Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 515

Chapter 509 : The Battle of Selman (11)

Julian calendar 408 years, flowers bloom on the seventh day of the month. (April 7, 408 AD)

The Battle of Selman has been fought for eight days. There are tens of thousands of civilians in the city. Everywhere you can see, there are ruined walls and rubble. The broken corpses on both sides are like carpets of flesh and blood. Every inch of land.

From the sky, the city looks like a deadly black hole, greedily devouring fresh life every minute and every second. The reinforcements from both sides, like colonies of ants smelling food, rushed to the battlefield, and then turned into meaningless broken corpses in the vortex of war.

The total number of professional soldiers and logistics cannon fodder invested by the Visigothic Kingdom in this war has reached 130,000. For eight days and hundreds of street battles, the number of casualties was as high as 70,000. This 50% casualty ratio was terrifying in the classical era. If it weren’t for Alaric and the war singers under his command, the number of casualties was as high as 70,000. With inspiring speeches and the terrible future after their defeat, these brutal alliances might have collapsed and disintegrated long ago.

In such a case, the Germanic clans such as Markmani, Bastana, and Quadi also gave birth to retreat because of the exaggerated casualties. They began to weigh the benefits of joining the Visigothic Kingdom, whether they were worth the heavy price paid in the past few days.

The warships of the tribe also transported 70,000 soldiers across the Danube within a few days. The 40,000 undead army on the first ferry and the more than 10,000 skeleton cannon fodder pulled up later were almost wiped out. Only a few elite vampires and ghouls survived. The brutal tycoon who was pulled by the beast Onardo was annihilated, and the blood fury veterans who had fought from Gredinian to the present were not a single one. And the 70,000 people who later crossed the river now have more than 30,000 casualties.

However, the tribe has become more and more courageous! The terrible death rate also represents a large number of heads of hundreds, thousands, and even thousands of households, and the position of chiefs has appeared vacant!

According to Painhurs’ military laws, as long as the number of surviving soldiers is enough to kill the enemy, they are eligible to fill these vacancies, kill the red-eyed monster barbarians, and even begin to counter the enemy’s front and annihilate an entire street. After the enemy army of a whole house, they laughed wildly and cut off the left ear of the Visigoths, proving their brilliant feats, not only for the tribe, but also for their own future.

Today, the ratio of the number of soldiers between the tribe and the Visigoths is 40,000 to 60,000. Compared to the ten thousand to eighty thousand a week ago, it was much better, and the warchief also supported his newly healed body and rejoined the battle. The balance of war is tilting towards Painhurs bit by bit.


“In addition to the city walls, Selman also has a commanding height. It is built on the hills, close to the port, three stories high, with two towers. It is less than three hundred meters away from us. It was built by the Visigoths. Occupy. Hell, the last few frost giants and a large number of crossbowmen are arranged nearby, and they can pour firepower on us condescendingly.”

The pale horse pointed on a flat map of Selman City.

“We want to retake the Governor’s Mansion and act tonight! Most of the soldiers stationed in the Governor’s Mansion are human barbarians, who have no dark vision at all. We must make full use of our advantage of being able to see things in the dark to launch a night attack, tomorrow dawn , I want those barbarians to discover in horror that it is my eight-pointed black star floating above the tower, not their Northern Falcon!”

Painhurs organized the task in an orderly manner. Considering Alaric, it is estimated that he is almost recovering, so he decided to lead the team assault. The task of controlling the overall situation while sitting in the rear was pressed on the shoulders of the hostage Aetius, and he looked at his flattered young face playfully.

No way, the tribe has no shortage of generals, like Christina and Leonardo the beast, leading a troop to charge at full speed, using personal charm and action to inspire the soldiers under them to scream and fight, and how many fierce will be to defeat the opponent’s army alive. There are too many monster chiefs who are not afraid of death.

However, the kind of military commander who can be alone and dominate the overall situation is really very scarce. I can assume it purely because I have read too many books on historical warfare in another world and used the experience of the forefathers. Others are brave and resourceful.

Bleda is considered a warfare commander. His planning and personal courage are top-notch, but his loyalty is not guaranteed, and he even launched a public rebellion.

And Aetius, the future protector of the Western Roman Empire, the commander of war, and the last Roman man… has shown his abilities, and Painhus is using all means to keep him in the tribe. Work for yourself.


As night fell, humans with a poor vision of darkness stopped their increasingly weak offensive, and the tortoise retracted into its own line of defense to rest and rectify.

Five hours later, when time passed by the quiet midnight, the inland warships of East Rome ran for another five rounds, transporting five hundred armored and fearless men to the front lines of the war, and brought more arrows. Arrow, supplementing the consumption of war. At the same time, more slaves who were exhausted in the oars post were thrown down the boats mercilessly.

Suddenly, hideous corpses floated above the beautiful river.

But this night, the tribe, which has been passively defensive, sounded the clarion call for counterattack.

The Howling Clan called the howling gust of wind, rolled up the dust in the sky, blowing out the burning torch, and further lowering the vision of the Goths. The three silver dragons vented the anger of fighting for many days, full of murderous frost. The snow breathed, like a collapsed cold sky, drowning all the enemies in a whole street.

The Gothic soldiers who never disarmed their armour at night and kept their swords in their hands woke up from their sleep and rushed out of the street. All the soldiers in charge of the night watch were wiped out by the dragon’s breath, and the frosty ice and snow accumulated to the knees.

After the dragon’s breath, it was a rain of death arrows shot by a whole thousand of fearless ones. In just one minute, they poured down 30,000 large clusters of iron arrows toward the narrow street, almost full of them. The whole street. The intensity of firepower is staggering.

The two sides had not yet fought, and there were no Gothic troops stationed in the streets. The fearless ones wielded their war halberds, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, smashed through the temporary wooden wall, roared and broke through the weak line of defense, followed the shadow of the dragon, and launched a crazy charge towards the Governor’s Mansion.

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