Aurora Scroll

Chapter 294 - Swallow Your Pride and Move On

A person was floating on a pond of crystal clear water. His body was submerged with only his face above the waterline. The person had a slightly round belly and was as still as a corpse. Before long, the clear water became colored with a paint-like substance. It was oily and unnaturally colored. The substance had originated from this person.

A few hours later, the man opened his eyes.

He made his way out of the pond, which now looked like a pool of waste products from a chemical factory.

Harmful, smelly, and repulsive.

The person used a bucket of water he prepared beforehand to wash the remaining gunk from his body and dried himself off with a towel.

Even after thirty days, the Victa Stigma doesn't seem to lessen… Well, it’s from a Level 5 so it is to be expected. To completely purge the toxic waste inside me will take many more treatments but I’m already out of the medicinal bath.

Viers sighed while drying his face. For the last month, he had been undergoing a variety of healing practices after his encounter with a hostile Level 5. Compared to other Level 3 Pathseekers, it could be said his inventory of supplies was considerable thanks to the people he'd killed donating their wealth to him but it was starting to run out.

Just like on Earth, recovering from a major sickness is like burning money.

Viers thought he was above it because his first cheat ability was the healing factor but the world had proved him wrong.

Either way, my bodily condition is ways better. Though, not the same can be said for my soul condition.

For his physique, Viers had his healing factor and various medicines, but he lacked ‘medicines’ for the soul.

The ingredients didn't exist in Dia’s Biome, the place that he did not exit for a month because of safety concerns.

“Dia, please clean this up.”

There was no cheery reply from the dryad but the contaminated water was swiftly reduced as if there was a drain in the bottom and there was no longer any trace of it in less than a minute.

Dia could hear him just fine despite her body not being nearby.

I wonder… Does throwing stuff up into the void of dimensions count as environmental pollution?

Like an irresponsible adult, because it wasn't his problem Viers didn't think further about it.

“Thanks, sunshine.”

He put his clothes on to cover his impressive body. His appearance and body shape was nothing like the cool characters in other stories. He was not handsome or built. Not to mention his selfish personality. In short, he was not a heroic, inspiring figure.

The silver lining was, he wasn't a hero but a villain.

Now, he didn't give a shit about what other people thought about him.

He had enough of social media, those soul-sucking, time-destroying, ego-stroking platforms that shoved XXXL-sized junk information down his throat, leaving him wanting for more like an opium addict.

And boy, that felt good.

With this day’s treatment completed, Viers made his way to a special place.

In the Biome where there was no danger, there was a delicate event ongoing.

The growth of life.

In a paradise-like small grove, lots of flowers blooming but somehow combined with the sterile atmosphere of a hospital, there were three trees. The trees had a transparent pod-like structure on the trunk, filled with green liquid.

Inside each pod, there lay a body.

Paina, Farley, and Gwen.

Except for Paina, the other tenants that took residence in his soulspace were now cute, tiny babies.

The trees were an artificial womb created by Dia. Viers got the inspiration from Earth’s laboratories. Since their placement two weeks ago, Viers had been visiting this place every day.

Strictly speaking, the three didn't need to be placed in the pods for the body to grow but with these special trees, the three would enjoy even greater benefits, giving them the optimal environment for growing up and more. The green liquid they were in was a mixture of stat-boosting ingredients from Viers’ own inventory.

Farley and Gwen are growing nicely. The soul affects the body and vice-versa. Their physique should be the same as their previous one. The Devawi Swan blood factor I gave to Farley seems more potent than I thought. Good for her. As for Paina… This one is good too. There are no signs of rejection between the body and the soul.

Unlike the other two, Paina’s body was not grown from scratch for she was inhibiting the body of her fae twin that was specifically created to eat her. With his soul abilities reduced due to injuries, Viers opted for the safest method for attaching Paina’s soul to another body, by letting the soul grow into the body naturally. There was no need to rush anyway.

Viers mused while looking at Paina who was in a fetal position inside the pod. Paina in her new fae body was like a sleeping beauty, with a pair of ethereal butterfly wings emerging from her back. Those were made of her innate magic.

Like Farley, she too will get a higher spec body than her previous one. As a Pathseeker, she will get an upgrade. As a race, humans are pretty mediocre in capabilities. That’s why they tried to give ‘plus alpha’ in other stories. Bloodline this, heavenly physique that… Well, who am I to judge?

Their souls were put to sleep as their body was forming the perfect vessel to house their souls.

Viers checked on Gwen last. Hers was the standard human body and the least complicated. The fetus was gained from the debacle following the Book World made by an expert alchemist. As expected, there were no complications.

With Clarissa being the sole tenant inside his soul remaining and in a coma, Viers smiled wryly. He missed the hustle bustle of voices inside his head a little bit.

When they wake up, they’ll choose their own path.

Viers didn't ask Farley and Paina whether they would stick with him afterward or go independent. Whatever their decision, Viers had no qualms accepting it… provided they agree to a non-disclosure contract about him. He expected Gwen to follow her sister. He had a train of thought to use Gwen as a bridle for Farley.

He no longer had such a design.

He didn't need to.

Of course, the reason was not as banal as because he trusted Farley. Giving trust to others like a naive child was a shonen manga protagonist’s role, not his.

As for ‘that’ matter… It can wait until I recover. Viers’ eyes narrowed while looking at one of the trees.

There was one more occupant in this place, one that Viers patted lightly as he left the Life Stranding Grove.

“You too. Grow up well.”

The egg Zerrigan was in felt warm and smooth to the touch.

As he walked, he diagnosed the condition of his body and decided it was time for him to make a move.

One month… So long and so short at the same time.

Viers went to his impromptu study in the treehouse Dia made for him. He stood before an open map placed on the table. It was not as epic as Rhaenyra and Daenerys standing before the carved table depicting the realm of Westeros but Viers made do with what he had.

Full recovery is still far but I’m now able to use about fifty percent of my strength. Time for me to make a move.

I came out of the journey in Valkut with a big loss but it’s not like there’s no gain either. My Victa generation is off the charts!

As part of the three boons from Rose and Ciel, Viers learned the Vigor of Responsibility Arte that bolstered a person’s Victa production. A few days ago, Viers successfully invoked the Arte.

The time limit is ticking, just one year until the expiry date… But Rose, you have no idea how much this Arte can do in my hand. In the hand of a maestro.

Rose mastered the difficult Arte to a small accomplishment in a few short months and it gave her about 2.5 times more Victa production than normal Level 3. It was already above average in the Church’s standard.

In one week, Viers' mastery of the Arte was currently a bit less, barely producing 2 times more Victa. In a few months, his goal was to reach 3 times the Victa generation.

However, that was only the raw benefit of the Arte. Viers had a game-breaking cheat!

Horizon - 503%!

With the Horizon boost, the Vigor of Responsibility Arte made his current total Victa generation 10 times more compared to the average Pathseeker!

It was a frightening amount.

Rose and Ciel had no idea what monster they had unleashed by giving Viers one of the Church’s most prized Arte. They thought the time limit of one year would not make it out of control but they didn't know about Viers’ Horizon.

And it was still not Viers’ maximum output. As he became more skilled in utilizing the Vigor Arte combined with the ever-growing Horizon, his Victa generation would allow him to steamroll his peers with the sheer volume of Victa at his disposal, Viers could tell that said future wasn't too far.

With the tenants inside Viers being unavailable, nobody knew about the emergence of a human Victa power plant that had broken the rules of the Pathseeker logic.

Viers had a wild thought.

And if I can become Level 4, the value of Victa I produce will increase yet another tenfold! What if…

Viers shook his head to clear his delusion.

But it's just an empty wish. I’m now Level 3 mid at the age of 17. I’ve never heard of an 18-year-old Level 4. And to Level Up without the proper foundation will only hurt me. One year of this is good enough. I must focus on my effort to improve myself without compromising my future potential.

His eyes were refocusing on the map of the continent, zooming in on the city of Regidana. He was in deep thought for some time.

As I thought, the adventurer Avel's identity is too risky. Mr. X is a soul Pathseeker. After I got beaten, he could search my soul. I can't take that risk and use Avel’s identity again. Damn it!

With a heavy heart, Viers reaffirmed his decision to discard his ties to the Avel persona.

He might have staged Avel’s death for his trip to Valkut but he did so with the intention to return. Regidana was meant to be his base, Viers invested assets and cultivated connections at that place.

The appearance of Mr. X threw a monkey wrench into his plans. Even if Mr. X didn't lay in wait, considering his connection to the cult, he could tell his subordinates to monitor Regidana. Repelling Mr. X was beyond Viers’ capabilities and he had no intention of relying on the Governor-King so cutting the identity off like a lizard discarding its tail was Viers’ move.

Dia already destroyed the Gate Plant in my mansion in Regidana… That leaves those three.

Boram, Izabella, and Sakuya.

If I'm compromised, the enemy might know about them too. Izabella aside, Sakuya is under the wing of another Level 5. Boram I can recall here if he gets targeted. Though, there’s not much I can do for now. I have no resources to spare for deploying countermeasures and excessive paranoia is a pain in the ass…

For those three, Viers decided to give the wait-and-see approach. Shortly after Valkut, he had contacted them, to inform them he was still alive and kicking. Boram and Sakuya were pretty distressed because the card that signified his soul lifeforce was burning out right before their eyes. Hearing Viers’ voice gladdened them, Boram even cried. She tried to play it cool but Izabella too was relieved that he was okay.

After chatting and exchanging information, Viers and them went back to face each of their objectives and problems.

It was too early for a reunion.

As for him, Viers’ course was clear.

With a will, his other self materialized next to him.

“...So it’s happening, huh?” Tanael smiled.

“Yes. I’m unleashing you onto the world, Tanael. Get me souls, partner. As many as you can. Human souls, monster souls, demon souls, dark souls, I don't care. Just get a bazillion of them.”

“It will make waves,” Tanael’s smile became wider. “Besides, aren't you opposed to this sort of power rushing in the beginning? ‘Experience life step by step’, you said. ‘Getting stronger according to the proper story arc’, you said.”

“Mr. X broke the rules first,” Viers blew air from his mouth. “And yes, I know it’s my ego speaking those words… I thought I could manage but I was this close to dying, partner. We got saved because of other people.”

The two thought of the girls and Dream Viers.

“And because Mr. X did not intend to kill from the start,” Viers continued. “My pride made me think it was okay to get strong while taking baby steps and enjoying the scenery along the way. Ha! Stupid, stupid…”

Viers ridiculed himself, both palms on his face. He slowly lowered his hands and his vicious gaze met Tanael’s eyes.

“This situation is caused by me being lax and overconfident… Time to pull all the stops and go full villain. I’m not Sugar from Death March. Enjoying this world can come after I’m fuckin’ invincible!”

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