Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 558

Chapter 553 : Empire Holocaust

Amidst the sound of horse hooves that shook the earth, a mighty army of destruction rushed at full speed in the hills of Thrace. The fearful figure of centaur and centaur stretched to the end of the field of vision, with a pale blue dragon flag. Covered the blue sky.

Although they won the Battle of the Utus River, the tribe suffered heavy losses. More than 300,000 Roman troops tried to break through the siege every day. The elves who fell into desperation were extremely terrible, even in the desperate situation of hunger and cold, they were exhausted. Before, they still pulled the battle loss to one to one.

Before the tribe began its final offensive, the entire battlefield was already covered with nearly 100,000 corpses.

The twelve-day siege and the fifteen-day slaughter almost broke the nerves of the tribe members. This group of bloodthirsty beasts with red eyes, under this high-intensity battle, the mental state is more At least there are some problems: they desperately need a vent channel. Come to vent the negative emotions that I have accumulated for a month.

Several chiefs enthusiastically prepared to attack Constantinople, and captured one of the most prosperous cities in the world. The soldiers who killed the demons were sacked by the streets of the elves, the treasures of the empire were emptied, and the world’s treasures were emptied. The center is on fire!

But this magnificent plan was forcibly stopped by Painhurs, and the warchief seemed to have no interest in attacking Constantinople.

This group of barbarians are really fearless. Bulgaria, Magyar, and how many powerful barbarians have assembled an army from across the country to attack Constantinople, but in the end they just can’t come down, causing the army to be impetuous and even distracted.

After months of siege to the city to no avail, he finally waited for reinforcements from other parts of the Eastern Roman Empire, and was finally hit back and forth, and the country was destroyed.

I crossed into Attila, but not into Muhammad, why should I hit the walls of New Rome with my head? Not fast enough?

Under the ridiculous prestige of the great chief, the tribal army turned the target of attack to other wealthy cities in the empire. After slaughtering a whole 300,000 troops, the current Greek cities seemed to be stripped of everything. The Miaoling girl in clothes is lying on the bed, spreading her legs, waiting for the luck of the people.

Before the army left, Painhes wrote a letter to the regent of Eastern Rome, picked a goblin along with his watch, dressed him as a messenger, and gave him the fastest running wolf, let He hastened to bring a message to the imperial emperor.

The Regent of the Empire and Marshal of the Forbidden Army strangely tore open the letter. It was written in standard Elvish language: The tribe can withdraw, but Augustus must tie up all the personnel involved in the assassination in Alexandria and send it to his own. In front of him, waiting for the punishment of the tribe.

At the same time, the empire must withdraw all defenses along the Danube, and sign a peace and trade agreement with the tribe that lasts for a hundred years: of course, in order for the tribe to withdraw its troops from Greece, the Eastern Roman Empire will also need to allocate one million Suders. The military expenses of gold coins, and then every year during the autumn harvest, one hundred thousand gold Suders should be paid to the tribe as proof of the friendship between the two generations.

The next day, the light cavalry hovering near Constantinople found that a goblin’s head was hung from the city gate, with a terrifying expression on his face, and he had obviously suffered a great deal of torture before his death.

After hearing the news, Painhurs was indifferent and brought a large army to Margus. These inland cities are different from the dense clusters of fortresses on the border. They have a large population and are extremely rich, but their defense forces are almost zero, and only a small number of security forces exist.

After the massacre of 300,000 troops, these cities are really just fat on the lips to the tribe, and the prostitutes on the bed, eat whatever they want, or go if they want. It only took an hour for the army of centaur to smash Margus’s city defenses, stepping on the body of the security army, and rushing at full speed on the bustling streets.

Killed the red-eyed Destruction Legion, frantically plundering everything in the city-the warchief ordered: the soldiers won the battle of the Utus River brilliantly, annihilated almost half of the empire’s army, and the subsequent plunder, They don’t need to pay half of their income to the tribe, and how much money can be robbed is all theirs!

The entire tribe, more than a dozen warriors of different races, worshipped Painhurs more and more. In this troubled world, following a boss who can win wars, plunder cities, and gain fame and wealth at the same time, he also wants extravagantly. what?

After spending seven days and turning Margus into ruins, the warchief will sack Femilakon, Singidunum (Belgrade), and Selman with a fighting army, and will transform four magnificent cities within one month. Make scorched earth.


Julian calendar four hundred and twenty years, Julia month, the sixteenth. (June 16, 420 AD)

The tribal army, which returned with a full load, raged in the Balkans, retreated from the Danube waterway opened by the orcs for the tribe, and retreated back to Dacia. Just after the regent sighed, the army unloaded all the plundered gains at the Terror Fort. It is said that the entire huge fortress was overwhelmed by the gold and silver treasures plundered from Greece, but this army of destruction did not disband, instead, with the support of goblin slaves, a wave of supplies was added. Go south again! Come to Greece for the second time on the 16th of the following month!

Ironically, the road for horses and horses to cross the Danube is a stone bridge built by Trajan on the Danube in an expedition to the ogre kingdom of Dacia to ensure that the empire’s logistics supplies can be continuously transported into the North. In the wilderness, Dacia supported him to conquer the war.

And now, this stone bridge, which carries too much history and glory, has become an important hub for the ogres and even the entire tribe to invade the empire.

When the tribe invaded south for the second time, the second letter was sent to the regent again. This time, the envoy was still a shivering goblin, but the conditions on the letter had been much smoother.

The chief only needs one million gold coins for military expenses and a one-hundred-year peace and trade treaty. At the same time, in order to ensure the peaceful coexistence of the two, no one on both sides of the Danube can release troops, only merchants.

The next day, the spy who was dormant outside Constantinople found a fresh goblin head hanging beside the dry and withered goblin head.

This is weird. Painhurs couldn’t figure out why the Eastern Roman Empire would reject its own terms. Could it be that the other side wanted to smash with him after losing nearly half of the empire’s army?

He transferred all the Eastern forces back, and he was indeed able to fight himself again with equal measure, but the question is, does he dare? All he wants is money, but Sasanian Persia wants the life and land of the elves.

Amidst doubts and anger, the tribal soldiers came to Serdika (Sofia) without any effort. The tribal soldiers who ransacked four major cities in a row were even a little numb. They felt that they had robbed the gold coins they could not earn for a lifetime , Almost lost the concept of money.

Painhurs wandered down the chaotic streets of Serdika, thinking about the reasons why the Eastern Roman Empire still dared to fight against himself. Suddenly, a riot caused the great chief’s attention: a small group of men was attacking ten thousand people. During the temple, there was unexpected resistance. The priests sang prayers, bunches of sacred and magnificent golden flames tore through the clouds and fell from the sky, burning the two horses and horses to ashes.

“Ha! Beasts! Keep coming! The gods have released their anger on you!”

Several of them believe in the **** of punishment or the elven priests who believe in Corylon. Under the protection of a large number of monks and monks, they are backed by a strong church to fight back and eliminate the invading enemy with magical skills. But it is in them. When he was proud, destruction had already come quietly.

A palpable pale face appeared in front of the priest. Several elves just wanted to pray and cast a spell, but they were stunned on the spot. The endless fear, like a big cold hand, tightly pinched their hearts. The priests’ breathing was disordered, their robes were soaked with sweat, their shaking hands, and the weapons and holy emblems that they couldn’t even hold in their palms, one by one fell to the ground and collapsed.

Painhurs didn’t even need to cast spells, and just by his fierce aura, he would defeat this stubborn pastor team. The nearby people fighting hard with the priest burst into excitement and cheers. They rushed forward, trampled on the trembling bodies of the priest and monk, rushed into the Pantheon, and swept away the gold and silver cast of gods and gods and worship.

“You…you will be punished! You ransack the city, looted churches, and even looted the gods of the gods! Devil! How dare you do such a bad deed, one day, the gods will punish all The evil one is like, and I will impose a divine punishment on you!”

A priest reluctantly got up from the ground. He seemed to resist the suffocating pressure of the white horse. He raised a trembling finger and pointed it viciously in Painhurs’s direction.

“is it?”

Painhurs glanced at his lips disdainfully, and walked slowly towards the brave priest.

Suddenly, the blue and twisted deformed monster, the scarlet and terrifying dog-headed human body, the dark green and bloated rotting behemoth, the graceful woman who charms all living beings, the four chaotic projections that open to the sky, using the white horse as the carrier, sprayed out into the sky, forming four A horrible scene twisted together! The terrifying phantom of chaos instantly filled the priest’s horrified pupils.

“You are so afraid of your god, don’t you be afraid of me? I, your god, bring you the punishment!”

The priest’s gaze was dull, like a soulless puppet, kneeling down in front of the warchief in despair, and his eyes were completely occupied by the four chaotic projections that pierced the sky and the earth.

According to his later memories, that day, the priest claimed that he saw the real God in the tribal chief.

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