Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 554

Chapter 549 : Battle of the Utus River (6)

“Stop those Titans Skug! Don’t let them rush up the hill! Quick! Quick!”

Malekiss roared in horror. The only black dragon that could compete with these doomsday behemoths had half of its ribs broken by the **** three silver dragons. It was now being treated by priests and was unable to support it.

Under the command of the commander-in-chief, the infantrymen of the Second Central Army gave up their second attack on the pass and turned around to deal with these green-skinned beasts. A spear and a spear penetrated the majestic rain curtain. Like a swarm of locusts covering the sky, biting Sgug’s thick skin fiercely.

However, the range of these throwing weapons is too short. Only the heavy-armored infantry rushing in the front row can pour out their anger in the rain, and the soldiers in the back row can’t attack the behemoth at all. And these injuries are really insignificant to those mountain-sized doomsday behemoths. What’s more, a large number of snake biting orcs lying on Skug’s back are still healing the scars of the behemoth.

Several crazy wild elves, shouting at the names of the Empire and Augustus, actually blocked the path of Titan Sgugger. They followed the standard Imperial anti-cavalry training, erected their shields, and erected their arms. Spear-Then, accompanied by the darkening sky, and a dull loud noise, it turned into a pool of meat sauce sticking to Sgug’s feet.

The snakebite orc took the death of a giant Titan as a price, and successfully brought the other nine-headed giant beasts to the northern highlands. The battle situation here has been corrupted to an extremely dangerous point. The snakebite chief counted the number of eagle flags: I saw One hundred thirty companies of heavy infantry, one hundred and seventy companies of auxiliary infantry, thirty thousand imperial soldiers, at a cost of less than one thousand, beheaded six thousand friendly troops among twice as many nomads.

“Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Let’s come—”

Before the words of the Chief Snakebite, thousands of drenched harpies were still struggling to fly in the rain. Under Tyrion’s order, they took off for the second time, screamed, and swooped towards Sgug. The orcs on the back were tearing their cheeks with sharp claws. As long as these trainers are dealt with, the giant beasts are just beasts without a brain.

And the robes of the Second Central Army, after dividing some troops and guarding the troops in the pass, the remaining seven infantry regiments also began to attack the northern slopes.

“What the hell, is there a druid in the other party who is changing the weather? Then play bigger, psionicist! Tell the whole army! Put on warm clothes immediately!”

Painhurs wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and issued an order to the whole army.


The psionicists did not respond at once. The herders did have perfect cold-proof clothing. The grasslands in the north were much colder than Greece in the Mediterranean climate. Once a white disaster was encountered, it would be a catastrophe for all creatures, and there was no cold-proof means. . Long ago died on the frosty grass. This time he went south, the warchief indeed ordered everyone to bring cold-proof clothing…

The ancient corpse dragon did not give more reaction time to the psionics. Three elegant and slender silver necks resembling a swan stretched towards the dark sky. The heads of the three terrifying dragons raised up to the sky and screamed at the same time. The sound of the solidified dragon chant, the triple nine-ring arcane spells superimposed and chorused together, coupled with the power of chaos spreading out of Pain Hess, the full-bodied magical fluctuations were almost suffocating.

“this is······”

The Roman soldiers felt a cold nose, they suddenly looked up, only to find that the sky and the earth changed color again, and the biting cold wind engulfed the low black clouds, which obscured the brilliance of the stars and the moon.

Suddenly, the pitch-black rain curtain was completely covered by a monotonous paleness—it was snowing, the flying snowflakes and the extremely cold frost, and the low clouds fell, and the snowflakes were dense to a terrifying degree. , The creatures on the ground can’t even see the dark clouds behind them through the snow and ice falling from the sky, as if the whole world is completely covered by ice, frost and snow.

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply. The surface of the Utus River, accompanied by the sound of creaking frost, formed a thin layer of ice after a few seconds, the temperature dropped rapidly, and the soldiers exhaled from their lungs. The heat of Hell was also in the extremely cold hell, turning into a thick white mist, then being frozen by ice, condensing into countless pieces of crystal clear frost, falling to the ground.

It seems that even their own blood will be completely solidified in this cold hell.

At the same time, snowflakes were mixed with frost and fell from the sky with howling. Several centurions were staggered by the blizzard that fell from the sky. Several soldiers were even knocked to the ground by the wind and snow!

The most terrifying thing is that this snowfall is not an instant, but a continuous one. The white snow flooded the ankles of the elves in an instant, and piled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. In such a dense blizzard, a group of soldiers could not even I can see the scenery ten feet away, and wherever I can see, there is the pale frost of Hexagon.

The warchief also used the power of chaos to twist and change the weather in the valley with his own mind, turning the druid rain into a blizzard directly in this warm Greek region, and the condensation was a series of three nine-ring frost falls. , Turning the northern battlefield, which is about to collapse, into a frost **** of minus forty-five degrees.


The snow of death obscures the sky, and the sky-shaking dragon roar is thrilling.

The dense blizzard made people unable to see the movement ten feet away at all. The silver dragon was pure white all over, soaring in the blizzard, like an elegant white fox in the snowy field, it was extremely difficult to distinguish.

Painhurs drove the dragon through the sky full of snow and directly hit the northern slopes. Ningsan’s head took a deep breath, swept the blizzard into his lungs, and then faced the eagle flag army that was full of mountains and plains below his feet, and opened three big mouths full of sharp fangs and covered with death hoarfrost.

Suddenly, the wind was violent, and the tyrannical air currents engulfed the extremely cold frost fragments, like icy blue stormy waves, spewing out from her three dragon mouths! ! !

Under the violent wind swept through, the sturdy frost was steadily broken, and the blizzards all over the mountains were torn into the smallest debris. Even the nearby boulders were crushed by the terrifying wind and tyrannical into powder!

The heavy snow in the sky, three breaths of dragons, three terrifying rifts alive, wherever the breath of frost passes, the thick earth is ploughed into deep ravines, mud and frozen broken flesh, All were lifted into the air and turned into yellow sand in the sky, dancing with the snow.

The warchief used a spell to amplify his own voice, inspiring these dismounted light cavalry who were about to collapse in morale.

“Think carefully! Soldiers! A few years ago, you were just a group of desperadoes who left your hometown and went south to seek a living from the Germanic region. Who gave you the pasture and livestock to survive? Who taught you how to survive as nomads? Yes. Who made you live as you are today?! It’s the tribe!!!

Now, the tribe needs you to fight for her! Are you timid? Cowardly? If we win this war, then the fertile Greek region will lose all its defenses, just like a young girl with all clothes removed, let you ravage it! plunder! How many gold and silver jewelry you grab is yours! I don’t take any money!

However, if you really escape here and cause the war to fail, let alone plundering Greece, I swear that from the moment you escape, the tribe will no longer have a place for you cowards, or even your wives and children! ! ! ”

Pain Hess controlled the ancient corpse dragon and landed on the place covered by the dragon’s breath, raising the chaotic fire in his hand, the phantom four-flame spear.

“Follow me and fight them back to the valley! Fight back to the coffin we prepared for the empire!!!”

“AlanNure Painhus!!!”

The nomads who were forced to the end of the road broke out with a thunderous roar at the call of the warchief. The herdsmen in the back row have put on thick warm clothing and are ready to replace the people in the front row. Painhurs’ control of the weather caused the temperature of the entire river valley to drop to minus five or six degrees. It was not too strong. The elves who were used to living in the temperate zone just found it unbearable.

However, the condensed triple frost caused the temperature of the entire northern **** to drop to minus forty-five degrees. The Roman army in iron armor and commoner was almost completely destroyed by the cold. This temperature is experienced by nomads every winter. Once, even though they couldn’t stand the icy cold of this white disaster level, with the help of warm clothes, they could last longer than the elves.

Groups of herders dressed in thick fur stepped forward on the snow, their eyes exuding ferocious gazes like winter wolves. Anyway, they can’t defeat these heavy infantry, so they don’t need wooden shields and spears that are easy to defend! One by one, the herdsmen pulled out the broken oracle bones on their waists, and charged forward with the wooden handles in both hands! His lips were frozen into blue-purple, and he sent out a bloodthirsty roar like a beast!

The biting ice cold made the elves’ movements extremely slow, and these battle-hardened veterans suddenly realized that they couldn’t push the front even a bit. The herdsmen who had been cut off by the warchief and promised to rob the whole of Greece, rushed over like a mad dog.

They have no formation at all. They are a mass of loose sand, and their skill in waving bones is extremely layman, but with a determination to die and excellent cold resistance, they are equal to these frozen imperial soldiers!

The nine-headed Titan Skug, and the ancient corpse dragon also entered the crowd. These mountain-sized beasts trampled, collided, bitten, flicked their tails, and formed a thick layer of frost on their skin and armor. In the bath, countless frosted corpses and minced meat were spread out in all directions like water.

Finally, Beipo’s second assault was also repelled, and the nomads killed more than 5,000 imperial soldiers after paying a price of nearly 10,000. The thick white snow completely covered tens of thousands of corpses, and Ning hurriedly removed Frostfall, and the soldiers who were afraid of their purple lips also fell in the white disaster.

“He, he, he has withdrawn from Frostfall! Hurry! Organizing an attack!”

Several Roman generals who were frozen in doubt about their lives screamed and fought fiercely, staying in the snow-floating Utus Valley, they were chronic deaths, but before they could regroup, the nomads came from the hillside. Prairie War Hymn.

Along with the cyan eagle flag imitating Rome, “Roman soldiers” with animal fur on the inside, chain mail on the outside, and a layer of sheepskin on the outer layer appeared on the hillside. They are armed with spears, towers and shields, and they carry heavy crossbows and javelins. What’s more ridiculous is that the centurion, the captain’s red mane and scarlet cloak, were dyed into a pale blue color according to the tones of the grassland!

Julian’s 20,000 Roman Renegade and 40,000 soldiers from the Auxiliary Legion have arrived on the battlefield. These elite infantry, trained in accordance with the Roman army, completely sealed off the entire northern slope.

“I’ll leave it to you, Julian, just keep the line of defense. We only need to trap these people here to complete the task.”

The warchief let out a long sigh of relief. Although they almost succeeded in breaking through them, the balance of victory was tilted towards him after all. These infantry soldiers only have three days of rations at most. As long as they are trapped here, the strategic goal this time will be achieved.

As for reinforcements? He only had the First Central Army guarding Constantinople, and the other half of the Imperial Army, all defending Sasanian Persia in the yellow sands of the east, where did his reinforcements come from?

“With psychic communication, we have already trapped the main force of the empire here in the Utus Valley. Tell the beast Aonardo and order him to take his main orc force to storm the imperial fortress from the south bank of the Danube and open a way for me! Put the north bank The army of goblins, enter Greece.”

The warchief panted heavily and pressed the last deadly straw that could shake the foundation of the empire for the crumbling eastern empire.

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