Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 594

Chapter 589 : The price of death

“Goths! Go and attack the archer on the left! Cato Sicarius! Take the ten thousand cavalry you brought out of Gaul to defend against the archer on the right! The rest, follow Behind me! Charge towards the centaurs!”

Aetius frowned and immediately adjusted the formation of the tribe.

“No problem! Little ones! Come with me!”

Dorismond roared, carrying 20,000 Gothic Lancers, turned around and launched a charge against the nomads of the tribe.

These Gothic Lancers had no idea what happened to the barbarian positions. They only saw the death of Ymir. The entire front was wiped out under the attack of the tribe. One by one, the Visigoths were extremely worried about the situation of their colleagues. So when it comes to fighting, it gets crazier.

Looking at the menacing 20,000 heavy cavalry, the sky was full of smoke. The nomads smiled slightly, tightened their reins, turned their horses’ heads away from the spearheads of the Goths, and kept shooting arrows to cover the sky, killing and interfering with the progress of the opponent.

The horses of both sides, produced in Andalusia and Salmatia respectively, are first-class horses, but the horses of the Visigoths slaughter heavily armed soldiers, while the horses of the tribe are only With a light bow rider in leather armor on his back, the speed gap is very obvious.

The nomads even lowered their horse speed slightly, deliberately dangled the heavy cavalry behind, and used their best Parthian archery to shoot a rain of arrows behind them, constantly harassing and killing the Gothic cavalry.

And Aetius, leading the vast majority of cavalry, confronted the main force of the Centaur head-on. Cato Sicarius’ Spanish cavalry, as a defender, defends behind him.

Gorell was full of confidence. In previous exercises, even if he was a man and horse, he could not win this combination of front big shield and halberd, middle super long spear, and rear archer in the cavalry pair training. What’s more, a two-legged creature on horseback?

The 15,000 barbarians who rushed in the forefront were on the verge of collapse. They were the first to rush and died the most. Almost one-fifth of the soldiers died under the rain of arrows that covered the sky by the tribe.

The surviving Germans stared at the surrounding **** in horror: the air was filled with a pungent smell of blood, and the soldiers shot by the arrows made a miserable cry-those arrows were of different sizes, goblin wolves The arrows of a cavalry are as small as a needle, and the arrows of a heavy cavalry are as large as a short spear.

They were not the worst. In the age without stirrups, soldiers would tie themselves to horsebacks to maintain their balance. Each soldier killed by arrows would still have their bodies tied to horsebacks.

And their horses still obeyed the initial orders and galloped forward. Gradually icy corpses, like necrotic dead wood in the autumn wind, arms, torso, and heads full of arrows, swinging wildly on the bumpy horseback at an angle that normal people can’t pose. Countless fallen leaves made of blood were scattered in all directions.

And these sad corpses on horseback, with the passage of time, the number has reached as many as thousands, almost filling the field of vision of the soldiers behind! This terrifying visual impact is gradually destroying the morale of the barbarians.

When the barbarians shook their heads when they heard Aetius order them to rush towards the phalanx of the centaur, their morale collapsed.

Zhan Shuai frowned and recalled his hostage in the tribe. Pain Hess invented a gadget called chess, and ordered the officials of the tribe with more than one hundred household chiefs to master the war skills on the table.

This kind of warfare on the desktop is very fun. The commander, the ban, the elephant, the cavalry, the chariot, the trebuchet, and the soldiers are all available. One of the rules is very interesting-when you want to use a chess piece as a cannon fodder bait At that time, whether there is a decisive supervising team behind, or an impassioned speech, you must be at the table and tell your opponent a reason that can convince your opponent, otherwise, there is no way to deliberately give away any chess piece.

It is true that war needs cannon fodder, and the general situation needs cannon fodder, but every flesh and blood soldier has his own emotions and his own will. They are never cold pawns that can be abandoned at will.

“Do it.”

Aetius said briefly. Accompanied by the creepy howling arrows, the Roman Persian heavy cavalry bent their bows and bowed their arrows, but this time, they were not aiming at the far-away centaur monsters, but the backs of the front row of brutal cavalry.

Under the rain of strong bows and arrows of the Romans, the barbarians in the back row fell down like weeds. They hadn’t realized what had happened yet, and Zhanshuai revealed his trump card: accompanied by the sky-shaking dragon roar. Yin, a total of thirteen super-large white dragons broke through the shackles of illusion and exposed to everyone. The cold and terrifying dragon, like a pair of big cold hands, tightly grasped the heart of Brute!


The savage and violent super-large white dragons, like giant reptiles, wriggle on the battlefield. They are arranged equidistantly on the wide battlefield, just blocking the retreat of the barbarian and the winding road to the left and right.

The claws of the dragon shred the fragile flesh and blood of the barbarians, and the rough necks popped out like lightning, biting the upper bodies of the Germans, and, accompanied by the creepy chewing sound, crushing their upper bodies. Chew and swallow.

The horses that were also panicked in the Longwei, carried a whole body with only the lower body, the jagged cracks in the waist, and the stumps and pieces of meat that were still rushing to run around.

The roar of the dragon shook the sky and the earth, and the breath of the frost dragon was like a tide, destroying the army of the barbarians! Completely submerge the human beings who cannot dodge one by one.

At this moment, the fear that the dragon brought to the barbarians had already overshadowed them.

The panicked barbarians have nowhere to go. In order to avoid the hunting of dragons and Romans, they can only rush to the array of men and horses! The barbarians rushing forward, looking at the spear wall dense like a steel forest, realized that the front was also hell.

He wanted to retreat, but the cavalry squeezed from behind, like a wave, didn’t give him the slightest chance. The huge thrust pushed the wailing barbarians alive into the gunpoints of the horses.

Gorell frowned, and the 15,000 barbarians were almost annihilated at this moment, but the corpses of them and the horses, almost full of the front team of centaurs, were squeezed alive into a low wall of flesh and blood.

Almost all of his super long spears were trapped in the **** sea of ​​Germanic corpses, unable to move. At this moment, thirteen super-large white dragons flew high in the sky, spreading fear and death among the tribe’s army.

And the Roman heavy cavalry lined up neatly, stepping on this low wall of flesh and blood built up by the sea of ​​corpses, and crossing the front of Gorell’s phalanx, holding a five-meter-long lance. , Roared and pierced the head of the centaur!

And the one who rushed to the forefront of the cavalry was really their commander, Aetius.

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