Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 513

Chapter 507 : The Battle of Selman (9)

The blood-colored anger was thrilling, and the sky-shaking drum of war rang through the sky.

San Giles used a total of 5,000 skeleton cannon fodder, consumed the physical strength of Gajdin’s nobles and spears, and joined the battlefield with his own elite ghouls, although it repelled the Visigoth barbarians, But the casualty ratio was still one to one, which made the archangel have to sigh for the courage and strength of the other party.

The battle at the northern city gate was even more cruel. Christina was wrapped in Chimera leather. Her smooth and white human skin quickly turned into a thrilling rouge color. A pair of ruby-like magnificent and beautiful eyes burned in essence. The blood-colored flames of **** make the heroic rouge horse full of a strange and wild special beauty.

After the rage, the temperature of her body surface was also a bit hot and scary. Drops of red, **** sweat slowly oozes out of the Fearless Chief, her breathtaking rouge skin, almost instantly vaporized by her hot body temperature, quickly forming a terrifying **** mist, which rushes into the sky like wolf smoke. , Even thousands of feet away, you can see the **** anger that soars into the sky, and the projection of the blood **** on the dome!

Under the leadership of the former chief, the blood-rageous horses and horses screamed fiercely, and the hill giants loaded with blasting garbage completely suppressed the frost giants in firepower. They only need to attack the enemies who pass through the city gates, tunnels, and enter the city.

The several battles and collaborations with the Eastern Roman Empire also taught these monsters how to defend the city: the horses and horses did not huddle inside the narrow corridors, and fought attrition wars with the Gothic battle group that rushed over, but on both sides of the corridor exits. Directly in front, three elite households with armor and shields were arranged, and there were four hundred households on the periphery.

The Gothic battle group that rushed into the city had to face the attacks of the halberds from the left, right, and the first three at the same time, and had to withstand the majestic arrows shot from five hundred households!

The Visigoths rushed through the gate twelve times, and were defeated twelve times by the Bloodfury clan led by Christina, leaving behind a large number of fragmented and miserable corpses at the gate, dripping blood, and even drowned the men and horses. Horseshoe.

The situation at the East Gate was a bit bad.

Luther took his former First Auxiliary Corps with the terrifying firepower composed of scorpion crossbows and heavy crossbows. The crushed orcs could not lift their heads. After the city gate was breached, the Romans were not eager to rush to the city gate, but began to line up. Formation: The first row of crossbowmen knelt on the ground, the second and third rows of crossbowmen stood crosswise, and the three crossbow formations fired at the same time, intertwining an extremely dense net of death arrows, slowly clearing out the orcs in the tunnel.

The scorpion crossbow behind him continuously fired terrifying spears into the narrow corridor with precision, killing the soldiers of the tribe in series. When the sun went down, the gray eagle flag had been inserted above Selman’s west gate.

However, Luthor occupied the western city wall and built the fortifications within three hours before the sun completely disappeared under the western mountains. The brilliance of stars and moons, dotted with the dark sky, and the nobility of midnight, stayed in the darkness. He opened his own scarlet eyes.

The hideous and terrible vampires took advantage of the night to act. They wore dark blue armor decorated with human skins, skeletons, and jagged lightning patterns. They bypassed the Roman sentry like a ghost, and boarded the occupied western wall. Jue’s slaughtered everything she could see, leaving behind a series of terrifying and terrifying corpses.

Many people didn’t know what happened, and they died under the butcher knife of the Midnight Lords. The nobleman of Midnight was like a sharp scalpel, accurately cutting off the captains of each team, the company captain of the centurion, and even A failed assassination was launched against Luther.

When the First Auxiliary Corps reacted, the midnight lords who had already completed the assassination plan all retreated. The two shadow dragons that obscured the sky appeared from the boiling shadows, projecting death and fear on everyone’s pupils. In the middle, the surging Nether Energy Dragon’s breath spewed out like the tide of a bursting embankment, cleaning the western city wall. In this terrifying baptism of negative energy, the mortal cannon fodder did not even have the opportunity to mourn, and fell directly to the ground and killed.

And the vampires also began to awaken unconscious skeletons and zombies, letting them take a decadent, heavy step, and impact the Romans mightily.

During the day, the Renegade Corps spent five hours laying down the western wall. At night, the Lord Midnight also spent five hours reinserting the tribe’s dragon flag on the top of the city wall.


After the next day, the tribe reluctantly brought all the chiefs and veterans to Selman from all corners of the territory, and the Visigothic reinforcements also arrived on the battlefield one after another.

The southern army of 10,000 people monitoring the province of Dardania of the Eastern Roman Empire, marching wildly with stars and moons, finally rushed to the battlefield of Selman on the night of April 1st. A total of three thousand Gothic light cavalry, five thousand conscripted spearmen, and two thousand conscripted archers began to camp at the south gate.

The conquering troops of the Dalmatian Province also rushed to support them. The first five thousand Gothic Lancers arrived at noon on April 2. And the huge and cumbersome infantry sequence, with a total of 30,000 soldiers, came under the city a day later, that is, late at night on April 3.

12,000 foot soldiers of the Markmani, 10,000 barbarians of the Quadi clan, and 8,000 nomads of the Bastanais…Countless chiefs of the Germanic tribes who were vassalized and allied by the Visigoths , Also brought their own soldiers, gathered under the city of Selman, although 80% of their soldiers are called cannon fodder, there are few elites who can match the Gothic regiment, and even Gajdin’s nobility, but they win. The number is huge.

In just a few days, Selman had gathered 80,000 barbarian troops, and the tribe’s garrison troops, after a few days of **** battles, were already less than 10,000. The black agate used by ghouls and vampires to resurrect the undead troops has long been Exhausted, there is no way to pull up more undead cannon fodder, only to look at the corpses all over the floor and sigh.

The tribes with serious disadvantages abandoned the walls that had long been beaten to the ground, relying on solid houses, narrow streets, and layers to block the barbarian army that came like a tide.

The sky-shaking roar, the clang of soldiers, and the cry of death sounded in every corner of the city. The frosty breath of three silver dragons can clear out a whole street of furious barbarians every time. Orcs are in several towers. A horrible bombing of the city was built, accompanied by the sky-shaking roar, flooding the sky with garbage projectiles.

But the opponent also has many masters, magical lightning and anger, raging across the streets, the lancers fought fiercely, and then used the impact of their lances and horses to forcibly tear open the tribe’s position and immediately dismounted, in a narrow block. The men and horses who started fighting, but were rushed by the news, were wiped out by the terrifying weight and impact speed.

The two sides deployed heavy troops to compete repeatedly for each street and tower. Often, after taking a street at a heavy price, the enemy was forcibly retaken by an even more terrifying offensive.

The half-dragons hovered over the entire city. They constantly used invisibility, swift invisibility, and advanced invisibility to cover their whereabouts. They used bows and arrows to kill the gorgeously dressed barbarians. The First Auxiliary Army also used it after occupying the heights of the city wall. The intensive rain of arrows turned the outlying streets within the range of the powerful crossbow within a few hundred feet into a deadly uninhabited neighborhood.

In this tragic war, the casualties of civilians have long been the focus of Painhes and Alaric’s attention. The red-eyed barbarians forcibly broke into the houses and tied the frightened civilians with ropes. At the same time, after giving them a few spears and wooden clubs, they waved their sharp blades and forced them to attack the fortifications of the tribe. In their eyes, these people are no longer the intelligent life, but it is just a time to reduce the number of their troops killed. Sexual consumables.

And the tribes that are at a disadvantage in the war will not be kind to these aliens. They also involve a large number of civilians into the battlefield as a one-time roadblock of flesh and blood.

Often a brutal battle in a street began with two local civilians who had a good personal relationship with the eagle flag and the dragon flag on weekdays. When they were forced to retreat by the sword behind them, they lost their blood in the battle. Centaur, half-horse and Gothic barbarians will trample on their broken bodies and deadly heads, shouting “In the name of the Supreme King!” and shouting “AlanNure Painjes!” Round of **** and cruel fighting.

The towers spewing arrows and fireballs collapsed and fell after being bombarded by the other side. The houses that were difficult to conquer with a large number of soldiers were directly turned into ashes by the enemy’s flames. This cruel street fighting is slowly turning the entire city into ruins.

Although the Goths had the absolute upper hand in the war by virtue of their numerical superiority, their frenzied offensives for several consecutive days occupied almost 80% of the city, but the tribe desperately defended the pier and ferry at all costs.

They relied on these ports and Eastern Roman ships to continuously transport soldiers from the east bank into the city of Selman to fill in the vacancies and loopholes in the defense. These new forces would immediately meet the already-horrified Gothic barbarians. Start the second round of fierce battle.

Bleda turned into a behemoth of apocalypse. The house-sized psychic tendril broke the bones of the attacking barbarians and deformed their flesh and blood. The elves of Panticapone shot out burning fireballs that covered the sky, and it was deafening. The explosion sounded endlessly, the bright and beautiful flame clouds formed into a single piece, the poisonous biting horses frantically spreading the latest research of the plague poison cloud in the whole block, indiscriminately killing everything within sight, and the wind howling people. The thunder and lightning shocked everyone’s eardrums even more.

Altauf was stunned, seeing that the infantry could not enter the port area, he ordered Groot to destroy the boats at all costs, like the pontoon bridge.

However, he met the Lord of Withered Bones here: Abhuos, two archdruids fought fiercely in the raging waves of the Danube, Groot is proficient in animal transformation and destruction spells, and he turned into a body in the river. The king squid, who was as large as the ancient dragon, used lightning and flames to try to destroy a double-deck sailboat with eyes painted on the bow.

And Abhuos is proficient in natural summoning and control magic, a green-bound fierce and angry shark made of thorns and vines, constantly tearing every tentacles of the king squid. Giant vines full of trunk thickness bound each other’s body, shielding the royal forbidden army of a thousand Eastern Goths, and boarded the land of the port.

This war is far from over.

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