Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 509

Chapter 503 : The Battle of Selman (5)

“Ning? What happened! Where’s Painhurs?”

Christina rode Juechen in the narrow streets of Selman and rushed to Ning’s side, her bright red hair fluttering in the wind like a pulsating flame.

The three silver dragons opened their mouths aggrievedly, and sent the pale warlock who was in a state of dying to the face of Rouge Lima. With the blessing of chaos, the two terrifying scars pierced by the Eternal Spear had stopped the bleeding. heal. But the regeneration of internal organs is far from simple. The whole person also fell into a coma.

The Visigoths outside the city began to camp thousands of feet away. Some nomads dared to charge under the city wall, and even threw provocative arrows over the tall city wall and nailed it to the houses in the city. Above.

The bard sang Nordic war hymns, advised the tribal troops in the city to surrender, and called on the people to open the city gates to welcome the king.

The people in the city were panicked. There were more than 10,000 residents and 9,000 of them were barbarians. They broke out several small-scale rebellions on the spot, trying to attack the gates guarded by the undead king, but they were brutally suppressed by the midnight wandering spirit. The blood-stained heads with horrified expressions were thrown in piles by vampires on the carriage. The survivors of the riots were directly **** with their hands and feet, hung behind the carriage full of heads, and paraded in various streets in the city, trying to use these notorious names. The miserable end of the war dampened people’s resistance.

Members of the tribe’s Senate in Selman are also holding emergency meetings in the deliberative camp. Painhurs was unconscious, and the Rouge Horse immediately took over the rule.

“My suggestion is to retreat. The situation is not good for us now. There are many enemy masters. That huge wave that destroys the pontoon is the druid’s nine-ring magic technique-tsunami technique.

There were many soldiers on the other side, and our main army was trapped on the east bank, and we could only watch us die on the west bank. There was no way to cross the river to support, and my people could not fight during the day. ”

Conrad said gloomily.

“Moreover, we don’t have time to appease or suppress the local people. They are hard-core supporters of the Visigothic Kingdom. If we insist on guarding the city, we will suffer from the enemy!

Now, there are only more than 6,000 of them, but one day, three days, and a week later, how many Visigoth barbarians will gather in the city? Give up, go back to reorganize the army, and cross the river again. ”

“Agree, we can’t fight for a moment’s courage. Sooner or later we have time to fight back. The enemy’s actions this time are really staggering.”

The blood angel with endless time has not considered the lifespan of mortals at all.

“Only cowards will retreat!”

The beast Leonardo slapped the table fiercely and objected to the two undead kings.

“Those shrimps come and I kill one! Orcs will never leave the battlefield in despair before the battle breaks out! I will lose the people’s respect for me!”

In this meeting, the last two leaders: Christina and Abhuos said nothing. The bard Christian was left in the Terror Castle to take the place of Painhurs to coordinate the operation of the entire tribe. Now the warchief is unconscious, and the men and women are temporarily obedient to the orders of his wife.

Just as the beast Leonardo and the two undead kings were arguing whether to attack or retreat, suddenly, a strange figure broke into the camp of the resolution.

The five looked back, oh, there are actually six members of the Senate in Selman, but the sixth member’s sense of existence is really too low. He doesn’t even have a clan or army directly under him, and his identity is extremely embarrassing. ——The war commander of Western Rome, the hostage sent by Gordon Tius, Aetius.

Really, why did the warchief appreciate this hostage so much that he even allowed him to serve as an official in the Senate.

“Can’t retreat! The surprise attack can only be used once. The Visigoths are already alert to us. Once we leave, they will definitely work hard to strengthen the Danube defense line. Next time we cross the river? The next time we cross the river, the cost will not be as small as this time. It may never succeed!”

Aetius twisted the wet corners of his clothes, and a lot of water droplets stained the white sheepskin carpet.

“Stop talking cold words, you want the tribe to use life as a price to attract the attention of the Visigoths here, so that your father will be less stressed! Little kid!”

Conrad snorted coldly and said sarcastically.

“Yes, this is also a reason.”

Aetius admitted it generously.

“But I have a way to win the tribe! My father has a lot of ways, and even knows many generals of the Eastern Roman Empire.

I just used psionic communication to contact many frontier war regiments in Illyria in the Eastern Roman Empire. They will not send troops to assist us, but there is a frontier war regiment commander who is an old friend with my father. He is willing to lease his war regiment and the fleet used for the defense of the Danube to us.

Since building a pontoon does not work, just use a boat to transport the soldiers! The entire battle group’s boats can arrive in two days. This section of the Danube is not wide, about five kilometers. The inland river paddle sailing speed averages five knots. It can go back and forth in an hour and transfer a thousand households. The soldiers were thrown into the battlefield. ”

Aetius pointed to Selman’s bird’s-eye map and talked.

“Yes, sooner or later the outer city wall will fail. But if I were the commander, then I would use Selman’s narrow streets to fortify layer by layer, relying on every street, every building, and blocking the Visigothic action. , Every second of their offensive delay is victory!

Let the people on the east bank prepare enough paddling slaves, let them paddle without interruption for 24 hours, and replace them directly when they are exhausted. At the same time, from now on, immediately organize personnel to demolish and destroy all the buildings near the pier. , Leaving enough space for the army to deploy.

Thousands of people rushed to die at a time. It was the gourd baby that your warchief often said to save grandpa, and idiots would do that. As long as we persist for enough time, we can transport a large enough army from the east coast and let them start a formation in the port. At that time, we will have the power to counterattack! ”

“Great strategy.”

San Giles nodded approvingly.

“But the enemy has a druid who has the ability to cause a tsunami. He can destroy our pontoons and your transport fleet. How can this be solved?”

“I come!”

Abhuos raised his hand angrily to fight.

“I came to counter his spells. I was really negligent. Among the Visigoths, there was an archdruid, my Withered Bones clan and I, to protect your shipping fleet. I used the tribal elder, Withered Bones. The chief guarantees that as long as my clan has a druid still fighting, then the transport fleet will not suffer any damage!”

“Very good, then fight! I must make Alaric pay the price!”

The highest commander, Christina drew her battle axe.

“Now only a few of us know the news that the warchief is seriously injured. Magnus is taking care of him, and no one should disclose it to the lower-level soldiers. I have ordered Ning to create the illusion of Painhess, patrol the walls, and appease the soldiers, Deter the enemy.

Abhuos, your druid is responsible for guarding the sea and letting the orcs on the east coast make rafts. It’s better than nothing.

Two undead kings, the task of establishing defense depth in the city streets is entrusted to you.

As for Aetius? Well, I probably understand the reason why the warchief attaches so much importance to you. You directly serve in the combat tent, and you can get first-hand information about all battles. And put forward tactical opinions. ”

“Your will.”

The legendary undead king only verbally agreed, and did not bow to pay his respects. Turn around and leave directly.

The two recognized and were loyal to Painhurs alone, and had nothing to do with other people, even if that person was his most trusted wife.

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