Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 604

Chapter 597 :Private driving

The war was won. Under the command of the warchief, the horse and iron hoof almost forgot about fatigue, and rushed down the hill like a landslide and tsunami, giving the Roman army a head-on attack, cutting, and outflanking the empire’s army.

In the chaos, several battle group leaders wanted to organize defenses several times, but whenever they gathered enough people, the pale nightmare would appear quietly like a ghost. After an arrow shot the leader, the soldier’s soul In, inject the deepest fear. Single-handedly defeated one empire after another.

Gilliman let out a desperate roar, he tried to revive the battle, but there was only darkness in front of him. Midnight Ghost was so worried about being defeated by an empire commander last time, so he focused on the Spanish warlord, trying to wash his shame with his blood.

The Glory Guard, wearing blue armor and red robe, fell apart under the anger of Dragon’s Breath and Longwei. The governors of the six provinces had to face the enemy alone. He was indeed very strong. Every time the blazing giant sword slashed, it could make a lot of broken dragons. The scales, accompanied by filthy blood, splashed in all directions.

But the Lord Midnight was even more treacherous. After he understood the opponent’s tricks, he instantly transformed from the shadowy dragon that covered the sky and covered the sun into a lanky humanoid ghost, causing the swords that the governors of the six provinces to wield with all their strength into the air. Place.

Conrad seized this opportunity, and the whole person sprinted forward like lightning, jagged claws slammed out, and cut the opponent’s neck! The cracks that were as flat as a mirror were shining with sparks of death.

The hundreds of thousands of soldiers who had lost their leader had no morale and fled hurriedly. However, how fast these heavy infantry were escaping, and they could not run away from the horses. After a whole day of encirclement and annihilation, the remaining 50,000 dwarves, and seven Ten thousand heavy infantry soldiers have all become captives of the tribe.

This time, Painhes did not cut the roots. The massacre in the Utus Valley was to cut off the resistance of the Eastern Roman Empire and deter Augustus in the east.

And now, what he wants is not to plunder the land of the Western Roman Empire, but to completely conquer the people here. Among the 70,000 human captives, anyone who is willing to fight for the tribe can remain in the army after a rigorous review. Those who are willing to obey the rule of the warchief can also immediately retire and obtain a piece of wealthy land in Gaul.

As for the fifty thousand dwarves, after the great chief treated them kindly, he also released a promise that as long as they bear himself, he will give a large amount of autonomy to the dwarf fortresses built on the bottom of the high mountains, and in three years. tax deduction.

The 120,000 Jiangjun looked at each other. They thought they were going to die, but they didn’t expect to be treated so politely. Needless to say, the dwarves, among the 70,000 humans, 66,000 are Germanic barbarians. They only know the warlords but not Augustus. After hearing that the white horse can give them better treatment, they immediately turned to each other, half After joining the army, half of them became obedient citizens.

After winning the Battle of Sharon, the provinces of southern Gaul, like young women stripped of all their clothes and tied with hands and feet, were naked in front of the tribe, waiting for the people to get what they wanted. The warchief immediately divided his troops into two groups. Under the guidance of the descending army, some of them raided the important town of Aetius for storing food and grass, and brought the whole of Gaul under his rule. The other army returned to help the province of Letia. Food Road.

In an instant, Leon’s pressure surged. His 50,000 troops would have faced hundreds of thousands of necromantic cannon fodder and San Giles’ most elite ghouls. Today, 50,000 nomadic cavalry and 20,000 horses, Coming continuously from the West, the Central Army had no chance of winning under this kind of force comparison. After a few **** battles, they were forced back to the Alps and hurried back to Milan along the ancient road.


In a deadly silence, Valentinian III learned of the defeat on the front line. With the might of a big victory, Painhuis divided his troops into three directions, using his troops from the three directions of Gaul, Laetia, and Pannonia, and attacked the three directions of the Alps at the same time, east, west, and center! The soldiers are pointing straight at Milan! The long-trained Gothic navy set sail from the Dalmatian province and crossed the Adriatic Sea. The mountains, rivers and earth are trembling with the sound of horseshoes!

And what made Augustus vomit blood even more was that the other party actually played the banner of “the side of the prince,” and once again spread letters to the Roman lands.

The minister Penhurs was always loyal to the empire. For several years, his ministers attacked the enemy, suppressed the rebellion, suppressed the frontiers of the empire, and helped the collapse of the society. For the empire, he regained the provinces of Pannonia, Dacia, and Noricum from the barbarians, defeated Visigoth and many other enemies, and defended the eastern border diligently for decades.

And he is Caesar’s best friend! Augustus’s brother-in-law! Chen Wen, the Gothic rebel, cholera, Gaul, was awake at night, and led his army to assist Gaul for thousands of miles, but in Sharon, he was hit by all the military forces of the empire!

There must be a villain beside Augustus, confusing your majesty to make such a retrograde. Today, the minister will lead all the troops to sweep Milan! Kill all the treacherous villains beside your Majesty to comfort the emperors of the empire.

The veterans panicked, and many imperial soldiers shuddered. The heart of the entire empire was plunged into extreme fear.

“What are you afraid of! Do that horse and horse fear you like this? The Alps pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, they can’t get in! Moreover, I have assembled an auxiliary army throughout Italy, and Ye Minglin, the Sicilian navy, went to meet those Goths. The broken ship of people, you are very safe!”

Valentinian III stood up angrily.

“Assemble all the forbidden troops! I want to conquer myself! Go north and meet Peinhes personally!”


Augustus’s tough style settled the hearts of the people in Milan a little bit. However, when the empire held another Senate meeting the next day, it was discovered that Valentinian III was nowhere to be seen. Just when the elders were unsure, a messy-clothed maid rushed into the Senate, crying cry.

“Last night, your Majesty took her favorite concubine, and under the protection of 10,000 imperial troops, fled to the southern city of Rome with a large amount of gold and silver treasures!”

In an instant, the whole of Milan became a mess, and news of Augustus abandoning the city and fleeing quickly spread to every corner of the capital. There was a great chaos in the city, and fire broke out everywhere, and the meat-eaters packed up gold and silver and prepared to escape. Crazy people took the opportunity to attack the mansion compound, plundered the gold and silver, the bustling and splendid Milan, in just half a day, it turned into a **** on earth.

And all this madness ended on the ninth day, the blue dragon flag covered the sky, and the destruction of the army was endless. Painhurs almost didn’t pay any price, and easily captured the heart of the western empire.

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