Aurora Scroll

Chapter 23 - Excavation

“That went well.”

Inside the log house, Viers conversed with the girls while looking at Mercer hugging with the Force Ghosts he called. “With this I’ve confirmed I can now make you three manifest in the real world as well.”

“Lord Viers, I don't understand. You can simply make the soul of the wife and child appear in front of the man. And yet you spoke something in tongues and reinforced Mercer’s faith first, whatever for?” Farley asked.

“It was a prayer. As for your question… well, I don't want to be suspected of necromancy. So I tried to make it as holy as possible… did it work?”

“Only he can say,” Paina replied.

“A prayer you said... to whom?” Clarissa asked.

“Not to Estelle.” Viers answered.

“To the Devils!?” Paina was shocked.

“Hell no! Not to them either.”

“Who then? Stop dodging the question.” Clarissa was very curious.

“I’m precisely dodging the question. Let's leave it at that, shall we?"

There was a reason Viers never said 'goddess' with a G when speaking about Estelle.

"Now, this matter with Mercer is done. A bit slower traveling time in exchange for an elven token of friendship is a fair trade, if I say so myself.” Viers nodded, giving himself a pat on the back.

“It would be good if he didn't perceive you, Lord Viers, as a devil worshiper.” Farley, the short-haired brunette tactfully informed.

“Whaaat? Why?” Viers didn't understand.

“During my time as Dumuzin’s cultist, I’ve heard other members helping other people for a price… just like you did. Although, you actually just asked for a trinket instead of a steep price such as a lifelong servitude. It’s actually common practice for all the cults, so the church warned their believers to be wary against it.”

“...Damn. It really is hard to do good deeds nowadays.” Viers scratched his head.

One hour in the future, while Viers was sitting cross-legged on the floor he sensed that the wife and the child were fading.

Mmm… this is all I can do for them.

What drew Viers here in the first place was the wife. She died with extreme unwillingness, her spirit couldn't move on. Viers thought if he left it at that the wife might become an evil spirit haunting this house in the years to come. The soul of the child also had not passed on to the other side. When Viers laid eyes on the graves for the first time, he knew this.

May the both of you find peace in the next life. Viers wished them well as their form vanished, their soul no longer within his reach.

Mercer stood still on the lawn, unmoving like a stone. Viers let him be alone with his thoughts.

About fifteen minutes later, Mercer went inside. He saw Viers looking at him. Behind the boy’s deep gaze, lay something Mercer didn't understand.

“How are you feeling?” Cain asked Mercer who just went through the door.

“I need to think. Thank you, for giving me a precious opportunity… Cain of Ur, was it?”

“Mmm,” the boy nodded.

“I don't have much but please stay for the night,” the man offered.

“I’ll be troubling you then.”

“It’s the least I can do. Please, make yourself at home. I’ll excuse myself first, benefactor,” Mercer bowed and went away.

He has a different look in his eyes now, the edge of Viers’ lips curled upwards. It doesn't change the fact that his family is dead but he’s no longer consumed with despair.

The night was still young so it was far too early to sleep, Viers refused to let his time slip away unproductively, not when he still had so many things to do.


It was dark, a dark room with candles burning with unnatural sinister crimson light.

“Do you swear to uphold the interest of the one and only Lord?” A cloaked man in the center of the room spoke to the figure kneeling before him.

“I swear.”

“Do you swear to never betray the order and forever strive to enact the holy mandate of our Lord?”

“I swear.”

The pair was circled by five more hooded figures, watching the ceremony whilst clasping their hands in front of their chest.

“Do you swear to continue the great work until the Lord called you to his side?”

“I swear.”

The leader presented a chalice to the kneeling man.

“Drink, and rise as one of us. As a Raven.”

The kneeling man pulled his hood back and respectfully sipped the red liquid in the chalice. The taste of iron spread from the mouth to the throat. He was filled with vitality and kneeled no longer.

“Ravens, let us welcome our newest sibling, Demetrus!”

Demetrus was welcomed by a round of applause. It was at this moment he felt the proudest moment in his life. All those training, pain, and sacrifice were all worth it.

“Glory to Lord Banbenxi!”

“Glory to Lord Banbenxi!”

They chanted as the clapping continued.

“Demetrus, go to Pale Shadow. He will be responsible for the next stage of your training,” the leader spoke.

“By your will, Elder.” Demetrus bowed.



Viers contemplated what he just saw deeply.

“Bone Ravens… Banbenxi… ”

He decided to consult with an expert.

“Farley, does the name Banbenxi ring any bell?”

The petite girl answered after a flash of surprise.

“Yeah. One of the seven Devils.”

Just as I thought.

He had an inkling about it and now confirmed it. The other two girls came closer to join the conversation.

“What’s wrong?” Paina asked.

“Remember the guy that stabbed me in the heart? Apparently, that guy is a member of the Bone Ravens, AKA the Assassin’s Guild, which also doubles as a Devil Cult.”

“Interesting. I’ve heard rumors that the guild is related to a cult but don't know the specifics, perhaps my father knows more,” Farley shared.

“Cult, like yours and Farley’s?” Paina recalled the two of them had a history with a different cult.

“Yes, Dumuzin Cult, also one of the seven. But I’ve never served him, I was only employed. She on the other hand...” Viers looked in Farley's direction.

“I asked Lord Viers to kill my father, a high priest of the cult's branch at Luxore. My father was doing a ritual to Dumuzin before Lord Viers destroyed his scheme and said ritual. I’m pretty sure Dumuzin does not see me as an exemplary follower at the moment. Perhaps I am already excommunicated?” Farley explained.

“...So, you’re no longer Dumuzin’s cultist now?” The black-haired girl asked her friend.

“No Paina, I’m now in Lord Viers’ service. All that I am is his. I have already given him my everything.” Farley spoke as if it was a very normal thing.

“Viers… you,” Paina grimaced, with a hint of disgust.

“I didn't do anything! You already heard the rough gist of things, right? We’ve had an agreement, I broke the promise first. I felt guilty so I tried to make amends by binding her soul and her sister’s to me and resurrect them in the future. I told her since I failed to uphold the end of my bargain she is no longer mine, I gave her a full refund! But as you can see yourself, despite my encouragement, Farley still calls me Lord.” Viers tried to defend his image, unsuccessfully.

“Without you, my sister and I would just be corpses at this point. Just as mother said, you are our savior. Seeing you all this time, I have no doubt. You will definitely find a way to resurrect us sometime in the future. Until then, my whole self is at your disposal. Please allow me to assist you in my full capability,” Farley bowed like an experienced English maid with impeccable etiquette.

“...Just don't take advantage of her,” Paina gave him an icy glare.

“I won’t! You three have been together the whole time. Did you see me taking advantage of her? Of you?”

“...I don't know. By your own words, you are a liar.” Paina remained skeptical.

“Oh I am a liar, no denying that. That’s why you should just watch my actions. Rissa, you have been quiet. Anything to add?” Viers flowed the conversation to the spectator.

“Mm? It’s okay. I’m perfectly content watching your show of friendly affection to each other. I’ve never seen anything like this in the lamia royal court, this is nice.” Clarissa mischievously smiled.

“Uh-huh… suit yourself. Anything to add on the Devil's topic?” Viers crossed his arms.

“Well, to begin with, I don't know Dumuzin, Banbenxi, and the rest of the seven. I didn’t exactly have the means to monitor the world from my Biome.”

“Wait, that’s odd. The great war you participated in was between gods and devils, wasn't it?” Viers recalled the bits and pieces he knew about that time of history.

“True but there were thousands of them, on both sides. A mere Level 5 like me, mere mortals weren't able to participate in the important war theatres. I also don't know a goddess named Estelle. She wasn't among the big names… to think she became the only one remaining from the god’s side… Who are the names of the seven devils again?” Clarissa asked with a finger on her chin. It seemed to be her pose while thinking.

“Oh, now that you mentioned it I don't know them either. The church doesn't exactly spread their names to the masses. It was considered taboo,” Paina said.

“They are-”


Viers interrupted Farley mid-sentence.

“Enough to be said for today. No info dumping!”

“Info dumping?” Clarissa parroted.

“Shelf this topic for another time where it is more relevant. Now, go to sleep girls, you’re wasting Victa.” Viers berated the three of them as if they were three children wasting electricity.

“Yes nanny Viersss,” Clarissa answered.

“True, I feel a bit sleepy,” Paina felt her eyes a bit heavy.

“Good night, Lord Viers,” Farley the faithful maid said.

“Go to sleep, voices in my head,” Viers said half-jokingly. Then he returned to the Soul Prison for more 'reading'.

“Hey Mister D, missed me? Nonono, don't break down yet. I still need your next memories, I need the Arte that made you invisible. That is great stuff by the way, so I want it. Granted I didn't have super sight as I have now but you passed through my extensive check. Be a dear and cough it out will you?”

Viers saw the face on the ball of soul writhe in agony as if he was being tormented in the depth of Tartarus.

“Now, now, no need for such exaggeration. It can't be that bad,” Viers cussed.

Or is it?


Somewhere in a plain of yellow grass.

“Rmhm… Did I pass out?”

A human picked himself up from the ground. With great confusion, he scanned his surroundings.

“Where am I? I don't know this place…”

He summoned his weapon, a familiar instrument of death. With it in his hands, he felt calmer already.

[Welcome Player, to the world of Dunias. First Mission: Follow the marker to obtain your next objective.]

A blue screen floated in front of him and there was a yellow mark on his HUD minimap.

“That’s new. Is this a new feature? Perhaps this is some kind of event. No point in staying here, I better get going then.”

After walking for fifteen minutes, he finally reached the marked place.


His radar picked up something. A red dot, and another, and another. Tens popped up at the edge of his radar.

“Finally, something else other than walking! This better be good or I’ll complain to the dev.”

The youth broke into a run. When he was close enough, he slid towards a rock, automatically crouching to hide better behind it. Pointing his weapon behind cover, he saw the true visage of the red dots.

Height of children, poorly equipped, long ears, yellow eyes, bad teeth, green-skinned.

“What the hell? Goblins?”

The youth couldn't believe what he was seeing. There weren’t supposed to be goblins in this world. But he wasn't able to contemplate long.

There were a dozen goblins, three were far bigger than the others, signs of a different species. The band was carrying three unconscious young women but one of them started to wake up. Golden-haired and white-skinned, her temple was bloodied as if she was struck with a blunt weapon before she lost consciousness. As soon as she came to, she looked surprised. Her hands and feet were bound but she thrashed around in a panic. The goblins were marching quietly before but now, they had become rowdy. In an unknown language, they talked to each other, pointing fingers and hissing. One of the greenskins pulled out a rusty knife and bared it at the teary-eyed girl.

Suddenly, in front of the girl’s eyes, the goblin's head exploded and a thunderclap resounded at the same time.

The goblins were agitated, they all looked to where the sound came from. They saw a youth with strange clothing and a black… thing emitting smoke.

The youth summarily aimed his rifle to the head of the big goblin and pulled the trigger.

[New Objective: Defeat all the goblins and rescue the captives.]

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