Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 77

Chapter 69 : The Rise of Horus (Part 1)

Subspecies. Their greatest feature is that their skin presents a sickly blue-green complexion. The hair is pitch black or dark brown. Compared to their burly and huge cousins, these blue fat people have more knowledge and wisdom. Also more cunning and suspicious, with the ability to cast spells. The strongest ogre wizard, even awakened the profession of warlock!

What’s more frightening is that they also have a certain degree of regeneration ability.

And those six hundred ogres are surrounded by the mighty sea of ​​goblins, with no end in sight. There are dozens of people in groups, pulling and pushing cars full of supplies and sharpened logs. The original vehicle. ——These greedy and cowardly little things spread across the entire Asia-Europe grassland. With their super reproductive capacity, they firmly occupy the most inferior predator niche in the grassland. Active among a large number of clans.



A bright and bright gibbous moon slowly crawled out of the dark and deep sea surface of the Black Sea, and sprinkled a large satin-like illusory and beautiful silver light on the city. Most of the area on the surface of the bright moon can be observed by the naked eye. Only a small piece to the west is still sinking into an incomparably dark void-in a few days, I’m afraid it will be the full moon season.

The guard in charge of the night shift stared at the moon phase in the east. Slowly calculating the time. Suddenly, a terrible loud noise slowly coming from the north interrupted his thoughts.

“What sound?” a conscript wearing a cloth, carrying a spear and a wooden shield, asked suspiciously.

“It’s too dark to see.” Another warrior in leather armor, holding a sharp axe and a round shield, faced the north and squinted hard. Under the light of the torch of the city, he only saw a piece of it. dark.

“It should be okay. This is located in the southwest corner of the peninsula, far from the monsters in the north.” The other was wearing leather armor.

Hearing the horrible and violent sound of an archer in the north like a huge wave, his sweat-stained left hand trembled and pulled out the longbow from his waist.

“What’s more, the king sprinkled so many patrolling cavalry outside! They didn’t report any enemy situation?”

“Don’t make a noise! ​​Prepare for battle!” Suddenly, a barbarian soldier wearing chain mail and a leader looked like he pulled out an iron long sword from his waist nervously. “The patrol cavalry didn’t come back on time today. There may be something wrong! You guys, go to the barracks to wake up all the brothers and gather together. Aika, you climb down the city wall and make sure that the lower city gate is tightly closed.”


The soldier sighed, took a deep look at the moon phase that was about to complete, picked up a burning torch, and hurriedly walked down the city wall along the stairs. Turned into the corridor of the city gate: a huge black shadow was instantly exposed to his eyes!

“Don’t move! It’s so late, what are you doing sneaky at the gate of the city!”

Aika quickly threw the torch into his left hand. With his right hand, he took out an iron axe from his waist and approached the opponent cautiously.

“Calm down, soldier. I’m patrolling around the city wall.” The man in black took off his hood calmly, revealing a handsome bald head in the dim light of the torch. The eye sockets were covered with hideous bloodshot eyes, almost completely staining a pair of eye pupils with shocking blood.

“General Horus.” Ikashu took a long breath. He stepped the axe back into his belt again. But as soon as he relaxed, the bald man in the black robe in front of him took a big step forward, covering his ears with thunder with his right hand, drew out the sharp sword from his waist, and drew it across the soldier’s neck with precision. ! The fragile muscles and tendons, and the firm cervical bones were neatly chopped into two by a terrifying cold light! A fleeting **** epiphany burst out in the air! Dyed in the black robe of Horus!

“Your corpse will become the cornerstone of the kingdom’s rise again.” Horus silently retracted the saber around his waist, his sturdy arm did not tremble, and he steadily opened the heavy wooden door!

“Ogre! A large number of ogres appeared in the north!” The city wall guard finally saw the monster in the dark night. Let out a horrified scream!

But it’s too late! At this moment, the coalition of ogres and goblins has appeared at the foot of the city wall, and the monsters looked at Horus in fear, like a flood that bursts the embankment, flooding into the city mightily! The deafening bloodthirsty roar completely broke the quiet and quiet under the gibbous moon.


“What happened!” There was a deafening noise in the street. Wake the King of Ostrogoth: Viseurius from his sleep. He hurriedly put on the dragon scale armor he inherited from his father, took the mourning axe and rushed out of the bedroom, but the result was that his brain turned around, his legs were unstable, and the whole person almost fell inside the palace.

“I don’t know who opened the city gate? Thousands of ogres and goblins rushed into Chersonius?!”

Looking at the anxious servant in front of him. Viseurius stabilized his emotions and organized his affairs in an orderly manner. “Everyone! Concentrate in Neibor! Lock all the gates! Herald! Quickly go to the barracks to gather troops! Pike Guard! Come with me! Gredinian Book and Ostrogoth!”

“Gredinian belongs to the Eastern Goths!”

The two sides of the war were bathed in the dreamlike, beautiful silver gleam of the gibbous moon, and launched an unusually **** street fight inside the street. The Ostrogoths were surprised to find that these monsters were very familiar with the intricate streets and lanes of the city! The barbarian infantry formed an impermeable shield wall in the narrow streets, wielding axes neatly and chopped up the dirty and ugly heads of every goblin. The archers climbed up the roofs of tall buildings and shot deadly arrows at the enemies under their feet.

And some goblins holding slings and short bows, under the guidance of the Horus map, also climbed the towers of the occupied area, waved a long slender rope, and pulled a shoddy short bow! And an ogre who was shot into a hedgehog by an archer also issued a bloodthirsty roar that turned into anger! He lifted the thick trunk high above his head with both hands, desperately smashing into the seemingly indestructible wall of flesh and blood in front of him!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!!!”

In the first time, the fragile wooden shield was smashed to pieces in an instant, and the bones of the shield-lifter’s left arm were severely broken!

The second time, the sturdy tree trunk smashed heavily on the iron helmet of the Eastern Goths! Five or six humans whose skulls were directly smashed and deformed, the Qiqiao bled on the spot, and collapsed softly to the ground!

In the third time, the ogre raised the stake and rushed directly into the disintegrating shield wall! The incomparably sturdy huge tree trunk, like a terrifying siege hammer, has caused countless bodies of poor humans who have been distorted and deformed. They dragged along scary arcs and were hit by monsters into the high night sky!


Just as the ogre looked at the barbarian soldiers scattered in two sets and was full of ambition, the tower next to him instantly shot five sharp cone-shaped iron arrows, three hitting his ugly face, and two directly pierced the food. The eyes of the human demon were deeply submerged in his skull! Let the terrifying monster in front of you let out an extremely miserable wailing!

Under the soft silver light of the gibbous moon, the Ostrogoths relied on the streets and towers to snipe the attacking enemy. Every time the ogre moves one meter forward, it has to pay a huge price! The whole street was piled with broken corpses, large tracts of uneven ground, and crimson lakes filled with blood!

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