Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 68

Chapter 60 : The end of the battle

“It’s all up to this point, what do you say to make Lao Tzu retreat? I can even organize a charge to easily kill the fat dying chief bear goblin! Then step on the corpses of hundreds of greenskins and goblins, Retreat to the city calmly! Why are you telling me to retreat now?!”

Quintuchus, who also received a letter from the Dove Whisper, uttered an incompetent and furious voice when he understood that the dove whisper could not hear his own voice.

Just as the Roman general was in a rage, suddenly, there was a second arrogant arcane energy that gathered in the sky above Constantinople into an invisible energy sphere, like a meteor, and instantly crossed the Black Sea. The rough, dark sea.

The huge energy steadily weakened and diminished during the flight. By the time it arrived at the Vichymiris Fortress, it was almost the same as the ordinary communication technique. This extremely special magical energy recognized the communication letter carried by Quintuchus. Mark. Gently rushed into his mind. Whispered a paragraph of Latin.

In order to maintain the stability of this kind of ultra-long-distance communication, the dove language court must use special spells to stabilize the magic. To put it simply, at the beginning and end of the communication discourse, three pious grunts against the great ancient technology.

“Cuckoo! The thirtieth Ulpius Legion, the always healthy and always loyal Commander of the Nicholas Legion, let us bring one more sentence: If you dare to say half a word in your mouth, your honorable Legion Commander, Just turn you into a “wow wow wow” barking murloc, and raise it in your own bath. The cost of this additional communication is not borne by the empire, but deducted from your military salary. Cuckoo.”

“······I will grab the position of the captain from you sooner or later!!!” Quintuchus gritted his teeth in his heart. Taking the water bag from the warm and gentle barbarian girl, resting while thinking about how to retreat. As for the barbarians beside him? Without the upper-level orders and constraints, why should I care about their life and death.

“General! Look south!”

Suddenly, the whole body exclaimed, interrupting Quintuchus’s contemplation. The Roman general swung his head to the left, and saw that inside the fortress, the wooden longhouses built by the Goths burned into the sky one after another! The fire continued to spread, and before long, it would be red for half of the sky. Countless old and weak women and children screamed, cried, and wailed and ran towards the northern city wall!

“Force those people out and burn the house again! Let these old and weak women and children become a burden to the Romans!” Peinhes, who arrived at the fortress, did not initiate an immediate charge, but instead looted the Orthogoths with the Lizardmen. The long house, driving away the civilians of the barbarians. Trying to play a sheep-driving tactic. Disperse the Romans’ unbreakable formation like a copper wall and an iron wall, and then launch a general attack.

However, you have to eat something first.

After the strenuous exercise, the hungry people, some opened the fragile wooden door, and squeezed into the barbarian longhouse. Amidst the horrified screams of the Gothic barbarians, they swallowed the leftovers on the table and tried to recover their lost physical strength as quickly as possible. Some people simply broke into the corral and ended the lives of those animals with an axe. They grabbed the unhaired raw meat and stuffed it into their mouths. The hot blood dripped down their chain mail all the way onto the ground.

This can be regarded as one of the weaknesses of the sagittarius. After high-intensity consumption, high-intensity eating is also necessary.

The monster hardly needs to do extra work. With their huge half-human and half-horse figures, and the terrifying fangs of the lizardmen, the civilians who can scare them out come out!

The young and strong men among them all died on the battlefield in the south, or fled to the capital with the desperate fighters. The rest are all vulnerable, old and weak women and children who can’t even handle kitchen knives and sticks. They can only watch the monsters turn boxes and cabinets, find a lot of candles, lamp oil, and torches, and burn their hard-built homes!

“Hiss—” Looking at the burning sea of ​​flames in the south and the hundreds of panicked civilians swarming in, Quintuchus took a breath. How long has this passed! Asana was more than two thousand people, so she was defeated? Didn’t it mean that the other party had more than forty centaur and less than a thousand lizardmen? The Eastern Gothic Wu De worrisome.

If it is said that he was forced to retreat before being helpless, then, now Quintuchus really wants to leave!









“Soldiers! Listen to me! The latest news is coming from the Pigeon Court! Sasanian Persian has launched a new round of offensive against the Empire! The Empire has abandoned all activities on Gredinian Peninsula! All retreat! We return to the Lord Constantinople! Ready to fight against the demons!!!” The Roman general gritted his teeth and quickly shouted out the imperial command he had just heard in Latin.

“Retreat? Where are we to retreat?” a crossbowman asked in surprise.

“South! Didn’t that druid say that the monster landed from the southern coastline? We killed along the coastline! Retake the ship!” Quintuchus took the remaining five mages and more than fifty crossbowmen. , Quickly walked down the city wall.

“But, there are thousands of women and children here! Do you want to abandon them?” Another tired battle mage, from the barbarian girl’s warm and soft arms, straightened up his thin body, showing a shocked look. In the same Latin, it is incredibly said.

“Damn, less than a week after we came, you found yourself a concubine!” Quintuchus glanced at them in disgust. “Do you want my brothers to use their lives to protect the barbarian women you just find? Impossible! Your kid will either abandon her and follow us quickly, or stay here alone and be devoured by monsters with this girl! Everyone! Take advantage of the fact that the fire is not strong, immediately retreat to the south! Quick! Quick! Quick!!!”

“What happened?” The barbarian girl who didn’t know the truth, looked at the roman general with an angry look, and tightly clasped the wizard’s left arm in fear, and asked cautiously in common language.

“Be at ease, I will protect you.” Feeling the wonderful touch from the arm, staring at the young and beautiful face of his lover, recalling the wonderful time the two had spent… the brain of the mage, Instantly occupied by hormones. Under Quintuchus’s contemptuous gaze, he stood stubbornly and gently stroked his partner’s golden hair. Seeing his commander and colleagues, they retreated to the south in a uniform manner!


Just when the two were in love, the terrifying battle cry of green skin came from the north again! The savage roar rose from wave to wave. The half-elf mage shook his long pointed ears-the ferocious roar was mixed with the whistling wind caused by the flapping of the fleshy wings!

The green-skinned orcs are about to launch the twelfth attack!

The endless cold sweat instantly wetted the wizard’s clothes. He felt his empty spell slot, looked at the monster corpses piled up like a mountain in the tunnel, and looked at his comrades farther and farther away. An invisible huge fear instantly crushed everything!

“Dear… dear, unworthy lizardmen, came from the south. General Quintuchus assembled all his forces and decided to defeat the lizardmen first! Come back and start a decisive battle with Greenskin!” The half-elf managed to squeeze a smile. Speaking tremblingly in lingua franca. “I…I, I want to fight too! Protect yourself! I’ll be back soon! I swear!”

“Yeah, good.” The barbarian girl smiled, revealing two sweet dimples, her tiptoes and her red lips lightly touched the mage’s lips. “I’ll wait for you to come back.”

“I…” Listening to the orcs’ roars of fierce fighting, and looking at the beloved face of his lover, the mage’s breathing became more and more turbulent, and the delicate face was covered with sweat. His desperate heart was shaken and struggling for a moment, and then disappeared into the roar of the overwhelming green skin! ! !

The half-elf bit his lip, his handsome face instantly regained his indifferent appearance, bent down, kissed the girl’s lips gently, turned back firmly, and ran south at the fastest speed in his life! At the same time shout loudly in Latin!

“Wait for me! General Quintuchus!!!”


Painhurs and Hist, no one expected the Romans to concentrate all their forces and directly abandon the city and flee. I was caught off guard for a while, the stubby bolts and heavy javelins, like a heavy rain of death that covered the sky, whizzed across the cold night sky and covered their heads!

About five hundred Legionnaires wearing heavy chain mail and scarlet cloaks, like a terrifying wave of red blood, scouring the tall bodies of the monsters, as if they were devastated, drowning and killing a group of scattered people. The monster soldiers rushed out of the burning town and assembled into a round tortoise shell formation. Warriors and priests were in the outer ring, crossbowmen and wizards in the inner ring, along the coastline, and they retreated to the south in an orderly manner!

“Abandon the ship! Run with the chief! The farther you go, the better!”

Painhurs was blemished. Hastily used [Communications] to notify the soldiers on board. With iron armor and fearless, trying to delay the speed of the Roman legion!

This is definitely the most frustrated battle in the history of the white horse. The range of the Roman heavy crossbow is not lost to their own compound longbow. However, their tortoise shell formation can bounce off their few flint arrows. The opponent’s crossbowman stocks a large amount of ammunition, and continuously shoots out a series of horrible arrows that can penetrate through the chain armor!

A heavily armored and fearless man who was shot by a crossbow arrow, roared at the name of the **** of nature and community, waved the giant axe in his hand, tried to attack the Roman tortoise formation, but he had not rushed to the tip of the enemy’s gun. In front of him, dozens of javelins were shot into a **** hedgehog!


With two or three crossbow arrows pierced through his waist and arms, Painhes, who was quite embarrassed, watched the heavy armor and fearlessly moved the chief out of the double-deck dinghy, and after evacuating to the distance, he stopped chasing the Romans so much as a defeat and retreat. It’s more like the main battalion of a steadily attacking legion. They watched as they snatched a sailor, slave, and a clean galley that had all been killed, and slowly sailed to the west.

Forget it, forget it, the shortcomings don’t hide the good, a little setback can’t hide the fact of victory!

“The Romans are defeated! Cheers! Brothers! Victory belongs to the Bloodfury clan!!!” Pain Hess angrily pulled out the crossbow that pierced his left shoulder, and roared to the sky. “Go! Bring in all the people outside the city wall! The water and plants are abundant, and the promised land of Mishan with livestock is waiting for our visit!”

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