Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 74

Chapter 66 : Abhus

Painhurs skillfully put on a soft and comfortable deerskin top. Using a basin of clean water as a mirror, he straightened his gold-cast witchcraft crown, and with the help of several slaves, he tied two loops of tough leather belts with a large number of bone hooks to the lower body of the pale horse. The one-meter-long axe hung on the left side of his body.

On the right side of the belt, there are also countless sturdy bone hooks, and a small bag of heavy javelins with a child’s arm thickness is hung obliquely-Curonia succeeded in imitating the Roman heavy javelin, slender tapered spikes, elegant streamlined body, heavy counterweight The ball is readily available. but. The predator leader did not change these javelins into disposables.

Unlike the Roman Empire, the Bloodfury clan did not have that much manpower, material resources, and repeated repairs of the javelin.

Immediately afterwards, when the white horse crossed himself again, the Roman dagger he obtained was tied to the right side of his belt as a dagger. Behind the human category 0’s body, there is a large and two small slanting across three brown quiver sewn with animal skin. An extra special quiver was hung on the left side of the belt, and his left hand tightly grasped a composite longbow made of yew wood, and the whole talent was considered to be armed.

The large quiver carried on the back of the human body contained thirty ordinary flint arrows. Two more compact animal skin bags, each containing ten flint rockets wrapped in tarpaulin, and ten screaming dysprosiums carefully carved by the white bones.

The special quiver on the left side of the belt contains a total of thirty arrow shafts that are extremely thick, slender, and clusters of arrows are also the cone-shaped iron arrows that the clan has just cast.

Magnus yawned, reluctantly flapping a pair of blood-colored fleshy wings, and gently landed on the warlock’s sheepskin waistcoat. Watching the pale white horse gently open the curtain of the tent. Under the shining sun, the vast sea of ​​grasses and countless dewdrop-covered plump grasses stretched out to the end of the field of vision.


Painhurs stepped gently on the soft soil, walking alone among hundreds of pointed tents. The people who started the day’s work nearby said hello to themselves in a respectful tone.

Countless looted slaves also graze cattle and sheep, care for livestock, and gather food under the supervision of the tribe. And also to complete some hard work such as cleaning, logging, fetching water, cooking, etc.-these plundered a large amount of labor, so that the members of the clan can be completely liberated from the endless work and rush. Let them have more time to recuperate, or hone their fighting and craft skills.

Under the leadership of Luga, the soldiers also used the clay near the stream and solid stones to rebuild three simple but solid furnaces. They can get a lot of slaves from themselves, divided into several groups, taking turns squeezing the bellows made of animal skins, and sending oxygen into the furnace for 24 hours to ensure that the terrible temperature of the raging fire in the furnace is maintained at a sufficient temperature. The degree to which the metal is melted.

There are also some slave laborers who are carrying iron ore plundered by men and horses, and some iron farm tools such as hoes and sickles, mixed with a certain proportion of charcoal, and dumping them into the high-temperature furnace.

Under the continuous work of the slaves, the Bloodfury clan can produce three batches of burnt red, soft iron like sponges. Luga and his part-time blacksmith soldiers take turns on duty, day and night. Quickly heat, forge, and temper the iron out of the furnace into sharp, slender cone-shaped arrow clusters, and the tip of the spear.

Most of the heavy-armored soldiers this year are wearing chain mail that is densely connected by countless iron rings. Therefore, this kind of slender and sharp cone-shaped arrow cluster is easier to penetrate the hollow iron ring of the chain armor and sink deeply into the enemy’s body.

The predators of Curonia also rotate in three shifts, constantly investigating and being vigilant for nearby disturbances. This is not the vast and empty Asia-Europe grassland, but in the hinterland of a farming kingdom. An army of Eastern Goths may appear in front of him at any time.

Although, those barbarians from Gotland in northern Europe prefer to live on the seashore and lead a mixed life of farming, fishing and hunting. According to the characteristics of the other party, he temporarily stationed the camp in a deep sea of ​​grass far away from the coast. But everything is better to be careful,


I don’t know how long he has been walking, Painhurs fetched some food from the food storage area and slowly came to the stables. The exquisite and beautiful drow is still tied to the back of a fine prairie horse.

The six leather leggings used to prevent the rider from falling are tightly tied to Hernival’s slender and round legs, and become a shackle to imprison her action. The elegant and dark arms are tied behind her back by a bowstring, each slender and round. His jade fingers are all tightly bound together by ropes. Yan Hong’s attractive lips were also tightly wrapped in animal skins, cutting off all the possibility of her casting spells and escaping.

“Good morning, Mrs. Heniwell.” The white horse sighed and gently pulled away the hide that covered her mouth. He personally picked up a piece of wheat bread baked by the Goth barbarian and put it between her ruddy lips. Compared to the meat and cheese food commonly found by nomads, this warlock prefers bread, the staple food in the traditional sense of farming civilization.

“Ah, my lovely centaur student again, for the sake of being your teacher, give me a happy way to die. Let my soul belong to His dark and secluded kingdom of God.” Herniwell On the exquisite and glamorous face, a pair of mysterious purple eyes that had long been covered with gray shades stared at the acting chief in front of them. Very weak, but said it very firmly.

The men of the Bloodfury clan, although

Under Painhurs’ order, he did not torture or embarrass the treacherous drow who wanted to assassinate the chief, but he was tied to his horse for half a month and was constantly migrating, and he could not lie down to rest. The bones on the female warlock’s body are about to fall apart on horseback.

“Can you change the rhetoric? Teacher.” The pale horse sighed tangledly. The drow, who was loyal to the Roman Empire, wanted to kill all members of the clan, including himself. If it were changed to normal, Herniwell would have been chopped off by angry people.

However, she is her own teacher! He taught and guided himself to unearth the arcane power hidden in his bloodline, and even helped him obtain Magnus. Although this behemoth was timid, it was also in crisis and saved his life several times. Under the mingling of love and hatred, Painhurs looked at Herniwell’s weak and haggard delicate face, and fell into a deep entanglement.

“The clans are waiting to be thriving, most of the druids are killed and wounded. Everyone needs a spellcaster to help us fight.” Painhurs said slowly. “As long as you are willing to help me, I can forgive your crimes against the clan, provide a warm and comfortable residence, precious gold and silver, and even a certain degree of freedom.”

“Our agreement is over long ago.” Heniwell chewed on the soft bread that her students had handed over, and smiled contemptuously. “According to the contract, you must send me to the corps station.”

“I fulfilled the agreement.” Painhurs shrugged. Speaking seriously. “Remember, two weeks ago, I took the horse under your hip and personally led you into the Vichymiris Fortress-there is the resident of your legion. I have completed my agreement! Then, I will take you away Going to the beach, let you look at the Roman ships going away and tear off your mask.”

“And then? Those Romans, listening to your hysterical roar. With pitiful and helpless crying, no one wants to turn around to save you, no one!”

The white horse grabbed the smooth and round chin of the drow and forced her to look at her dark eyes that were as dead as an abyss. “Accept the reality! Teacher, you have been abandoned by the empire!”

“I…” Herniwell’s curvaceous body slowly trembled. In the soft eye sockets, crystal tears gradually emerged. Yes, it’s been half a month! The rescue promised by Alpharis was too late, and Quintuchus did not bring back reinforcements after returning to the Empire! Could it be that a high-ranking warlock himself was really abandoned by the legion and the empire?

“Acting chief! Acting chief!” Suddenly, a man and horse drove from a distance excitedly. Like himself, he was carrying two big, two small and four quiveres on his back. The clan has just resumed metal smelting, and now, only the predators with the best archery skills are treated with iron arrows.

“what’s happenin?”

“Acting Chief!” The predator jumped in front of him with joy. “Brothers found a group of scouts of strangers! And brought them back! According to these scouts, the feat of the Bloodfury clan attacking the fortress of Visimiris spread throughout the grassland, and a large number of displaced brothers and sisters were there. Approach Gredinian Peninsula!”

“You can think about it slowly.”

Painhurs tied the drow’s mouth again. Following the clan members, they quickly came to the outside of the camp. Seven strangers and horses. Slowly, his pupils became bigger and bigger in his dark pupils. The tip of the spear in their hand is made of iron! The tip of the gun is round and slender like a drop of water. The blades on both sides can even be used as daggers. The man and horse walking in the middle even carried an extremely huge cast iron sickle emitting golden sunlight.

Under the hooves of the seven centaurs, there is a three-foot-long pitch-black giant rat crouching, with a furry hideous face swaying from side to side, and with bloodshot eyes, it viciously patrols the nearby stranger horse.

The pale white horse looked at the visitor carefully.

The coat color of the horse headed by the horse is an extremely rare dark green color. The pale skin of the human body is bleak and dull, just like a dead body, which makes people creepy. A slender and smooth light blue long hair, tied into countless small braids, neatly covered the entire head, and finally gathered on the back of the head, forming a playful and lovely ponytail.

It seems that he heard the slight sound of his horse’s hoof. Their leader suddenly turned to Painhurs’s direction, under the pale blue braid, above the delicate, handsome gray face. A pair of emerald green eyes, like two bright and moving lakes, rippling with autumn light, showing a refreshing smile to himself.

“Ah! What a beautiful coat color, as white and flawless as ice and snow, exactly the same as the rumors. Presumably, you are the spokesperson of the Bloodfury clan? I am the chief of the Withered Bones clan: Abhuos. I am a 7th-level German. Rui.”

After Painhurs heard the powerful and deep voice of the green man, he was stunned.

He carefully forgave the other party’s elegant and slender neck like a swan, and he found a billowing bulge: a man with a long pony tail in front of him, which is more prettier than a woman, is it a man?

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