Aurora Scroll

Chapter 314 - Dungeon Run

“Hey, Nipul. Nice to see you, buddy! Welcome to Ebon Wall. I’m telling you, you came at the perfect time. Have you heard?”

“Hello, Billo. About what?”

“The Dungeon, of course!”

“Huh, hear people talking about it… Is it really as good as the rumors?”

“Dude, I promise you, it will be worth your time.”


“Whoa… All these people are going into the Dungeon? There must be hundreds of them.”

“Yep. Freelancers like us, people from Schools or Knightly Orders, vassals from great houses, all want a piece of the Dungeon. People from other cities are starting to take notice. While it is still relatively unknown, we have to take all the benefits we can get.”

“What are you talking about, Billo? That one is a Level 4. He will take all the goodies, leaving us without any!”

“No problem. You’ll see.”


“What kind of sorcery prevented that Level 4 from going in?”

“Hell if I know. A little advice from me mate. Lots of things that don't make sense in this place. Better not think too much of it.”

“Hmm… The corridor nails the ominous feeling perfectly. What’s next?”

“The shop.”

“Shop? Inside here?”

“You’ll like the shopkeeper, or as some called him, Tey.”


“Welcome, Stranger.”

“Come on, Tey. We’ve met more than ten times. Are we still strangers anymore?”

“Hehehe. I call all my customers Stranger, Stranger. Welcome to Never Die Thrice. What are ya buyin’?”

“Tey, I want to introduce you to my friend, Nipul.”

“Nice to meet you, Stranger. I’m certain I got something that might interest ya. Take a look around.”

“Yes, I-”

“Oi, move it. There’s a line here.”

“Alright, alright. Tey, the delve package supplies 2, please.”

“Pleasure doing business with ya.”


“Who was that? He looks very shady with the hood, scarf, and long coat.”

“Hehe, he has a unique style, right? I love it when he opens his coat and shows the things he's got tucked inside.”

“So what are his wares exactly? With the line and all, I didn't have the chance to ask.”

“Nipul, see those books on the pedestals? It’s what is available. It projects the info straight to your mind. Give it a try.”

“.........I’ll be damned.”

“Hahah! Look at your face.”

“Billo, th-this… Is this real?”

“Oh, it’s real alright.”

“More than a hundred different Profound Codices, top tier rare monster cores, you can even learn Artes here? Wait, isn't this the Magisterium Victa manipulation manual? How did he get this? Those Magisterium folks won't allow this. They’ll send their hitmen.”

“Perhaps, but Tey didn't seem to care. Keep looking.”

“...The potion selection is long. From the usual healing potion to a straight-up elixir. They even have a cure for Reculisis disease? Did you know that Tey guy is an amazing alchemist… Wait, is my mind failing me? A potion to increase Victa? Colloid?”

“I already tried it, my Victa really recovered. It’s perfect for emergencies. As far as I know, not a single one of the potions are fake.”

“Battle techniques in abundance, potions, even equipment… Other things are amazing too! Soul healing? Location of the Ice Salamanders? Key to the Blackvein ruins? Virtue Fruit? Goodness gracious! Windcliff Gryphon egg? If I can hatch it, it will be a powerful familiar! Perfect for me! ”

“I won't disagree with you, mate.”

“So how do I buy these things? I’ll empty all my savings!”

“Ah, you’re not alone in this but except for the very basic stuff, Tey doesn't accept cash. He wants Zenny.”

“What's that? I never heard of it. How do I get it?”

“You go to the Dungeon, of course… Oi, wait!”

“What are you waiting for? Hurry it up, old man!”

“Hey! You’re older than me!”


“Billo, you’ve been here before, correct? Then do you already know the layout?”

“No, mate. The Dungeon changes every time you enter. The path, the rooms, the enemy, everything changes.”

“How is that possible? That is an otherworldly feat. Is- Is Tey that great? This is his Dungeon, right?”

“Don't ask me about the how. Told you many things don't make sense here. If you ask Tey whether this is his place he’ll deny it. I only work here, he said.”

“Estelle be good…”

“Keep your wits about you, Nipul. We’re on the first floor now.”


“This place is a maze!”

“Don't I know it.”

“Can we just break the walls until we find the stairs to the next floor? Or better yet, break the floor?”

“Bad idea. I once saw people try it. They are gone.”

“Gone how.”

“Gone, gone. They just vanished. Like erased from thin air. Know the Knight of Arleck, Fabio?”

“Sure, I know him. He’s a peak Level 3. Don't tell me-”

“If that kind of guy is gone, the likes of us shouldn't anger this nice Dungeon. Ain't that common sense?”


“Similarly, folks had tried to go into Dungeon from the outside. Tried to drill through the earth.”

“They haven't succeeded, I take it?”

“Sure haven't. Even some angry Level 4s couldn't do it. The Dungeon simply cannot be entered aside from the entrance. And as you can see from earlier, it sometimes closes. Don't worry, Tey will put up a notice in front of his shop when the Dungeon will close. Everyone passes through his shop before going into the Dungeon. I-”

“Billo, enemy ahead.”

“I sense it too. Hope you're not too rusty, Nipul.”

“Hehe, watch and learn.”


“Wheew. What a tough battle.”

“It’s floor boss. What did you expect? Now we can go deeper.”

“I still don't get it. You kill monsters then your Zenny increases? The monster carcass completely disappeared too. We can't harvest them.”

“Well, it's the feature of this place, it seems. Complaining about it won't do you no good.”

“...How much Zenny do I have now?”

“Tey will know and he has a device to show your Zenny. You can buy one if you want. Like this one.”

“You have one? Let me try.”

“Locked to me alone, I’m afraid.”

“Tch. Fine… You have… Three hundred Zenny?”

“I already bought some things but now I’m saving up to five hundred. The thing that I am aiming for is set at that price.”

“How long have you been doing this again? All those top-tier things at the store are priced in the tens of thousands, even millions!”

“It will take a while for sure. My guess is you’re at around twenty Z.”

“It will take forever!”

“The deeper you go, the more Z you get from monster kills. There are also special enemies, weekly bosses, Tey said there will be events in the near future. There’s also the night. It’s very dangerous at night so I don't recommend it.”

“Sounds like Tey got this figured out, keeping all of us wanting to keep coming back.”

“Or his boss. Alright, enough resting. Let’s go.”

“Wait, Billo.”


“Can we trade Zenny with other people?”

“No. But people can do it indirectly. You can buy the things other people want using your Zenny then trade it outside.”

“What if we kill other delvers? Can we snatch their Zenny?”

“Ah, even you got greedy, did you? No, I’m not blaming you. I had the same thought during my first entry.”

“Just answer the question.”

“We’re at ‘day’ so no. When the sun goes down, the Dungeon shifts to night mode. Enemies become more dangerous and numerous. The traps become more insidious. Rumors are there are even more deadly beings out and about. Unlike ‘day’, at ‘night’ the Zenny of people you kill becomes yours. If you do it during the day, your Zenny gets taken away as a penalty.”

“Can you not scare me like that?”

“I’m warning you. Night is for hardcores or idiots. Very high-risk high return but like Tey’s shop, you should think thrice before you do it.”

“...Sounds like the night is the Level 3s arena then.”


“Think about it. If we are encouraged to kill each other-”

“Incorrect. The enemies are stronger at night so it’s better to fight as a group.”

“But the rule about killing each other for the Zenny changes. Which makes it more risky to do things together with others. Especially with strangers.”

“...Good point. You were saying?”

“The lower leveled will be prey for the Level 3s, since they are the top dog. Because the Level 4 and 5 are denied entry. Level 1 or 2 Pathseeker going in would be a suicide.”

“Well, not really. Realize that every person we've passed by are our fellow Level 2s?”

“You mean…”

“The Dungeon separates people according to their Level. As Level 2, we won't meet Level 0, 1, or 3. I get what you’re saying, weaker people will still get preyed upon by the stronger ones but at least it shouldn't be against unreasonable odds.”

“...The maker really put some thought into making this place, huh? What are the creators aiming for? Zenny is just numbers. What do they get for making all of this?”

“...Beats me.”


“Urggh… I messed up.”

“Billo, stay with me, buddy. Hang on!”

“Nipul… Just… Leave me. I won't make it.”

“No! I will- Oh shit! The bugs are already here. Come on!”

“Don't be a fool. Alone, you have a better chance of surviving this. I’ll… hold them off.”

“I’m not leaving you and that's final. Now shut up and walk! Billo? Billoooo!”

“Over here, Stranger.”

“Who said that!? …The shopkeeper? How are you here?”

“You coming or what, Stranger? …Wise choice. Close the door behind you.”

“Will they-”

“This room is safe, Stranger. Let’s do some business then, ey!”

“My friend is injured. I need healing items.”

“Sure. Take your pick.”

“What? So expensive! And it's all in Zenny! The ones upstairs are far cheaper!”

“Different places, different prices, Stranger. That Zenny in your pocket or your life? Easy choice, mate.”

“I don't have enough Zenny… Merchant, can you.”

“Not enough Zenny, Stranger!”

“I know that, so-”

“Not enough Zenny, Stranger!”

“I said I know! Can I-”

“Not enough Zenny, Stranger!”

“Arrgh! This is hopeless, Billo! Wake up and you need to buy the item yourself! Come on, buddy! Don't die so close to help!”

“You know what? I have a special offer for ya. I can give you the potion for something else you have.”

“Then hurry up! What do you want?”

“Your lifespan.”

“M-my life span?”

“It’s nothing much. Just a week of your lifespan then you can save your friend here. What will it be?”

“...Are you not messing with me?”

“Tey from Never Die Thrice is an honest businessman. I stake my honor on every transaction. Better hurry it up, Stranger. He’s fading fast.”

“...If your potion can save my friend, then deal.”

“A wise choice, Stranger.”

“.........Nipul, what? Are we dead?”

“No, we are still very much alive, buddy.”

“Tey? What are you doing here?”

“Welcome, Stranger. What’re ya buyin’?”


“Billo, are you sure you’re good?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. Don't worry. I won't waste your one week of life. I’ll pay you back and more, my friend. Let’s go.”


“See ya, opportunist merchant. Thanks for saving my life.”

“Hehehe. Come back anytime.”


“Yessss! We did it! The Big Boss is dead!”

“Holy shit! We really did it… My life flashed before my eyes more than once.”

“See Nipul, I knew I could count on you! Thanks. Never managed to defeat the Boss before.”

“It’s a tough boss of the tenth floor to be sure but final? No other floor after this?”

“Not right now. But I know what you mean. There will be another final boss ready for our next run. Enough about that! Look at our Zenny! Whoohoo!”

“Look! The Boss dropped something.”

“Oh? That never happened before. What is it?”

“Some red powder thing in a small jar. The label is written Nutra. Never heard of it before.”

“Guess we can ask Tey later. Just keep it hush-hush from others. I bet it's a good thing. Come on, let's go back before night settles in. Wheew. A dungeon run well done. Let’s drink till we drop tonight!”

“Billo, you almost died.”

“But I didn't! Hahahahaha! Let's do it again tomorrow!”

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