Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 94

Chapter 86 : Endless Betrayal (Part 1)

Herniwell rubbed her sleepy purple eyes and lifted the dark bedding filled with soft cotton, revealing a graceful body in only a thin nightgown. She gently jumped off an exquisite wooden bed carved with skull patterns, and stepped barefoot on the graceful Persian carpet. With her dark and slender hands, she slowly opened a wooden window door carved with spider patterns. He took a breath, enjoying the fresh and sweet air of Alexandria at dawn.

The warm and soft morning light splashed her brilliant golden light on every corner of this magnificent city. The drow who lived on the tower looked down at everything in the city condescendingly, and finally fixed his sight on the island of Faros in the north, on the huge white tower that was 135 meters high and was stacked on three floors.

The magnificent white pagoda has a solid base made of marble on the bottom two floors. All kinds of alien slaves are carved on the surface. The chains on their necks stretched all the way up, and were firmly grasped in their left hand by the third floor of the White Tower, a huge statue of ingenious workmanship.

That huge sculpture is the spider goddess worshipped by the drow. The lower part of her body is a terrible eight-legged spider, and the upper body is a naked, so beautiful young woman. Blow-breakable skin, long hair that is as soft as a waterfall, slender and sharp legs of a ferocious spider, and two proudly standing snowy peaks on his chest…Every detail on his body is covered by craftsmen. The carving is vivid.

From this point of view, the hobbies of drow craftsmen are exactly the same as their cousins ​​of high elves.

The deity is covered with delicate and elegant expensive accessories. His left hand is holding thousands of steel chains. And the elegant right hand made of marble holds a gold torch high. Drow spellcasters, shaping a group of never-extinguishing arcane flames, blazing within the golden torch, letting its hot and bright fire light illuminate the nearby sea. Witchcraft apprentices adjust according to the position of the sun, or use black cloth to cover the twelve huge concave mirrors around them, allowing them to reflect the brilliance of the golden sunrise and arcane flames, guiding thousands of ships with different shapes. Huge ships pass through the interior of Egypt’s largest port.

Herniwell looked at the triple lighthouse, named after the greatest elf ever, with admiration. He moved his sight to the direction of the lively port-countless foreign slaves who had been chained, under the flogging of the black-skinned compatriots, were struggling to transport all kinds of goods from the entire empire, maintaining the blood of the entire port. circulation.

Among the slaves, there are snake-men with human upper body, waist and abdomen, but slender python tail, and giant snake Naga with human face, and their flexible snake tail. They are struggling on wooden piers and stone streets. Squirming, leaving behind moist water stains.

In the slave market not far away, there are many blindfolded, dignified and beautiful, but their hair is a deadly poisonous snake with teeth and claws. Several slave dealers bound the scaly bodies of hundreds of poisonous snakes tightly together with steel, and tied them into a hissing ferocious ponytail behind their heads.


These three monsters are all aborigines of Egypt. They once joined hands to build an extremely glorious ancient civilization. Then, he was completely crushed and conquered by Alexander’s elven army, and his neck was also heavily shackled.

After the elves split, the other end of the chain passed from the hands of the elven emperor to the ancestor of drow: Ptolemy I, and continued to enslaved the native species.

Endless slaves, this is the favorite sight of all drow. As natural slave owners, they will have a strong sense of superiority from the bottom of their hearts after seeing other people being enslaved by them.

Suddenly, a red figure woke Herniwell from her intoxication-it was a whole battalion of Roman soldiers. The bright red cloak and blood-colored crown are so incompatible with the surrounding black and white style. The drow is holding the collar of the slave, and the scene of the soldiers bowing to these soldiers is so shocking!

Yes, the era of the Ptolemaic dynasty is over. Now, these humans who came from the northwestern sea are the real masters here.

Suddenly, she seemed to be back hundreds of years ago, when sea ships full of drow soldiers were completely engulfed by the flames of the sky. The galleys with scarlet flags bypassed the flames and docked at the port. Countless human soldiers wearing blood cloaks and iron helmets decorated with various red helmets, surrounded by a young man exuding terror, rushed into Alexandria, destroying and conquering everything around him!

A human soldier covered in blood rushed into his room and threw himself to the ground like a wolf!


Herniwell let out a miserable scream, and suddenly awakened from the nightmare, the dripping sweat soaked her moving body!

The drow panted in shock, and twisted his curvaceous arm tightly bound by the rope uncomfortably. Looked at the simple and dirty animal skin fence built by horses and men.

The slave owner who was once aloof has now become a sad slave at the mercy of others.

The drow sighed, ignored the cry in his ear, closed his glamorous eyes again, and tried to return to the beautiful and exquisite tower made of marble. Although it was a nightmare, it was a nightmare. Hometown after a long absence.

Wait, just

Is there a little devil calling himself?

Henivale opened her eyes again. A little devil covered in blood, gently tapping his cheek, trying to awaken himself from his sleep! That devil is not Magnus, but his own demon!

“Filos! You finally came back to save me! Quick! Untie the rope for me!”

The female warlock was surprised and happy, sure enough! As long as the contract remains, this treacherous demon will never be freed. If he wants to be free, he must bring people back to save himself!

“Help you, no one will come back to rescue you! Elf!” Philos stretched out a finger and arrogantly clicked on the drow’s nose, and let out an evil laugh.

“The Romans and the high elves will not organize an expedition for the sake of a black skin in this crisis! I flew back to Alexandria, where I was surrounded by a mixed army group under the command of the heart-removing demon. The red dragon and the blue dragon in the desert obscured the sky in Egypt. Your teachers and parents can’t take care of themselves-I have done enough, sorry, there is really no reinforcements.”

“Only you are enough! Quick! Untie these ropes!” Hennival said anxiously. “The two of us can also escape back!”

“Do you think I am an abyss refiner? Or do you think you are a legendary warlock? At the moment the fortress was destroyed, this peninsula has become a purgatory on earth! The centaur tribe, the greenskin war gang, and the scarlet The blood-spotted dark wolf tide… If it weren’t for my innate flying ability and invisibility, I wouldn’t be able to reach you at all!”

The little devil sighed deeply. Looking left and right, he hung his hideous and terrifying scorpion tail on the edge of the drow’s skull utensils used for eating. The sharp hooks slowly secreted terrifying neurotoxins and let the dark green fallen liquid tick. The tick fell into the bowl and slowly piled up into a pool of thick and disgusting puddles.

“For the sake of everyone’s cooperation for many years, it’s better to get together now. I will give you a personal way of death: the neurotoxin of the little devil, if it pierces the biological epidermis, it will cause them to have dizziness, nausea, and hand and foot spasms. . But if you directly contaminate the respiratory tract and internal organs… believe me, there will be no pain.”

“No! No! I will go alone! I can definitely go back to my hometown! You just need to let go of me!” Hernivale’s surprise smile slowly turned into endless despair, supporting her. Amidst the shackles, the life-saving straw that had passed dozens of days like a year turned out to be a poisonous snake that bites people!

“What a joke! I let you go, and then watched you get taken away as a slave girl by a monster tribe?! I’m fed up! I want to contact our pledge! Now! Immediately!” Philos also roared hysterically. It takes time to produce toxins, so he had to use his strong and slender scorpion tail to tightly wrap Herniwell’s slender neck like a black swan!

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