Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 86

Chapter 78 : The Fall of a Giant (1)

Ordinary cavalry, naturally, can’t control the horses under the hips, galloping in the rugged mountains and ridges. The cavalry who lost the speed advantage can be said to be inferior to the chicken.

But people and horses are different. They are huge infantry with cavalry speed and impact. Even with its powerful jumping ability, it can surpass high platforms and cliffs insurmountable by humans. The only restrictions on them are probably the narrowness of the mountain roads and the huge size… However, the mountain roads around here can be used by the hill giants to walk.

“Ok, weird, ah.” Accompanied by a round of golden sunrise, slowly emerged from the mountains. The hill giant also slowly spread out around. Start a day’s hunting work. They raised their huge ugly heads in doubt.

Hell, there are so many bear eagles hovering in the sky today. That thing flying in the air is not easy to aim, and it’s hard to hit to death. Not much meat yet, forget it, don’t care.

The leading hunting leader shook his head severely and decided not to use his dull brain to think about such complicated things. Throwing a stone basket on his back, grabbing a huge wooden stick, and taking his three hill giants, slowly walked north.

yesterday. Their team was killed and injured while hunting the Wyvern. The giant who fell off the cliff had his spine cracked, and he had to grunt twice as soon as he moved.

Although the dead will be eaten as food by the hill giants. But the injured tribe will be properly taken care of, expecting him to recover from his injury and become a labor force again.

After all, the reproductive ability of the hill giant and the growth rate of the cubs are too slow.


I don’t know how far he has gone, suddenly, a strange creature he has never seen before is reflected in his huge pupils: the monster is also tall and strong. The upper body looks like a human male, but the lower body is a strong, heavy war horse.

Without saying a word, the hill giants stretched their right hand to the bone frame behind. Take out one after another huge rocks. But… the half-man, half-horse monster, like a brown lightning, quickly disappeared behind the hill!


The four-headed hill giant let out a terrifying roar, striding with a terrifying step that would make everything tremble, and chasing after strange prey they had never seen before!

The centaur deliberately slowed down, while leaning on the winding terrain, swiftly dodge the sling behind them, and seduce the hill giant to move eastward, getting closer, getting closer!

“Haha! It, for, avoid, stone, choose, here, on, dead end!”

The hill giant made a deafening ridicule. The stupid mind and the clumsy tongue make them jump out of words one by one when they speak.









When the strange creature was found running to a dead end. The hunting team also relaxed, and swaggered forward. Sure enough, the half-man and half-horse monster, sandwiched between three cliffs, looked desperately at himself who blocked the only exit.

“Smash it, it!”

The hill giants waved their huge wooden sticks and rushed forward happily, but… the other party actually sneered and turned into an eagle, and flew arrogantly to the high clouds? !


Suddenly, countless dense monsters emerged from the three low rock walls! They bend their bows and arrows, set fire to the giant at their feet! Accompanied by the deafening sound like thunder, the bowstrings slammed, sharp cone-shaped arrows, deeply submerged in their dirty and rough skin, blooming shocking blood-colored roses.


The giants roared in anger. Hidden on the top of the rock wall, the sight of the sling was hindered. I had no choice but to endure the severe pain and climb upwards.

And when they stared at the dull pupils the size of a child’s head and emerged from the rock wall, a tall and handsome white man and horse carried more than twenty monsters. He threw the heavy javelin in his hand! Almost zero distance shot on his ugly and rough face!

“Don’t kill them! Killing giants will only reduce the enemy’s combat unit by one. However, injuring a giant. It can force the opponent to send one or two clansmen to take care of it!”

Painhurs ordered the tribe not to frighten their hands, while pouring a bag of water into the rock wall. When the second giant’s left hand reached the top of the rock wall, an icy ray of frost and snow was engulfed by the biting cold wind. Accurately stabbed on the wet rock, and instantly frozen into a smooth ice surface.

The giant’s left hand slipped, and the weight of his entire body was borne by his thick right arm. The pale white horse shrugged, and Magnus immediately smirked and flicked his tail like a scorpion, paralyzing the toxin. Through the sharp stinger, inject everything into that giant’s fingertips!

Seeing that he swelled up instantly and turned into dark green fingers, the hill giant let out a terrible scream. But it hasn’t let go. Pain Hess had to lift up his burly and handsome centaur front and connect his whole body up and down.

The terrifying weight of nearly 2,100 pounds, the terrible pressure brought by it, all gathered on the pale forefoot suspended in the air, and trampled on the giant’s middle finger!

Accompanied by a loud and crisp sound, the giant’s extremely dirty fingernails suddenly cracked and shattered into a pile of small debris. With the red blood donation splashing around, he himself screamed and fell off the high cliff. The rising dust almost obscures the entire valley


Looking at the four hill giants lying in the valley groaning all over with cuts and bruises. More than twenty unscathed men and horses quietly left like a ghost.


At night, the centaurs who hunted down the giant for a day, withdrew to the hidden zero hour camp. Pain Hess and Curonia each led twenty men and horses out to hunt. Christina, on the other hand, led the remaining manpower and guarded the horse supplies.

“We spent a day injuring a total of four hunting teams, a total of twenty-nine hill giants. Together with the troops that took care of the wounded, their hunting teams were at least half less.”

Painhurs stroked the rouge horse nestled in his arms, and gnawed a piece of bacon when he was tired. “These giants do not have any food storage skills. They will have to go hungry tonight. And we can transport a steady stream of food from the tribe.”

“Yeah.” Christina narrowed her eyes comfortably. “Slowly harass and looting like this. Sooner or later, those silly big guys will be driven crazy. At that time, we will gather all our forces to take out the hungry hill giants that cannot move.”

“As for the long time? The Jinlu clan, but without any siege equipment, attacked a large human fortress. We are as slow as they are.”

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