Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 543

Chapter 538 : Homecoming

Julian calendar 420 years, Mars month, fourteenth day. (March 14, 420 AD)

After a month of rushing, the vampires transformed Alpharis, who had interrupted his hands and feet, into a lich, and put on an anti-magic collar and sent it to Painhurs along with the phylactery. The warchief immediately sent all the materials to the foundry city of Octuron, and returned to the Dread Fort.

Now, a very serious question lay before him: his original plan was to reopen the road between Norikum province and Gaul region, release the tribe’s ruinous army, and occupy that fertile land. Relying on the wealth, army, and prestige brought by the Gaul lands, he further sought the position of Augustus in the Western Empire.

However, the Eastern Roman Empire and itself were torn apart. The conquest of Gaul did not happen overnight. Now the situation there is very chaotic. There are dozens of powerful Germanic clans, Celtic natives, countless monsters, and Western Rome. The troops of the Empire conquered each other on that land.

To become the King of Gaul, one must devote all the power of the tribe—so, what if those **** pointed ears cross the Danube and approach the Fortress of Terror?

These elves are really insidious, and they bite without hesitation when they see the fat. The signed contract is like a piece of waste paper. The only way to protect your rear security is to completely scare the elves. It is best to annihilate all their field troops on the Danube. The eastern empire that has been beaten has no aggressive power, so that you can get the whole body. Heart plunged into the big plan of the expedition to Gaul.

So here comes the problem, East Rome is more difficult to fight than Gaul. I also have to invest most of the army. What if the Western Roman Empire also came to do this?

The warchief furrowed his brows, and finally sighed like a fate, and stamped and signed a document.

The war commander of the Western Roman Empire, Gordon Tius, was shot in the heart by a poisonous arrow in the Gaul theater. He died soon. He hoped that the warlord’s eldest son, Aetius, could be sent back to the empire and succeeded by his father. The foundation.

Aetius, Aetius! Aetius! !

The last Roman, a rare and famous general, was in Sharon in history, and finally defeated Attila. But I really can’t cut him here with a single knife.

With this sword, killing is killing, but it will definitely be angered by the Western Empire. Painhurs doesn’t think his tribe can fight on two fronts while resisting two Augustus revenge armies.

And over the years, I didn’t take him as a hostage at all, and instead gave high officials generous pay, but many methods of wooing had no effect, and this person’s loyalty to the empire could not be shaken at all.

This is the end of the matter, and Painhurs had no choice but to set a farewell feast for this old friend. For the Western Roman Empire, an empire war commander who regards Terror Fort as his second hometown and the warchief as his confidant, but also knows how the tribe works, and even learned a lot of future knowledge from himself.

In order to win over the Western Empire, Painhes personally sent Honoria, who had been entangled with him in the past few days, back to Milan, and was cheered like a hero by the Romans. Imperial Caesar gave himself a reward on the spot, a seaside town along the coast of Dalmatia.

The two sides have established a relationship. The warchief swears to God that it is not a good time to propose marriage. When he forces Eastern Rome to pay himself the money and no more power to conquer the tribe, he will carry the power of victory and ask Caesar. propose.


After a series of political operations, the Caesars and the commanders of the Western Empire were basically pro-tribal factions, and the two sides even formed a brotherly alliance. Merchants of the two countries do not need any taxes to enter and exit the border. The warchief was finally able to settle down and prepare to clear the last obstacle for the expedition to Gaul.

Under Painhurs’ orders, this war machine called the Horde, which reached the Baltic Sea in the north, the Black Sea in the south, the Caspian Sea in the east, and the Adriatic Sea in the west, was operating at full speed.

In the first round, the nomads from Gretinian, Salmatia, Transcarpathia, Hiparil, and Transcaucasian steppes, who responded to the call in the first round, surpassed hundreds of thousands of people. Horses, carrying a large amount of food, soldiers, like a colony of ants smelling honey, gathered mightily towards the Terror Fort.

And a huge infantry army also roared from the north: Ante, Veneti, Sklavin, the three northern goblin kingdoms, and brought a huge infantry army to the warchief: a full ten thousand The champion warrior of the bear goblin Perron in chain mail. Their hairy and hideous faces raised up to the sky and roared, shouting that they represented the **** of creation in their faith: Perun’s great name, densely covered with thick hairy arms, brandishing wooden kite shields and sharp battle axes.

Twenty thousand hobgoblin spearmen, who also wore padlocks and held shields and spears, lined up in a neat phalanx and arrived at the Terror Fort in strict discipline. And behind them was a whole seventy thousand short and weak goblins.

Among them, 60,000 are pure cannon fodder, holding a skinned wooden shield and a sharp short spear, to fill the one-off roadblocks of the vertical and horizontal width of the battlefield.

Ten thousand goblins barely have leather armor to protect the wolves riding, holding a shield in his left hand, and a few javelins, relying on the mobility of the wolves to harass, the roundabout Svalog raiders.

However, what is surprising is that behind each of the sixty thousand goblin cannon fodder, there is a very rough wooden bow and twenty short arrows: the arrow clusters are all sharp flint, or simply sharpened wood. pile.

These goblin kingdoms have a highly poisonous secret recipe: as long as they penetrate into the flesh and blood, they will immediately undergo a series of chemical reactions, making the enemy feel extremely exhausted. Wielding weapons in combat is difficult.

It’s a pity that this kind of poison will corrode precious steel, so I dare not apply it on axes and spears. However, these stone arrows and wooden arrows, which are extremely inexpensive to make, are painted casually. These are also three goblins. Kingdom, an important reason for dominating the north.


Compared with the tribal war machine running at full speed, the Eastern Roman Empire was in chaos. Egypt and Fogrim claimed that the assassination plan had failed. The great chief was more powerful than all of them could imagine. The two drow legends were white horses. Severely injured, Fugen broke three ribs, and Zhanshuai fell on the spot.

The Senate naturally did not believe this nonsense. But now the situation does not allow him to investigate. The white horse quickly returned to the Terror Fort. The letters sent by dormant spies from all over the country flooded like snowflakes, almost overwhelming the ankles of the elders: hundreds of thousands of young male herders, in the spring During the good season of grazing, he left the pasture without hesitation and gave the cattle and sheep over the mountains to their wives, as well as the elderly and children to take care of them.

The same hundreds of thousands of bear goblins arrived at the Terror Fort from the extreme cold of the north, and after receiving supplies, they immediately went south.

Two days later, the spy reported again: This mighty army of goblins has already crossed the Carpathian Mountains from the mountain roads familiar to the various tribes and arrived in Gepide.

After another day, there is no need for spies to report: the frontier warbands stationed on the southern bank of the Danube have sent letters: An unprecedented army of goblin soldiers is on the Danube! Start camping on the north bank of the river! The white camp tents were densely packed and stretched to the end of the field of vision. The endless campfires and the vague smoke that rose even obscured the blue sky!

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