Aurora Scroll

Chapter 307 - Power Spots and Land Gods

Monster hunting.

It was a common gig among Pathseekers, and Viers was no exception.

Furthermore, he was also a different kind of Monster Hunter. In another land, another time, he had turned hundreds of monsters into fancy pants and hats. He wore them proudly to kill even bigger, badder monsters. Rinse and repeat.

What was slightly different this time, was Viers doing monhun as a monster himself.


A Rank 3 Gigadia Crab let out a victory cry above the defeated body of a Rank 3 Parparra Gorilla.

Viers gorged on the flesh of the mammal, strengthening himself by turning the power contained in that body into sustenance. Meanwhile, he instructed his familiars to dismantle the gorilla’s valuable body parts as loot.

Yep, the claws, fangs, horns, got them all. Now that’s what I’m talking about. Not like in the game. Gold Rajang Pelt + not dropped? How can it be? There’s the freaking body of the monster left behind! There’s no Fatalis Fellwing? But it’s right there! A bigass pair of them for the taking. What’s the logic in that? Unbelievable… I know it’s a game mechanic but come on!

As if to pay back a smoldering grudge from a long time ago, Viers didn't even leave a bone of his big kills behind.

”Alright gang, let's crash the next party!”

The three familiars replied positively and hopped on Viers’ back… or head. Even he didn't know. He’d found another worthwhile kill and attacked.

Huhuhu! This is so effective! Even after all those fights, I’m not tired at all! Viva monster physique! Huzzah!

Monster kind’s toughness and might that had become the headache of uncountable Pathseekers, Viers had taken them all.

Is it because of the exceptional metabolism, or something else? Does the high-vitality meat I ate become energy in minutes? I feel like I can continue this kill trip for days. Hehehe. This is like those game avatars. They can always run without their legs falling off.

Most of the monster Viers fought were weaker than him but after a while, he’d tried to hunt down a fellow Rank 3. It took more time but unlike the other side, Gigadia Crab had human intelligence. There was also his water Artes when the situation called for it but Viers kept any Victa usage at the minimum. There was no need to waste magic fuel when his mighty pincers could do the job. Dia, Futon, and Faiya were also assisting him.

All in all, no Rank 3 monsters were his match.

They were not enemies, but food.

Just as I envisioned, coming to the Carfax Peninsula was the right call. Now it's just a matter of farming. Farming food, money, and genetic evolution materials!

Viers continued to grind exp using his crab form until sundown.

Currently, he was enjoying the sensation of being half submerged in a watering hole, after the previous owner moved into his gullet. The three familiars were playing with water nearby. Dia and Futon tried to persuade Faiya to take a dip into the liquid.

Been here for a while but no frenzied monster came. So the problem is really being a human… Without something to influence them, the weaker monsters usually evade places with stronger monster presence.

Like a beast marking its territory, Viers emitted a Rank 3 monster aura and the little ones instinctively stayed away.


This also had an effect on Viers. The peninsula was huge and it was not as if Rank 4 or 5 monsters didn't exist here. Very few and far between nature gave rise to those mighty beasts. He was instinctively steered clear of those places.

Is this the so-called bloodline suppression among beasts like in the novels? Heh. Well, it’s fine for now. Rank 3 and below are plenty.

And they were a problem. According to the memories of a certain monster scholar he soul searched recently, Carfax’s monsters prefer to make spawns rather than evolve. That being the case, strong monsters were clearly a rarity even though the food for growth was very abundant. The reason was still unknown, like the abnormal hostility to humans.

For Viers though, it was a blessing. He had fewer competitors. Those natural bounties were his for the taking.

As for the bounty he gained from just this one outing, it was substantial. His inventory items were almost bursting from goods, his stomach was bulging, and the exp gain made him grin.

The Kill Counting Stone recorded the proof of the lives he ended. After it completely turned red, his stone was now already turned halfway green. Increasing the green needed a lot more kills than from white to red.

Viers could still hunt, so why did he stop?

After hours of spreading carnage, even though he wasn't tired, blindly going from target to target was unwise. There were also good things all over the peninsula, such as herbs, ores, and special places.

It could produce unique resources that did not exist anywhere else or give benefits to those that stayed there. Some places could heal the injured, some could attain unusual power, and many more.

The term in this world for those special places, like the very watering hole he was in, was Power Spots.

The Electrolysis Pond and the Mind Thundering Cave in the Serene Thunder Aviary fell into the Power Spot category. The green lava mountain that was created from the battle between Clarissa and Georgi, two peak Level 5 powerhouses, was also a Power Spot. Those with the right insight and qualifications could reap benefits from that place.

Whether it was nature-born or man-made Power Spot, each was different. They had grades. Some might only be slightly beneficial but rarely, they could provide a heaven-reaching boon.

The greatest of the Power Spot could become the basis of someone’s rise to Level 5 or even a clan of several Level 5s.

Therefore, like oil fields on Earth, people waged wars to gain control of the Power Spots.

This world was vast and much was still untouched by civilizations. It was not exclusive to people, monsters could also benefit from Power Spots. As the monster grew in strength, they naturally made their Power Spot their territory and protected it from others that would take it away.

Ordinary strong monsters would be defeated, by other monsters or humans, then die. However, there were those whose strength was awe-inspiring. Their power was in the realm of myths and legends.

People called those beings Land Gods.

The Deva-class monster species were often descendants or related to these Land Gods.

Power Spots and Land Gods, one gave rise to another…

Crab-Viers involuntarily made bubbles with his mouth as he fell into deep thought. His best guess was the whole Carfax Peninsula peculiarities were caused by either a Power Spot, a Land God, or both.

Radiageus from the Valkut mountain range, the pervy elder dragon that captures a juvenile Devawi Swan to mate with her, is a Land God.

He glanced at Chibi Dia who was passing by in front of his massive body, paddling with her tiny feet using Futon like a water donut.

Dia also could be called a Land God.

The dryad’s power in the Biome could rival a Level 5. She held potential that Viers was eager to unlock and her Biome had multiple Power Spots.

Which was all Viers’ now.

Viers blew bubbles to Dia. One was big enough to envelop her whole body, which didn't say much, given her and Viers’ current size.

“Kin? Ooooo?”

She looked confused at first but soon smiled happily as the bubble floated into the air like a soap bubble with her inside it. A little trick from Viers.



Futon and Faiya tried to go in.

“Hey! You guys can fly on your own,” Dia said. “This is mine.”

Faiya didn't go into the bubble when he bumped into it but sent Dia bouncing away. Then the fire and cloud elemental siblings looked at each other for a second and their eyes glinted with mischief.

They treated the bubble with Dia inside like a volleyball and played with it.

“Aaaaah! Stop it! Dia is dizzy-wizzy! Ahahaha!”

Even though she said that, she seemed happy.

What a cute god, Viers mentally smiled because his crab face could not.

The bubble burst and Dia fell into the water. She had a big wide grin when her face returned to above the waterline.

Let's call it a day, Viers told them. Back to the city.

“Fuu… Fuu yuu?”

Futon asked if he could have tasty dry ice.


After he was close enough to the Ebon Wall City, he transformed back into the slightly overweight human form. Compared to the beer belly when he was just starting the otherworlder business around two and a half years ago, he was much slimmer but it was nowhere close to the six-pack body he dreamed of.

That being said, the look had its advantages. No one would look at him and connect him to a super fighter. That went double after he faked or hid his cultivation aura. Being underestimated and then defeating the fools, the arrogant young master types, was one of Viers’ favorite hobbies.

Such as this situation.

“So, kid. How about you help a brother out from your hunt with us?”

After he passed the wall, not too far from Jessica’s tavern, he was surrounded by a few gangsters. With how late in the night it was, there were seldom any passersby.

“Why aren't you saying anything? We’re busy y’know. You stalling? Want me to break a couple of fingers first, huuh?” One guy said threateningly. Complete with the facework.

Viers wasn't stalling. These Level 1 chumps, with three among them Level 2, were like dirty street dogs barking at a Godzilla. Compared to the adversaries he had faced thus far, they were but a blip on Viers' radar.

Just as he thought about how to cook their souls, two cloaked people came to his aid.

“You people might have lost your home. Might be a lie but might be true. Either case, that’s no excuse to mug other people,” one of them said.

“I’ll let you off with a stern warning for now. But there won't be a second time. Leave, now,” the other said.

“Aaaah? Who the hell are you two? You think you’re some kind of a hot shot or som’thing?”

That one got close enough to see the face under the hood.


The hoodlums let out a nervous shriek and started trembling before falling on his butt.


“Begone, I said. I won't ask for a third time.”

“Yesssshh!!! You lot, hurry up!”

Viers gave the fleeing hoodlums a glance then faced the two people that helped him. Naturally, Viers fully realized the cliché that these two were some big shots.

“T-thank you, sirs,” Viers gave his gratitude and showed his appreciation, just like a normal mob.

“Those types of people came out after dark so it’s best to avoid going out this late at night,” the milder of the two said. “Looking at your outfit, you just came back from the hunt outside the wall?”

“Ah, yea- Yes, sir!” Viers faked nervousness.

“Thank you for your service.” The man gave Viers a pat on the shoulder before leaving.

“Stay out of trouble,” the stern one followed.

Viers saw their backs getting farther and farther away.

So that’s Mayor Anderson… And the stern one should be Charles, the Grey Hawk Knightly Order’s chief.

Using the memories of the soul searched people, Viers had ample knowledge about the locale.

They smelled like beer. From the direction, they just came out from Jessica’s?

When Viers came back to Heaven Is Cruel, he just realized his mistake. He came out so late, what if the door was locked? The taverns’ lights were already turned off so they must be closed already.

He reached out his hand to open the door and found it unlocked.

Jessica was waiting behind the counter under dim candlelight, looking worried and down.

“Oh thank the Goddess. Welcome back… I feared the worst, since you hadn't returned for so long,” Jessica’s face turned to gladness.

“Sorry for making you worry. Got held up by a pack of monsters on the way back. Needed to take a detour… Were you waiting for me? Oh, you shouldn't have.”

“That’s horrible. But it’s good you’re not hurt. Come, sit. Let me reheat dinner for you.”

Viers honestly didn't need any, but Jessica gave him so much hospitality that refusal was not an option. He filled his stomach, cleaned up, then went to bed, ending the promising start at Carfax Peninsula.

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