at the flames over there, we…”

The barbarian chief’s words were instantly hindered by the spilled blood. A sharp pain came from Chief Mardun’s throat. A sharp knife cut his neck from behind. The overflowing blood seemed to burst a bank. The tide filled the opponent’s lungs, causing him to drown in his own blood.

“What do you mean!”

“People of Pecheneg! You have betrayed our covenant!”

Marton’s elite drew out the sword from his waist in horror, and those damned Pechenegians killed their chiefs!

“Don’t move! Put down your weapons! We are the tribe!!!”

The barbarian chief used force with his right hand, sawing off the cervical spine of the leader of Mardun alive, and raising his **** head high.

“Marton! The iron cavalry of the doomsday is approaching! To be honest, we are the undercover agents sent by the tribe to infiltrate the Visigothic Barbaric League. Now, you have two options. Follow the Goths and be ruthlessly crushed by the tribe’s iron cavalry. Broken, or join the Warchief’s banner and ride with us on the battlefield?!”

Having lost the leader, the numerous Martons of the group of dragons discovered in horror that this entire clan was an undercover agent! If a war breaks out now, and the opponent is already prepared for the battle today, one by one will not unload their armor and bow their hands at night, and half of their own people will still be asleep.

If you insist on starting a war now, then the totems and flags of the entire clan are at risk of being completely wiped out.

This question is actually very easy to answer, isn’t it? Why do you want the Visigoths to make up the entire clan’s family?

Seeing the Martons who had expressed their surrender, the chief of Pecheneg laughed and immediately contacted the tribe. Under his order, every flag-bearer carried two flags, one was the Visigoth gray eagle, and the other was the tribal eight-pointed black star.

“Okay brothers and sisters! Let’s go! Under the gray eagle flag, enter the city from the north gate as a reinforcement!

When we get to the city center, throw these ugly barbarian flags, hit the tribe’s eight-pointed black star, burn, kill, and looting! Today, there is a city waiting for us to burn to ashes! ! ! ”

“AlanNure Painhes!!!”

Thousands of brave and combative nomads raised their bows and shouted wildly. Under the cover of the moonlight, they rode horses and sprinted towards Selman at full speed.

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