Aurora Scroll

Chapter 304 - Socializing in Heaven

“Here’s your room. I hope it meets your standard. Feel free to use the bed and everything else in the room. If you need something else, inform me.”

The young mother guided Viers to a room with a bed on the right side of the building.

“Please, you’re too courteous. I’m already thankful to not have to sleep at the horse stable.”

Viers had the Picture Room magic item so that wouldn't happen but he still showed the right attitude of humbleness and gratitude.

“Then I’ll leave you to it. Come to the tavern once you're done settling down. We have lots of dish choices for the travelers.”

“I’m looking forward to it. Thank you for your hospitality, Miss Jessica… or is it Madam?”

“My, how polite,” Jessica put her hand to cover her smiling mouth. “But just Jessica will do. After all, Mister Kira is my son’s benefactor. Enjoy your stay.”

With a light bow, the establishment owner closed the door.

…Guess lookalikes are really a thing. If she goes to a cosplay event, she definitely will be the center of attention.

Although there were some twists and turns, Viers got a place in Ebon Wall City, completing his objective. He was pretty dirty from the fight with the monsters and dust on the road so he cleaned himself up. He didn't use the mother-son-pair bathroom though. Jessica was pretty rushed guiding him earlier since the tavern was right at peak dinner time.

Viers’ water abilities and the things in his inventory transformed him from dirty to clean in a jiffy. Then he sprawled on top of the bed, with just the right amount of firmness, that Jessica kept free of dust.

Jessica… Her son, Tim, or is it Timmy? Hmm… Momma Tifa… just wow. Speaking of names, I’m Kira now. Better not get mixed up.

Viers had changed identity yet again, introducing himself as Kira to Jessica during the introduction earlier.

New places, new faces, new names.

Since Avel the Slayer’s identity and perhaps Viers’ own might be compromised by Mr. X, a stronger soul Pathseeker, Viers deleted the Avel account while ‘Viers’ went off the grid. Even though it had to be done, Viers still felt bitter about losing the Avel identity. It was quite a big loss, he thought.

Viers’ stomach made a growl. He carried his Guren Muramasa katana with his left hand and went to get some food. Pathseekers used all kinds of weapons and he, or Arsène, even met some katana users on the road. Avel used the same katana but after changing the color of the hilt and sheath, it shouldn't pose any problem for Kira to use.

Even before he went through the door, the hustle and bustle of Heaven Is Cruel tavern could be heard.

“Faulkner, today’s special two sets and two ales. Make one of them extra spicy,” Jessica gave the order to the man in the kitchen then she saw Viers in her sight. “Mister Kira, please take a seat. We’ll be with you shortly.”

Jessica already went to another table and took their order before Viers answered. Viers took a seat near the counter while waiting.

“What’s your fancy?”

A woman with a plump body and cheeks with brown curly hair wearing the same apron as Jessica spoke to Viers behind the counter. She looked to be in her forties. A neighborhood kind of auntie.

“Do you have meaty monster dishes?” Viers said his craving of the moment.

“Sure do,” the woman listed the menu and Viers picked one.

“Give me the strongest monster meat you have for that,” Viers added.

“What about the drink? We have ale, beer, mead… wine, if that’s your fancy. Nothing too pricey, that the aristocrats drink, though.”

“Just water is fine.”

“Rightto. Be back in a jiffy.”

While the woman relayed the order to the kitchen, Viers scouted the tavern. It had a nice warm, rustic atmosphere. Since he was in the Latias Kingdom, the different cultures showed in the little things such as the windows, decorations, and so on.


“No buts. You must finish your assignments today. Besides, Mister Kira just got here. Let him eat and rest first, okay?”


Some tables away, even though they didn't speak loudly, Viers heard the conversation between Tim and his mother. Tim seemed to be writing things.

Some sort of homework?

Even though Jessica said she was the owner, she was the one who brought food and drinks to the customers, the role of bar wenches. But seeing the looks of most male customers towards her, Viers guessed the reason easily enough.

Pretty women get plenty of men’s attention. It is known.

A man took up the empty seat next to Viers, somewhat forcefully.

Here it comes. Viers drank the cup of water the previous waiter provided.

“So, kid. Heard yer’ gonna spend the night under the owner’s roof,” the gruff man said.

“I don't think you're a fool but I’m telling ya just in case,” said another man who took a seat in the other empty seat next to Viers. “If you get any ideas about the madam, you’re gonna answer to these knuckles of mine.”

The gruff man from earlier scanned Viers from head to toe. Kira's body and face weren't exactly a handsome picture.

“Kid, you feel us, huh?” The face with a threatening expression moved closer. “Huuh?!”

Being told those things by middle-aged men was pretty hilarious to Viers. Their antics were so juvenile. Actually, besides these two, the Jessica fans were voicing their envy and jealousy at Viers with their silent glare.

Viers was weighing whether he should remove the man’s head from his neck using the quickdraw slash of Cut the Crap Arte. It would be as easy as yawning. He could even make it so not a drop of blood would pour out to avoid making the place messy.

Because of a TV show about a certain red-haired samurai with an X scar on his cheek that Viers watched when he was little, Viers had a special fondness for quickdraw sword technique. Cut the Crap Arte was his embodiment of that obsession.

But, whatever the reason for the invention, the Arte’s deadliness was without question.


The waiter brought a sizzling hot steak and put it in front of Viers.

“Gentlemen, the boss can answer for herself. No need for you all busybodies. Now move away please. You’re bothering a guest.”

“But Greta-”

“Bah, it’s alway like this with you, Jake, Dickens. Shall I say a thing or two to your wives tomorrow then?”

And that got the two of them backing away.

“Now you can enjoy your meal in peace,” the waiter, Greta, said with a smile.

“Thank you.”

“Don't mention it. It’s a regular thing in this place. Cause Jessica’s a beauty.”

“M-hm… Can I ask you something?”

“I’m not telling what thing my boss likes or her three sizes,” Greta said with her elbow on the counter and a hand propping her cheek.

“Nothing of the sort,” Viers chuckled. “Tim’s father is…”

“Passed away, about a year ago. It’s just her and little Timmy now,” Greta replied.

“I see.”

“Well, keep your noses clean, young man. She packs a mean punch.”

With that last sentence, Greta went back to work. Like she said, Jessica was a Level 3 mid Pathseeker. What affinity Viers didn't yet know but in this place where the top dogs were Level 3 peak, she was pretty close to the top.

On the other hand, Kira was just a Level 2.

As always, Viers liked to make himself weaker in the eyes of others. Even though he was a savior of her son, Jessica invited a stranger to her home. Her being stronger than him definitely played a factor in her decision.

Well, not like I'm gonna do anything towards her anyway. Country-toppling jade beauties or Tifa’s mirror image or whatnot, I ain't chasing any girls’ ass.

Without further ado, Viers dined upon the hot juicy steak in front of him with a hearty appetite. The meat replenished his energy and satisfied his hunger.

Viers wasn't a slow eater and the crowded tavern wasn't his usual cup of tea so after finishing his meal, he left for his room.

Besides, there were people waiting to get a place so Viers didn't block Jessica’s business.

But damn… That is one hot single mother right there.

Viers left before he became like the men in the tavern. In the cartoons of the old days, their eyes would be heart-shaped and bulging out of their sockets. Furthermore, they would be panting with open mouths like dogs in heat.

When Jessica found only an empty seat and clean plate at Viers’ place, she felt a bit guilty not being able to be a better host for her son’s savior. When he took up the plate, she found a few coins more than double the dish’s value with a napkin note.

It was delicious. My compliments to the chef.

Jessica brought the plates and napkin to the kitchen.

“Faulkner, the customer that ate your steak liked it,” she said while showing the napkin to the chef.


Faulkner only gave the napkin a short glance and grunted in acknowledgment before continuing cooking. Jessica gave a light sigh but with a smile.

In his room, Viers placed his own magic items to increase the place's security, not letting down his guard.

Next, is my soul food.

Viers planned to spend his hours until his sleeping time consuming the souls of the dead after he'd soul searched them. The Recordkeeper Mirror was at an arm’s length. He placed unnecessary memories there instead of stuffing his brain’s hard drive full of data. However, his schedule went awry not long before it began.

“Hehehe, brother Kira, I came to play,” said Tim with a big smiley face in front of the door.

“Welcome! Come on in,” Viers replied with a smile.

Viers sighed in his mind. He didn't really like kids. They were cute but more often than not, they were a handful. This was undoubtedly true for babies. They were a cry and poop factory.

Naturally, Dia, Futon, and Faiya are the exceptions.

Tim was a hyperactive ball of energy. He made Viers tell him stories. He showed Viers his toys. They played sword fights with pillows. And many more.

Tim was five. Luca, the village girl with Darkness 5 affinity that he met in the past, was ten. Tim was much more kid-like than Luca, which made him harder to deal with.

His respect for Jessica, and every mom in existence, went up a notch.

After two hours, Viers’ patience had dried like the Aral Sea. He was about to use Soul Mind Trick on Tim, to put him to sleep, but before he handwaved the kid, Jessica came to save Viers from the little demon.

“Nonono!” Tim made a tantrum, waving his hands wildly. “I still want to play with Kira!”

“Hush! It’s already late. Mister Kira wants to sleep too!”

In the end, Tim was successfully brought away by his mother, much to Viers’ relief.

“I’m really sorry for the interruption to your rest,” Jessica said.

“Oh no. It’s the least I could do,” Viers faked his smile. “Sleep well, ma'am.”

“Thank you again. And good rest to you too.”

Now that he regained some peace and quiet, Viers did what little soul cultivation that he could before hitting the bed.

Pathseekers still need sustenance and sleep, even Level 5 Pathseekers. Unlike the cultivators in some versions that didn't need food and sleep pretty early in their cultivation journey.

Before Valkut, Viers was happy following the day and night cycle; eating and sleeping at his own time according to the laws of nature. After Valkut, after he started his hardcore cultivation session, Viers felt what he felt while he was on Earth: twenty-four hours a day wasn't enough.

He had too many things that he could do to increase his strength but didn't have time to do it.

With the unavailability of his tenants, Paina, Farley, and Clarissa, his workload also increased. In the past, he was able to outsource some work to them, such as new Arte development and some minor but necessary calculation.

Viers felt a little empty inside.

You don't realize what you’ve lost until it’s gone, huh?

Viers drifted to sleep while swimming in melancholic memories.

After a frigid morning came, Viers was already making preparations to go back to Monsterland.

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