Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 586

Chapter 581 : Legion Six Wings (Part 2)

Seeing the united soldiers, the warriors in black armor quickly retreated back into the dense forest. The scarred vampires did not dare to chase after them. They put out the fire on the spot, waited for reinforcements, and cleaned the battlefield by the way. , Pick up the relics of these strange soldiers.

“Hurry up and find a few corpses with complete faces! Use deceased conversation techniques to obtain their military status and information! You, you, and you! You vampires, remember their identities, modify their faces, and execute the infiltration immediately Combat! This is also hundreds of kilometers away from Milan, with an Alps in the middle. There must be their command post and supply line nearby! Find it out for me!”

Valcoran wiped the blood from his face and roared loudly.

The vampires faithfully implemented Varkoran’s orders. They collected the most complete corpses on the battlefield. It was not easy. These Ravenwing cavalry came and went like ghosts, and they had extremely strong concealment ability. On the plains, he was only found a hundred feet away from the vampire.

However, their defensive capabilities are not enough in front of vampires. A large number of black armored cavalry’s bodies were torn to pieces by sharp claws, and they fell on their horses as the cavalry galloped, and then were trampled by their own galloping horses into a mud of flesh and blood.

Under the eerie and blasphemous spells, the corpses that had been cold for a long time opened their empty eyes, dullly answering the vampire’s questions, and reporting their information and rank in the army one by one.

“Sharada Nikurus, a soldier of the First Company of the 16th Division of the Central Field Army.”

“Bloody Tomahawk, soldier of the First Company of the 16th Division of the Central Field Army.”

“Vigimar Dadania, the first company commander of the 16th Division of the Central Field Army.”

“Yeah! A company commander?! This is a big fish.”

The vampire secretly remembered his identity, washed the face of the corpse with fresh water, and disguised his face as a dead soldier.

Eighteen vampires acted immediately. They remembered the identity of the dead, changed their appearances to the dead, put on the armor of the dead, disguised as a group of broken soldiers, and followed the retreat traces of the angel’s three wings. They did not know how long before they finally arrived at the Central Army. A temporary camp.

“Hurry up and send a letter to Koz-sama, saying that we have found the enemy’s station.”

The vampires used psychic communication to report the enemy’s location. After that, they pretended to be badly injured. They approached the camp from six directions, using their intelligence and disguise to easily get into the center. Inside the army.

“Everything is as planned. It’s so easy to sneak into the army of these Romans.”

The midnight lords thought arrogantly. These veterans once assisted Etius and won the Gaul War. The Roman warlords’ troops were extremely chaotic. The staffed soldiers were mixed with the messy barbarians. The counterintelligence work was zero, and it was almost like an unlocked door. Like the vault, the vampire performs the assassination, and the decapitation is effortless.

And this strange black-armored unit looks no different from those Gaul warlords.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the vampires quickly dispersed in the camp. Among these strange black-armored soldiers, they collected all the information that was beneficial to them. It’s really strange that the soldiers of Giliman and Aetius are all red-robed soldiers. These black-robed soldiers can only be the Central Army directly under Augustus. However, as the same army, they have six different types. The marks are a skeleton with wings, a flame with wings, a scorpion with wings, a storm with wings, a whirlpool with wings, and a crow with wings.

When the vampires were puzzled, a warrior dressed as a company commander patted him on the shoulder and whispered in the ear of the Lord Midnight.

“Vigimar, the seventh of the Hundred Arts, the inner ring assembly has been held, hurry up.”

The vampire looked dumbfounded, inner ring, council? What is this? Wait, the person he pretended to be a company commander of the 16th battle group. How did he call himself just now, the seventh of the best? What is that again? ? ?

The turbulent midnight lord, even though there was an uproar in his heart, the surface was still calm, followed the mysterious black-robed man to the left and right, and came to the deep camp. Some veterans in triple locks and black robes waited solemnly.

The vampire pretended to be calm and pulled a chair to do it. Although I don’t understand these inner rings and what Baiyi is, looking at this posture, the enemy is going on a major meeting. Now is a good opportunity to gather information. ——

The nobleman at midnight suddenly felt that his sight was short. Before he could react, his limbs, accompanied by dripping blood, fell into the distance, and the fracture was as smooth as a mirror! Two veterans in black armor and white robes, like ghosts, appeared beside them, neatly cutting off the vampire’s hands and feet.

Their movements were so swift and violent that even a few seconds later, the Lord of Midnight felt the piercing pain.

“What are you doing! I am your companion!”

The vampire let out a harsh scream, and the third veteran also got up from the chair, grabbed a spear, pierced the belly of the undead, and provoked him from the ground.

“The loophole is too much, the spy of the tribe.”

The Central Army laughed at the enemy’s efforts.

“From the moment you came in, we knew that you were the enemy: the commander of the battle group, the commander of the company, that was our external identity. When we were the only one, we called ourselves a fighting cult or the belonging of Baiyi. You didn’t even understand the inside and outside. The difference between the rings, dare to sneak in? The tribe has found us! Gathering troops! Here is far away from their road, you can try to fight an annihilation battle!”

A black armor and white robe veteran drew out the sharp sword in his hand, entwining the lightning glow of thunder, and pointed directly at the throat of Lord Midnight.

“Repent, today is the time of your death.”

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Conversation with the deceased

Necromancer [depends on language]

Level: Priest 3

Spell components: speech, posture, magic weapon

Casting time: 10 minutes

Distance: 10 feet

Target: a dead creature

Duration: 1 minute/level

Exemption check: Will, pass is invalid; see text

Spell resistance: No

You temporarily restore a little life and intelligence to a corpse so that it can answer your questions. Every two caster levels can ask one question. If the duration of the spell is exceeded, no further questions can be asked. The knowledge of the corpse is limited to what it knew before it was alive, including the language it spoke. The answer is usually short, vague or repetitive. If the creature’s alignment is different from yours, you can make a Will save to resist your spell as before.

If the corpse has been cast to talk to the dead in the past week, the spell will be invalidated. Creatures that have been dead can be used as conversation partners, but the corpse needs to be roughly intact to respond. The damaged body may only give partial or partial correct answers, but it must have a mouth that can be used to speak.

This spell cannot make you talk to the dead (his soul is far away), it just calls out the knowledge left in the body. The corpse will retain the impression of the soul, so it can be said that all the knowledge before birth. However, the corpse won’t get new information, and won’t even remember what you asked.

Spells have no effect on corpses that have become undead.

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