Aurora Scroll

Chapter 21 - The Unfortunate Man

He had new boots.

He had become Man in Boots.

Man in Boots delightfully ran through the land like a maniac.


Man in Boots eyed a short bush just right in front of him and jumped over it flamboyantly.

“Ett! Ot-to-to-to...”

The grass was slippery because of the morning dew. His landing was less than graceful. It took all he had to keep himself from falling as his legs were sliding.

“Ack! There’s dirt on my new shoes,” Viers complained. “Oh well, at least the shoes didn't disappoint.”

Some distance away from Mokash town, Viers tested his magic footwear. On the way was an open plain of grass, somehow it made Viers want to run. After brief testing, his running speed clearly increased.

Faster by about 20 to 30 percent, I guess? Not bad. I really should fill my equipment slots.

Currently, Viers had 5 items enchanted with magical effects: Sword, knife, pendant, bracelet, and the latest addition, boots.

The sword could absorb water and release it at will. It was only a so-so quality item but it synergized well with Viers' water affinity. The availability of water increased his water Artes effectiveness.

The knife had a blade that looked like red iron when activated. Viers picked this up in case he met an enemy with high water resistance and when he wanted to set things on fire. Although Viers didn't possess an affinity for fire, he could still use fire magic items just fine, like a normal human using a stove.

The pendant was the hero in the shadows. The crescent moon shaped pendant that he wore had the effect of raising his Victa production by 10%. Victa was the personalized mana for each person, it functioned similar to the MP in games. No MP, no fancy techniques. Since there was no limit of how much Victa one could have, even a mere 10% increase would make a great difference in the long run.

The bracelet was how he became a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It looked positively tribal but Viers liked the design, the combination of black, red, and green colors was pleasing to the eye. At the moment, Viers was Level 2 but had the aura of a Level 0. But this was the limit. Should he become a Level 3, the item would be unable to function properly. However, he was still far from Level 3 so this was not a problem.

Lastly, the boots. It was enchanted to be very comfortable, increased durability, and ‘faster movement’. Truthfully, Viers didn't really understand how it worked. There was a boost as he stepped on the ground that made him cover more distance. That was the limit of Viers’ understanding. Viers didn't mind though, he was too happy to be able to travel faster.

Two weapons, one of water and another of fire. Two accessories and leg equipment. Not exactly a balanced gear set but it is what it is.

Viers hastened towards Osemore town, his next destination.

A few hours later, at noon.

Sometimes the fascinating fact of life was the unpredictability of it. Viers was minding his own business, peacefully traveling when he felt an anomaly.


It was faint, like the sound of dripping water in a totally quiet room. He picked up something with his senses. He knew not what.

“What is this?”

After the phenomenon repeated itself a few times, he was convinced he was not imagining it. Viers let curiosity guide his actions and he approached the source.

He stumbled upon a log house at the mouth of a forest. It was a crude house, nothing special about it. Viers had seen many houses such as this here and there during his travels. Not everyone built their house in towns and villages. This was a Green Zone, monsters rarely appeared here.

In front of the house but still inside the fence, Viers saw a man in his thirties. He wore a simple worn-down white shirt and brown pants. The man knelt before two mounds of dirt, they seemed freshly made. One was smaller than the other. The man hollowly looked at them, unmoving. Looking at his sweat, he must have just finished not long ago.

Daaang… that guy has the look of a man whose world has just ended.

Viers observed from afar, not yet ready to show himself.

The man stood up, went inside the log house and came out after a few minutes carrying something. The moment Viers saw the man carried a rope, he decided it was time to act.

“Hello there,” Viers slowly stepped forward.

The man glanced at Viers.

“If you want to rob me, go ahead and take whatever you want from the house. Burn it if it suits your fancy. Now go away an' let me kill myself in peace,” his depression and hopelessness transmitted through his tone. He had a little bit of an accent.

“Uhh, yeah. I can see what you’re going to do, sir. I’m hoping to talk to you before you did the deed.” Viers tried to calm him down, unsuccessfully.

“Look kid, I don’t know you. Stop bothering me,” his voice became harsher. The man’s hands were not idle; they were readying the suicide instrument, making a noose.

Sigh, this isn’t working.

Viers unsheathed his sword partially and water came out from it. The liquid transformed into chains and swiftly bound the man’s body. The chains stabbed themselves on the ground, preventing the man from moving. The man looked surprised.

“Arte — Water Chains. Apologies for the rough treatment but I really want to talk to you.”

“…So, you’re a Pathseeker. Am I supposed to be afraid of you? I’m just an Idler but I’m a man ready to die, you don’t frighten me. Just slit my throat an' be done with it.” The man grew increasingly defiant.

“Sir, I don’t mean to threaten you, nor have any intention of harming you. I just want to talk.” Viers pleaded as politely as possible.

“An' why should I talk to you?” He looked annoyed.

“…Because I am asking you politely,” Viers gave a half-smile.

The man in water chains silently stared at Viers.

Viers canceled his Arte, the water chains dissolved into ordinary water and reabsorbed into his sword.

“Let’s start from the top. Greetings sir, my name is Cain of Ur, a simple traveler.” Cain said with a slight dip of his head.

“…Mercer, a simple lumberjack.”

“Well met, Mister Mercer. I was just passing by and caught sight of you. I can’t, with good conscience, just pretend to un-see what I saw and do nothing. The very least I can do is talk to you, asking you why do you want to end your own life… although I can haphazardly guess.”

Cain’s vision moved towards the two graves.

“Your wife and child?” He asked gently.

“…Yeah,” Mercer nodded. Now Cain noted Mercer’s eyes were unusually red. He must have cried until his tears ran out.

“I’m sorry for your loss… May I ask what happened?” Cain said with sympathy. Losing one’s family was not an easy thing.

“…They died this morning. It was a difficult birth… my wife didn’t survive, an'-” the man looked hesitant, the next words were stuck inside his throat. “An' the child… was- was stillborn.” Mercer cupped his face with his hands.

Cain waited for him to let out his grief. He didn’t know what else he could do other than hold his silence.

“…I know you mean well, kid. I appreciate that. But I want to be with my family now,” the broken man picked up the noose again and walked beneath a tree beside the graves.

“...Mister Mercer, is there anything else you might want from your life?”

“None. All reason to live has been taken from me… Unless you can bring my wife an' son back to life.”

That line got Cain thinking. Mercer no longer paid attention to him and hung the noose on a tree.

“Wait,” Cain said.

“Don't stop me, boy. Just… let me be with my family.” The broken man hopelessly replied.

“I can make you meet with them one last time.” Cain took a deep breath and said the words.

For the briefest of moments, hope sparked inside Mercer’s dead heart, but it didn't last. He dismissed Cain’s claim, even becoming a bit angry because of the lie.

“...Impossible. It can't be done… don't lie to me because of pity.”

“This is no lie. You’ll meet them again, face to face.” Cain’s tone was serene.


The man lashed out. He grabbed Cain’s collar with both hands and screamed in front of his face. The man pushed him until Cain’s back hit the log house’s wall. Cain only watched as Mercer exploded.

“It is. No. Lie.”

Cain looked at him straight in the eye. Saying the words slowly and without wavering even the slightest.

Seeing no lies in Cain’s eyes, Mercer’s expression slowly changed from anger, to doubt, to yearning.

“...Can you… truly?” Mercer was like a man dying of thirst who suddenly found a water well. He realized that he was still holding Cain by the collar and released his grip. “I apologize. That was rude of me.”

“Don't mind it. If I were in your position, I might have had the same reaction, but this is not a charity. First, let's talk about my price.” Cain spoke like a certain white-haired man carrying two swords.

“...I see,” the haggard man said dejectedly. “I’m just a simple lumberjack. I’m afraid even everything I have will not be enough,” he gestured to his log house.

“I do not desire conventional wealth like gold. I have no need for such things. I seek something rare or unusual or mysterious. Books written in an unknown language, strange stones, bizarre plants… do you have something like that?”

Mercer turned silent while thinking.

“Information is also good. Secret places, rare monster sightings, hidden ruins, interesting rumors, and similar things. If I judge it valuable enough, I’ll receive that as the price.”

“...I have something. Wait a bit while I search for it,” Mercer spoke after a while then went inside the house.

Cain waited with anticipation.

I didn't think he would have it. Even if he didn’t I might help him nonetheless but this is good. Cain happily thought.

Mercer came out and showed Cain a hexagonal wooden token with a strange symbol carved on it.

“My father told me a story. In the past, he had helped an elf on the verge of death. He found the elf bearing grievous wounds and unconscious. He brought him to this very house an' nursed the elf until he woke. The elf left soon after but not without leaving this as gratitude. The elf said to my father that the token is only given to a benefactor of the elf kind and will be welcomed in their abode.”

Cain eyed the wooden token with curiosity.

“Father passed away without ever using it neither did he encounter any elf ever since, an' so this came to me. I’ve never met an elf either… I also don't know if the story was true or not but that is what I’ve heard… Would this be enough?”

“Excuse me a bit,” Cain took the token from his hand and examined it.

Euryale Sight.

Cain’s eyes turned mystical and sparkled with rainbow hues as he invoked the best investigative Arte of the lamias. Mercer saw the spectacle and was shocked. He couldn't help but take a step back.

There is… magic inside it. Enchantment? Some kind of rune or mark? The mana is foreign to me and I don't recognize the symbol… This might be a thing that truly comes from the hands of an elf.

“Girls, do you recognize it?” Cain called his ‘streamers’.

“I don't know anything about elves,” Paina said.

“Me too. Apologies.” Farley followed.

Cain expected as much from the two and placed his hope on the last of the trio.

“Sorry, I don't know either… What? Why do you say ‘eeeehhh?’ as if I'm suddenly supposed to be an elf expert!? It was a period of war back then. I didn’t have the luxury of going out of the capital whenever I wanted! There were no elves near my home! Why don't you ask me about ratlings instead of elves, huh? I’ve been fighting them since I was twelve!”

The hope popped like soap bubbles. Cain left the rampaging lamia princess on her own and had to make the call himself.

Well, there is merit in receiving this. Even though I don't know what it is just yet, let’s just collect as many plot items as possible. Cain’s gamer mind calculated.

“...Very well. I’ll take this as payment,” Cain returned the token to Mercer. He would take it after he had done his job. He had to be professional about this, or at least look like one.

Because he had Euryale Sight, an extraordinary Arte for investigation, Cain said such as the price. He was sure he could uncover the mysteries unexplainable to common people. Even if he couldn't, he could at least recognize if the thing was truly special or not.

The token was sufficient to be placed in the Key Items category.

“The price is settled. If you now swear to never talk or inform others about this matter forever, I’ll start the preparations.” Cain spoke of his next condition.

“I swear to take this matter to the grave,” Mercer solemnly vowed.

“...Let's get started.”

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