Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 .Remarks on the shelves

The word Painhurs is just for the convenience of communication, the product of transliteration into lingua franca-Your Royal Highness Honoria, you have to understand. I rule many clans. Common language is the best way to communicate. ”

“It turned out to be like this.” Honoria’s dignified and beautiful face bloomed with a formulaic smile and spoke a fluent Mu language. “So, Pale Horse, do you want to know your Mu name, translated into Latin, and what is it?”

“Let’s talk about it?” Pain Heston became interested. From the skin of the white dragon, he straightened up his tall and burly human body, wanting to see what his name would look like after it was converted into Latin. .

“Let me think about it.” Honoria’s frowning brow slowly stretched out after thinking for a while. The small and seductive vermilion lips slowly pronounced a terrifying vocabulary that was horrified by another pale white horse.

“Attila, your Muzu name, converted to Latin is A-t-t-i-l-a, Attila.”


Dear readers, thank you for your support of this book. In the future, I will continue to persevere at a rate of two shifts a day.

After the fortress of Vichymiris was breached, Crimea returned to chaos, and many forces competed on the peninsula. A WAAAGH green-skinned orcs, ferocious bloodthirsty goth barbarians, sinister and cunning business goblins, ghostly carrion lizards, and demon worshiping Mairo merfolk…

Conspiracy, betrayal, killing, alliance. A terrifying and terrifying killing war is about to break out here! Sing a legendary epic that is heart-stirring!


Legion commander Atorius, with the help of the army mage Merlin, took three legions and withdrew from this cold dead zone covered by hoarfrost and war.

The Western Roman Empire completely abandoned this barren land in the extreme north. The two legends of the empire were transferred to the protracted war with the Germanic barbarians-let the change master who is good at stopping time: Dior, bring his Saxons, and the local Celtics Indigenous people, for the poor fat land, slowly fight to death.


Roman Legion vs. Gothic Barbarians! Legendary barbarian: Alaric, holding high the head of the Roman emperor that was cut off by his ancestors in Adrianople, with his Visigothic people, he smashed to the Italian peninsula.

The legendary war commander of the Western Roman Empire: Stirico, leading the Roman legion-Vandal barbarian-Alan orcs composed of the red coalition, is not afraid to raise his sword to greet you! The war is about to start!


The current Eastern Roman emperor: Arcadius tremblingly shattered an intricate and expensive messenger facility. One of the five patriarchal districts: New Tusbrazhen is in a hurry! The terrifying army of Persian demonites and blood axe orcs in the east has crossed the Arabian desert without knowing it, and has entered the prosperous new moon fertile land!

【Eternal City】

In a magnificent palace made of marble and gold and carved with the martial arts of Augustus. A total of thirteen immortal bones exuding horror, sitting on thirteen golden thrones flooded by scrolls and books, while studying magic, while thinking about the future fate of the empire.·······································································································


At last. I want to say that writing novels is really tiring. I work at the desk during the day and continue to code words at night. My cervical spondylosis has already begun to deteriorate, and I often endure the pain and desperately code words.

It’s really a long, long time to buy 1000san for ten dollars. I hope that readers who like this book can support the original version, subscribe to this book, and take a look at the handed down empire created by the white white horse! Think of it as giving me a 2L bottle of Fat House Happy Water every month (manually funny).

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