Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 607

Chapter 600 : For generations to come, the curtain w

Time is fleeting like a white horse. Pain Hess gave the Western Roman Empire the biggest war in a century, and at the same time brought the best peace to the Western Empire in hundreds of years.

The White Horse, who had seized the position of Augustus through war, reached the peak of the Western Empire, and was even comparable to Octavian at its peak. A series of pedantic and outdated laws were ruthlessly overthrown by soldiers and soldiers. More adapted to the laws and regulations of this era, they were carved on the new copper watch and erected in front of the masses.

The decayed and old Senate was uprooted, the new officials began to govern the empire with higher efficiency, the Roman nobles who were willing to welcome the new era were entrusted with important tasks, and the nobles who were unwilling to obey the tide of the times were completely shattered by the tribe. Those old forces Trying to seek restoration in the Centaur’s New Deal, they found that they didn’t have any cards in their hands. All battle groups were under the direct control of Augustus. They wanted to play the Imperial Guard’s inheritance law, but found out that the current duty of the Imperial Guard was to defend guards. Milan, the new palace guard, has become the fearless outfit of the Bloodfury clan. Their centurions are all elite veterans who followed Pein Hess from the Vichy Milles Fortress. Loyalty cannot be added.

After being forcibly stopped by the war chief, the tribe, a war machine that was running at full speed, not only did not collapse or disintegrate, but was firmly united next to Painhurs. Their territory was shattered and their power was far lower than the center. A goblin kingdom tried to gain independence in Gaul, but within two months it was completely flattened by 30,000 horses.

And Pain Hess finally breathed a sigh of relief, the empire that was about to die, ushered in a new life in the chaos of war. She generously accepted all the monsters and barbarians who escaped from the White Disaster, but broke them up as a family unit, and dispersed them on the territories from Gaul to Pannonia, completely eliminating alien races. The possibility of rebellion.

No one dared to refuse this opinion, because the nomads of the entire grassland are fighting for the current empire. Hundreds of thousands of sturdy and flexible cavalry patrol the border without fighting for a day. The sky lingers on the banks of the Rhine and Danube, crushing those outsiders who dare not obey orders.

Even the Eastern Roman Empire regained its friendly relations with the Western Roman Empire, and became a brotherhood again, vowing to advance and retreat together with the same destiny.

After the other empire stabilized, Augustus focused more on the people’s livelihood and improved the lives of everyone. The poor got land or a good job. Almost everyone praised the new emperor’s great achievements. And when this stability lasted for ten years, the Western Empire, with its prosperous national power, launched the final war.

An entire 200,000 army, led by Painhurs, drove through the Britannia Strait and landed in Upper Britannia. The imperial frontman pointed out that the Celtics fled while watching the wind, and the horses and horses rode down the wind. Go smoothly, slay tens of thousands of enemy troops along the way! The sound of horseshoes smashing the earth makes everything scared!

Augustus took only three months to recover the two provinces of Britannia. Painhurs carried the Celtics, and the heads of the Saxons’ enemies, surrounded by horses and horses. Step up the wall of Hadrian in the north.

At this point, the entire western empire was recovered. This empire stretches from the Caspian Sea in the east to the Gaul Sea in the west, borders the Afrikaans Desert in the south, and reaches the Hadrian Wall in the north. People say in awe that since Trajan, there is no Augustus that can expand the territory of the empire. To such a scale.


Western Empire Capital Milan

“Augustus! Your old friend is here, and he says he wants to see you!”

A monster with a layer of Roman robe outside the iron armor of the steppe walked respectfully into the magnificent imperial palace and saluted the horses and horses on the throne.

And before the guards finished speaking, Painhurs didn’t remember who this old friend was, the man had already stepped into the palace of gold. He is so tall and burly, that the crowds are dwarfed in front of him.

He is so dazzling, even if it is decorated with gold and precious stones. The imperial palace with a thousand arcane candlelights is all dim in front of him. That face is in the golden vertical pupils of Painhes, constantly in Christina, Christian, Honoria, Hennie The faces of Val, Sabina and others switched.

“Ah, Joshua Joseph! JOJO! Are you back from purgatory? Bring the best wine!”

Painhurs straightened up from his comfortable throne and greeted his friend whom he hadn’t seen for a long time.

“Thanks for the hospitality! Old friend.”

The gleaming man took the wine jar from the waiter and drank the best wine in the empire.

“My time is limited. Everyone can be straightforward. I tore the veil of the future during this journey of purgatory, but only saw the darkness. I think you have also witnessed those things called [Chaos]. But you stopped it. Those things of chaos will spread and pass in your clan and in your empire.”

JOJO stared at the crown of Augustus, the chaotic energy released on it was not weaker than the fissure of the sky above the **** battle, but it was suppressed by Painhurs, and if you did not observe carefully, he would almost miss it. Such an important clue.

“Yes, I have not only witnessed, but just like you, I want to use the power of chaos in order to achieve my wish.”

Painhurs admitted generously.

“As for more things, I can only say that I am in Milan. I just got off my back and have related interests.

“To be honest. Have you seen the Pantheon? I am also a **** in it.”

JOJO sighed.

“I used to believe that I was the strongest. Hundreds of years ago, as long as I wanted to, I could permanently eliminate other gods. However, when I saw the chaos beyond, I felt that I was so small.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“The devil and the devil have formed an alliance in order to stop the expansion of Chaos. I don’t know how many thousands of years they can stop the Chaos in the **** battlefield. I only know that they can’t keep blocking. If they lose, our world Your empire will be wiped out.”

Jojo stared at Painhus’s eyes,

“So, Honorable Majesty Augustus, I want to make a deal with you. I have learned some new tricks from Chaos. I can make you and your loved ones immortals-not the sad ones. Lich is not a vampire who can only live in the dark for a lifetime. It is true and true, and it is almost the same as God’s life! Even death can’t defeat you.”

“Then the price, what is it?”

Augustus narrowed his eyes and asked puzzledly.

“I want you to help me. I want our world, our compatriots, to overcome chaos. I don’t know how many millennia this will consume me. I only know that I will fight to death for this goal.”

“Ha! It seems that their blessing to me has come true!”

“Blessing? What blessing?”

“Oh, nothing, you just said that you want to make me an immortal. And when I was enthroned as Augustus a few years ago, someone blessed my empire, my age, and the generations to come, never ending. .”

Painhurs laughed. He took the hand extended by the other party.


The book is over! Thank you for your long-term company Bow The new book “I wonder if this can work” is released! The green-skinned orc Waaagh wears Azeroth! In the dark and cruel future, I think only we can bring a touch of comical to this world.

Introduction to the new book

“I wonder, I want to transform Nordrassil, the world tree, into a super Waaagh destructive dive catapult that can fire at a rate that can break away from the gravity of Azeroth and smash the demon boss! And all of this, I have to let Those purple bean sprouts paid for it.”

“how can that be?!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, you will be done. No one in this world understands technology better than me!”

Great warlord, great skill tyrant Salaka. Frantically thinking and dancing, he roared like this.

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