Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 577

Chapter 571 : The Fall of Octuron

Before the dwarves could react, Ymir, who had a complete sky-reaching effect, placed two stubborn frost giants on the city wall. The savage and strong man over six meters high raised his axe, and with a full blow, even the dwarf’s fine gold tower shield would be broken into two under this unparalleled violence.

“Die! Little dwarfs!”

The Frost Giant laughed, and the log stumps the size of a beam in his hand swept across a row of dwarves like light and fragile objects, being swept out of the city wall. Red blood splashed everywhere, and the miserable howling sounded through the sky.

And the other frost giant with bare hands kicked the besieging dwarven spearman away from his belt, grabbed a handful of gravel, twisted his wrists, rotated his waist, and threw it with all his strength. Thousands of sharp gravel, just like shotgun bullets, whizzed out from the giant’s ice-blue palm, and each round of gravel even made a harsh sonic boom!

The whole sky is like a rainstorm of meteors. The dwarves who hit them instantly cannot be defeated. The stone bullets may not be able to penetrate the heavy chain mail, but they can smash the bones of the dwarves alive through the soft iron armor. The iron shield smashed the shield guard’s wrist, causing them to lose their fighting ability in severe pain.

However, after the initial panic, the dwarf also launched a counterattack. One by one, heavy armored soldiers with short halberds and shields, under the orders of the officers, lined up on a solid front, blocking the advance of the Frost Giants. The dwarves in the back row pulled out their latest research results: single Portable light scorpion crossbow.

The dwarves put their halberds on the ground as a support. Supports the terrifying weight of the front end of the scorpion crossbow: Although this overweight crossbow is more than one meter long, it can barely be carried and used by a single person, but it is impossible to shoot stably by relying on the strength of both arms. In fact, the halberd must be used to support the front end of the scorpion crossbow.

And its bow arms, there are as many as two pairs, and the kinetic energy has been doubled. Relying on a simple pulley block, the dwarves spin the wooden handles to pull the two heavy crossbow strings to the limit, and then stuff the javelin-sized ammunition into the grooves, and buckle the frost giants who are killing them on the front line. Triggered!

In an instant, the sound of the strings thunder, the rain of javelins, and thousands of javelin-sized crossbow arrows pierced the sky, toward the frost giant who threw the stone with a shotgun effect, showing his anger, on his huge ice-blue body. , Nailed out a bunch of bright blood flowers, they could not break the thick skin of the ancestor giant, but for these ordinary-sized frost giants, they could still rely on the number advantage and barely deal with it.

The dwarves shot a wave and successfully killed a frost giant. Seeing the corpses that were densely packed with javelins like a hedgehog, they slowly fell down, laughing out loud, and at the fastest speed, they pulled the crossbow string for the second time. , Reload the crossbow arrows.

However, the death of the Frost Giant also aroused Ymir’s anger. Her right hand, which covered the sky and covered the sun, directly crossed the tall and towering city wall, the dwarven guards who were waiting for it, and the sharp five fingers like a razor, on the front of the dwarf crossbowmen. In, five gullies of blood are torn apart! Torn the wooden crossbow body, the taut crossbow string, the strong armor, and the fragile flesh and blood.

“Abandon the outer area! Return to the mountains!!!”

Kalbo Hall’s eyes widened in horror, how can this be beaten? The opponent’s size is so exaggerated, it even surpasses the empire’s general classification of medium, large, and giant. It is smashed with a fist, and the ground is directly a big pit filled with dwarf meat. If you continue to stay here, there will be no chance. .

Under the order of the General Foundry, the dwarves gave up casting the protruding part of the castle and withdrew all of them into the mountains and underground. Calbo also moved more war machines from the depths of the mountains, allowing his compatriots to retreat immediately under the cover of the arrow rain.

Seeing that the dwarves followed hundreds of cave entrances and retreated back to the ground, the frost giants laughed loudly, raised their stone warhammers, and slammed them on the walls of Okturon, accompanied by a shocking shock. The roar of terror, hitting huge depressions on the stone city wall, the giants stepped on these depressions, easily climbed up the towering city wall, and successfully invaded the interior of Octuron.

“Forging generals? Forging generals! We need to talk!”

Theodoric stood on the corpses of thousands of dwarves, waving his battle axe arrogantly, but a deep sorrow rose in his heart.

He didn’t want to attack Octuron at all. Now, the Visigoths and countless barbarians, sandwiched between the tribes and the Western Roman Empire, are extremely uncomfortable in themselves. What’s more, the Visigoth kingdom has already talked to Pain. Hess’s men are deadly enemies, and now they have to offend the Western Roman Empire…

But Theodoric I was helpless. Ymir’s orders were absolute, and even he could not disobey-blame the dwarves for getting the gun of eternity. This thing is an artifact passed down from generation to generation by the frost giants. The first.

“We have no intention of capturing your city! But you are holding the ancestral treasure of our Frost Giant! Alaric’s Kungunir, Eternal Spear! We have shown our power! As long as you return it , We will leave Octuron at once! Otherwise, the city will be destroyed by the time it is time, and it will not be unpredictable!”

Theodoric, who has lived in a civilized society for decades, chuckled a few words that God knew where he had learned from, and issued a final confession. However, this rude request aroused the anger of the dwarves. .

“What? You want to take away his most cherished treasure from the dwarf? Unless you step over Lao Tzu’s body!!!”

The casting general yelled aloud, spitting stars flying randomly. He tightly grasped the eternal gun in his hand, and the sound was thunderous.

“You stupid big guys who have the ability to squeeze into the tunnel of the dwarves! We can stay here until you die!”

Theodoric rolled his eyes helplessly, realizing that he could not be kind at this time, so he had to translate the words of the dwarf into a giant language and explain it to the giant of the ancestor.

Ymir erupted with a loud roar. With his arms covering the sky, he stepped across the city wall and firmly grasped the main peak of Okturon. His ten fingers were deeply embedded in the mountain, and **** even pierced the thick body. The rock wall stabbed to death the dwarf artisan in the room, and saw the terrifying giant roar, and with force with his hands, he even pulled up the mountain peak hollowed out by the dwarf!

Karbo Har only felt the ground shake, and the hollowed out mountain first rose slightly with violent tremors, and then fell directly back. The boiling molten iron rushed out of the safe furnace, roaring and swallowing all the horrified dwarf craftsmen, accompanied by a thunderous roar, the main peak that was broken by Ymir collapsed to the ground.

The original foundation pillars that were unbreakable, cracks of death appeared one after another under this horrible shock, and the rooms in the mountain collapsed one after another. When the dwarf came back to his senses, he suddenly found that he had been buried under the ruins.

The ancestor giant stretched out his hand fiercely, the solid rock, in front of her hands, seemed like soft quicksand, one after another, collapsed and collapsed, the dwarves fled around in horror, the solid underground shelter was like a fragile ant den, under the ravages of a urchin , Gradually fragmented.

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