Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 57

Chapter 50 : The Battle of Vichymiris (5)

Lucius’s Roman Centurion, striding in a uniform pace, instantly shrank into a circle in the center of the deck. Countless sharp spears with dense and ferocious handles resembling a jungle of steel unfold from the inside of the shield wall that is rigid and tidy like the scales of a dragon, forming a ring-shaped battle formation with both offensive and defensive capabilities.

When the centurion saw Magnus’s huge black wings, by the way, the inner soldiers raised the tower shield above their heads to form an impeccable enclosed space.

“Come on! You dirty and brainless beasts!” Lucius grabbed a heavy throwing spear and let out an extremely arrogant laugh. “Soldiers! The skins of those reptiles, after being peeled off, can be made into sturdy scales! As for the half-man, half-horse monsters? They are also the hottest items on the Constantinople racecourse! Some nobles want Don’t die! You are about to make a fortune soon!”

“Long live the Legion of Urpius!!” The centurion’s arrogant and greedy words calmed the soldiers’ nervousness to a certain extent. The desire for wealth was even more so that the half-elves held the hands of the shield and the spear. Become more determined! The four bards, again in Latin, sang the impassioned war hymn of the Empire! Inspire them to fight bravely!

“Hiss!” With the help of the hard scales, the lizardman first waved the sharp shell in his hand and rushed towards the Roman legion, like a wave of gray and green corruption. The sharp points of the spears slid away from their wet scales, and the rotten scale lizard opened its mouth arrogantly and laughed—at this moment, Lucius threw the heavy steel javelin in his hand, letting it cross both sides. The “V”-shaped gap between the tower shields accurately penetrates the lizardman’s blood basin full of pieces of meat!

The endless lizard people formed an airtight ring outside the Roman circle. Desperately scouring and hitting the legions densely stacked together, the defense force is comparable to the steel shield wall of dragon scales, and it can’t break through the enemy’s defense at all. The Romans’ heavy crossbows were also greatly reduced in power under the baptism of the waves, and they could only rely on large shields and spears to delay the enemy’s offensive.

For a time, spears and shells danced wildly, and war songs and roars rang together. No one can do anything on both sides!


At this moment, a huge iron-plated tower shield slammed outwards and hit a lizard soldier’s nose severely, hitting him at odds and ends, and vaguely saw behind the shield with the XP symbol. Kill a unique Roman soldier—the helmet of an ordinary Roman soldier does not have any feather decoration, but the iron helmet of this man is like a scarlet horsemane, decorated with a bright and dazzling blood-colored vertical crown, and the whole body is heavy. Outside the chain mail, there was also a short blood-colored robe embroidered with a double-ring cross.

A war priest who served as the captain!

The heavy armor priest had already leaned his spear in the elbow of his left arm, and instantly pulled out the heavy hard-headed hammer on his waist with his right hand. His muscles burst like a bull, bulging the sagging chain mail. Close to his huge muscles. A beam of blue light that symbolizes arcane energy is also entwined with the horror hammer of the war priest!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

For the first hammer, the shell weapon that the lizardman reluctantly used to block was broken.

With the second hammer, the captain, like a ruin, severely smashed the gray scale arms that crossed his head.

The third hammer, the unstoppable reptile, can only watch the hard-headed hammer glowing with blue light, getting closer and closer to his pupils! The lizardman’s hard scales and skull were directly dented by a hard-headed hammer! The whole person collapsed softly on the deck!


Seeing someone rushing out of the impenetrable shield wall, a large group of lizardmen frantically flocked to the war priest like the tide breaking the bank. A huge monster, crawling on the wet and cold deck, bit his ankle without chain mail protection, dozens of sharp fangs, piercing the fragile flesh and blood of human beings. The red blood instantly stained the brown wooden board.









“Come back! Just consume them slowly! Don’t leave the team without authorization!” Watching the fellow robe suffer, the drummer frantically beat the drum, sending out a piercing scream that looked like hundreds of cats while scratching the wooden board. Let the ten commander, taking advantage of the painful moment of the nearby lizard people covering their ears, limped back into the shield wall and became a member of the battlefield again.

At the same time, the priest’s ankle also shone with a golden light full of sacred breath. Let his **** broken ankle heal as before.


“Can you guys impulsive this layer of iron cans!” Seeing that his offensive could not achieve any results, Hist’s eyes were red anxious. He quickly turned to ask the Centaur chief in Chimera leather armor, but only received He was extremely disappointed to answer.

“If there is a distance of hundreds of feet to charge and run up, my heavy armor is fearless and may be able to break through their shield wall. However, this wide and bumpy Roman ship severely limits our strength.”

“I have a way.” Suddenly, Painhes stepped on the plank under his feet. “The Romans’ tortoise shell formation is indeed unbreakable. If you are on land, you can only bite the bullet and attack. But

, We are not on land! And their ship is multi-layered! ”

“From the inside of the lower deck, attack the upper deck!” Hist suddenly opened up, his bright green dorsal fin, like a banner, hunted in the cold air. Chief Corruption quickly picked out dozens of elite lizardmen and rushed down the cabin. Amidst panicked screams, he cut a **** path from the unarmed crew!

“Thirty feet, forty feet, fifty feet! It’s almost here!” Hister grabbed the weird wooden sculpture wrapped around his left wrist, stepped on a wooden barrel, and let his scaly long webbed left. The claws lightly attached to the upper deck. At the moment when the green scales and the deck touched each other, the hard and damp wood, like a giant python waking up from hibernation, twisted frantically! The scrambled downwards dented, collapsed, and a huge pothole appeared on the deck.

The high-pitched imperial battle hymn came to an abrupt end. Dozens of Romans wearing chain mail and red cloaks gave out an unbelievable exclamation and fell into the cabin! The spine slammed heavily on the hard wooden board, and their eyes went dark in pain. And those elite lizardmen took this opportunity to pierce the sharp shells into the cheeks of the enemy without armor protection! Let the red and yellow liquid, mixed with countless pieces of bone fragments, and coat your scales with a hideous and terrifying **** coating!

The most terrible thing is that the eagle-bearer with his helmet in wolf skin also fell into the cabin. The lizardman used his left claw to cover his mouth where he wanted to chant a spell, and his right claw erected a sharp one. The tip of the claw severely slit his throat! The other lizardman also curiously grabbed the eagle-bearer, the scarlet flag that had not been released to death.

How dare it use that dirty and profanity web claws to defile our sacred Eagle Flag? !

The Roman soldiers who were originally just looking back at the situation. Suddenly frightened and furious, one by one, flaws and flaws, like dumplings, jumped out of the huge hole in front of him, pulled out the dagger from his waist, screamed the sacred names of the empire and the legion, and spread out close to the lizardman. fight!

That violent and bloodthirsty appearance is even more terrifying than the Gothic barbarians!

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