Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 589

Chapter 584 : Internal and external troubles

“So, there is a very strong combat force, which is suspected to be the main force of the Central Field Army, is attacking our food road, and it has also defeated Koz and his vampires? And they fought orcs and ghouls in a battle. Is it evenly divided?”

Painhes in Gaul rubbed his head with a headache. He has put all the undead troops into the task of guarding the food road, and additionally added the two-legged dragon troops of the beast Onardo, and the force in the Gaul theater will inevitably decline. It seems that there is a main force of the Western Roman Empire in Letia, but the three armies of Aetius, Giliman, and Theodoric gather in the South Gaul region. If you continue to divide your troops for support, your main force in North Gaul will also encounter unpredictable danger.

“You have to think of a way to force Aetius to come out for a decisive battle, and it will drag on and something will happen.”


At the same time, Aetius also faced huge problems.

It is a correct decision to stand firm and clear the field, refuse to defend, and at the same time by attacking the supply line, slowly dragging down the tribe’s army, but not everyone can confirm this. It took less than a year for the military commander to unite the warlords of Gaul, large and small, relying on land, money, and a series of brilliant victories and glory.

Except for the personal soldiers he inherited from his father, most of the Gaul soldiers only spent a few months with the military commander. This time is too short. There is no deep relationship between the soldiers. They are completely benefited. Tied together, Aetius promised them more land and glory in exchange for the other’s allegiance.

But now? Large tracts of villages were burned and abandoned in the tactics of fortifying the walls and clearing the fields. The commander ordered the soldiers to abandon the land they had just acquired. The tortoises retracted into the southern Gaul region, which has a large amount of defense depth, and could not stand. Almost half of the soldiers lost the land they got—most of these soldiers were Germanic. They were willing to come to the Empire to serve as soldiers in order to avoid the severe cold in the north and for a piece of land that could survive.

And now, overnight, they have returned to a state of poverty. Soldiers can rely on Aetius’s salary to maintain a good life, but their wives, children, and those who have lost their land and are forced to migrate have all become Refugees had to become servitudes, civilian husbands, and hard work done as slaves in order to get a bite of living food from the commander of the war.

With the passage of time, the dissatisfaction and anger in their hearts became more and more prosperous. The dissatisfaction of the refugees even infected their relatives and friends in the military.

The warlord’s inability to avoid the battle also made Gaul surrender to his warlords, and became angry: these emperors, large and small, who once occupied northern Gaul’s towns, were the group that suffered the most losses, even if Aetius gave them a certain amount of compensation and promised to regain the lost land, but he could barely suppress their anger.

However, the patience and loyalty of these little warlords is also witnessing the gradual disappearance of people, horses and orcs, building villages and reclaiming fields on their lands.

These problems are not too serious, the real trouble is the Visigothic brutal alliance. In order to obtain the assistance of this huge army, hundreds of thousands of barbarians flooded into the South Gaul region. They are not some law-abiding imperial citizens. They burn, kill, plunder and do nothing. The barbarian leaders have nothing at all. The intention of restraint, on the contrary, took the lead in making waves.

At this time, the landlords of Southern Gaul were also angry. They were dissatisfied that their own interests had been harmed, and eagerly wanted to send Aetius to the north to fight the tribe, or at least to send the Visigothic brutal alliance out of the south. Gaul.

Regardless of who wins or loses, as long as the locusts can be driven out. The individual strength of these people is compared with that of the commander of the war, like a man’s arm as a car, but the voices of the nobles, large and small, united together, even Augustus had to take it seriously.

The anger of the Franks destroyed the last long string of reason in Zhan Shuai’s mind: the Franks who occupied Gaul, Belgium, once again left their hometowns, and hundreds of thousands of people arrived in southern Gaul. They lost everything. , Without land, without glory, hiding behind the city wall like a tortoise with its head shrunk, and all this is caused by the real Frankish King Aetius in name!

In the end, the Franks even planned a rebellion and wanted to seize a piece of their own land again. Even Zhan Shuai’s wife and the eldest daughter of the former Frankish king also filed for divorce with Aetius. He also led the Frank soldiers to capture several lovers of Zhanshuai as his own bargaining chip.

Seeing the chaos within the coalition forces, the class contradictions of all parties became more acute, and even the harem caught fire, and the exhausted Aetius collapsed helplessly on the bed, massaging his temples vigorously.

“You have to think of a way to force Painhurs to come out for a decisive battle, and it will drag on and cause trouble.”


Julian calendar 422 years, the month of Jon, the first day. (June 1, 422 AD)

After delaying each other for two months, the two sides dispatched a large number of cavalry and scouts to each other’s main force at almost the same time to confirm the specific location of each other. Although the battalion marched, although I don’t know why, the enemy changed the state of being stuck in the past and took the initiative to seek an offense, but the current results are quite suitable for both of them.

Before the real decisive battle broke out, tens of thousands of scouts, Qingqi, had already launched **** battles in the plains of Gaul. The brave and skilled prairie athletes rushed together with the well-trained Roman cavalry. In the sound of horse hooves, they shot each other with bows and arrows, and spears greeted each other, and the broken corpses stained Gaul with blood.

In encounters with these nomads, the lightly outfitted scout cavalry can often deal a one-to-one battle damage. If some Austrian members are mixed into the scout, they can even wipe out some small-scale grassland scouts.

However, if they are unlucky enough to meet hundreds of families, the battle will become a one-sided slaughter.

When the scout cavalry encounters a half-man and half-horse monster, they will desperately find that their physical fitness, weapons and equipment, and all aspects of themselves are crushed by all aspects of the horses and horses. In terms of archery, the range of their composite short bows is completely impossible. Comparing with the compound longbow in the hands of the horses and horses, before the battle, he suffered heavy casualties under the rain of arrows covering the sky and the sun.

After the two sides entered a close fight, these monsters who also wore the empire’s armor had even better armor than their own, and the natural strength of the horses and horses was far higher than that of humans.

Moreover, there is no stirrup in this era. It is very difficult for the cavalry to keep balance on the horseback. Faced with the monsters of the horse and the horse, they have no power to parry, and they fall from the horseback and become covered with it. The horseshoes of blood and minced meat are trampled into a new pool of mud.

As for the stirrups, Painhurs knew the principle of this thing and would also make it, but he didn’t say it. Anyway, my own soldiers are all men and horses, so why tell others about this epoch-making equipment? Improving the combat power of those poor cavalry without stirrups to a level close to that of their own tribe will do nothing but harm to them.

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