Aurora Scroll

Chapter 317 - Nutra

Viers had been testing the substance that the dungeon core Abby called Nutra. He tested it in various ways. Before, he only got his hands on a small amount. To broaden his test sample, he also gave a small batch to lucky dungeon delvers.

True to her description, the red powder was indeed a cultivation booster.

While using it in his cultivation session, Viers got twice the result for half the effort.

After several times of consistent results, he was convinced it wasn't a fluke. This alone was already exceeding Viers’ expectations but there was more.

Game-changing and meta-defining.

After getting a bigger batch this time, Viers conducted even more tests and so he found out that Nutra could also beneficially affect Profound Practice. In other words, it would make improving his Profound Codex way easier.

Cultivation was not a simple thing. It had to be, since the end of the Path of Power was similar to godhood.

A person’s talent, aptitude, effort, environment, luck, and many other things were a factor.

Profound Codex was an integral part of a Pathseeker, an important pillar of their style.

Viers’ Codex, Serpentes Renovamen needed to be trained by letting go of all of Viers’ Pathseeker capabilities when the sun was down. For obvious reasons, Viers only did this in a safe environment. It resulted in his Profound Codex being the slowest to improve. Since it was frequency and time-based, Viers was having trouble speeding it up.

To become Level 4, evolving the Unreality Field to its next stage, the Imaginary Domain, was an absolute requirement. And without mastering the Profound Codex, evolving the Unreality Field was but a daydream.

After Valkut, he did his Profound Training in Dia’s Biome as much as possible. The fruit of his effort was he learned the ability to use Unreality Field offensively.

Nevertheless, Viers was still far from turning his Field into a Domain. While his need for ambient mana to nourish his Intio was not an issue thanks to Dia’s Biome and all the mana crystals he took from others, the matter of his Codex was a significant weight that slowed down his climb to Level 4.

Viers thought nothing could be done about it, not unless he got into another time-dilation place like the Book World. He calculated he would need around five years of unceasing Profound Practice, other requirements were not included.

That meant five years as a regular human. Since he was unable to access his Victa and Artes, the training he could do was also greatly limited.

He wasn't willing to commit so much for the time being and had been preparing himself for such an outcome. Level 3 peak came first. Either way, he was still following the schedule, to become Level 4 before the age of thirty.

Level 4 at that age was already fast, according to the world’s norm. Even those that were ‘talented’ with the right qualifications reached Level 4 in their forties or fifties. Most Pathseekers didn’t even have the qualifications to reach such height for all their lives.

Viers was not yet eighteen, he might be able to reach Level 4 in his mid-twenties.

With Nutra, I might become a Level 4 in about three years.

Viers glanced at the barrel full of Nutra.

But only if I have unlimited access to Nutra. This amount is far from enough! If not outright the dead tree, all the Nutra in that room at the very least.

Viers frowned. The Nutra source was in the hands of Abby, not him. With an unlimited supply of Nutra at her disposal, she could easily make an army of high-Level Pathseekers! Everyone and their mother would want the red substance!

No wait, is there something truly limitless in this world? The macabre tree and the aberrant thing are dead after all. It might not produce Nutra much longer! This makes the Nutra in stock all the more important!

My instinct was correct, by attacking Abby back then. If I was successful, my prominence would be set in stone. Shame it wasn't enough…

Viers' head was filled with murderous thoughts.

It isn't impossible to kill Abby despite her damage-reflect ability. For one, Arsène can take the hit. However, this is too important to risk a second failure. Let's be smart about this. For now…

There was no fixed way of using the Nutra. It should be taken orally, inhaled, or put on the skin. It could also be mixed with other natural treasures too without losing its properties. Viers heavily suspected that a skilled alchemist would be able to improve the Nutra even further.

Viers put the Nutra on a sizzling hot steak, Salt Bae style.

The resulting dish was even more delicious after the addition of the red powder. So much so, he would do an animesque reaction if he could.

Nutra… It is Spice! It must flow and it must be mine!


“I don't want to go,” Tim said dejectedly while holding his hot mom’s hand tightly.

“Don't be afraid. See? There are a lot of other kids. You’ll make a lot of friends.”


It took a while but Tim mustered his courage and went inside.

“Thanks for coming with us,” Jessica said to Viers beside her while waving at Tim.

“It’s really no problem. I’m planning to go to the city hall after this. It’s in the same direction.”

“You don't need to, you know.”

“The weather is nice. It’s perfect for taking a walk. Come on, Kira.”

The two walked side by side, Jessica’s beauty turned a lot of heads. They looked like a young, unbalanced couple. Viers felt envy and animosity directed at him.

It wasn't all bad, being envied by others meant you got something that was worth envying.

“You seem happy today,” Jessica pointed out.

“Hm? Am I? Might be. My Pathseeker training is going well.”

“That is great! Congratulations… Yes, you’re approaching Level 2 high, right? Yes. You’re really talented. Very high cultivation for one so young.”


Actually, it is Level 3 high, mwuhuhu.

“Do you have a Codex yet? If not, I can introduce you to a few people. They might take you as a disciple or member of their organization if you pass their test.”

“Thanks for the offer but I’m fine.”

“Good, good… Oh, but put a really deep thought before you begin using the Codex, okay? It’s a very important decision. If the Codex is of low quality, it will be very difficult down the line.”

Viers found out that Jessica was a busybody. She meant well so it was hard to rebuke her. Mainly because his whole existence was basically a lie, Viers didn't like this topic and diverted the conversion focus elsewhere.

“Right. By the way, Tim is going to tutor, hm?”

“Yes. Education is very important. The tutor is well known too. It’s better to start early.”

“Hmm, I don't know. Isn't Tim still very little?”

“Not at all. The daughter of the Harpers that lives a couple of blocks away started a whole year earlier. Perhaps he can go to the Sinclair Academy in the future as a researcher or something.”

Sinclair Academy… Latias Kingdom’s number one academy. This world’s equivalent of Hogwarts.

Naturally, Viers had known about it because of all the soul-searching he did.

“Sinclair Academy. I know the name. A noble profession. But well, I’m more leaning towards the approach that kids should be kids and play a lot with friends and family-”

Viers paused midway, realizing his mistake of words.

“I’m sorry. I don't mean any offense.”

“No, it’s fine. I’m really busy and haven't been spending much time with him lately,” Jessica sighed deeply.

“...Don't beat yourself up too much. Parenting is a tough job for two, and you’re doing it alone. Even an outsider that hasn't been here long like me knows, you’re doing your best for Tim.”

Viers’ show of empathy brought a smile to Jessica’s face. “Thank you,” she said in a small voice.

They walked a bit in silence, despite the hustle-bustle on the street. And then Jessica’s eye got caught by something on sale.

“An exercise book! It’s almost Ferens Day celebration. This will be a good present for Tim. I’ll wrap this as a gift, then we can solve this together.”

“No!” Viers rejected strongly. “That’s a very bad idea!”

“Eh? Is that so?”

“That is so! Trust me on this. Once, I saw a Yo-” Viers stopped to change his choice of words from Youtube. “A scene. A mom gave her Tim’s age daughter a nice present for her birthday. The daughter’s eyes were beaming and happily opened the gift box.”

Jessica listened intently.

“Then the daughter found a book inside the box. An exercise book. She flipped the pages for a bit. And then…”

“And then?”

“She asked why she was buying her a homework book? Why is this a gift? Then she cried, crying tears of indignation. The mom found it funny and laughed… It was ridiculous. I felt bad for the kid,” Viers shook his head.

“Is… that so…” Jessica cast her gaze downward.

“Hey, parenting is not easy. Every parent wants the best for their kid but let's use a smarter way of doing it. How about this, tonight, you tell Tim if he gets good grades in his education, he will get a real gift. This gift must be something really cool. An expensive toy or a holiday trip, whatever that makes him feel good. At first, make the bar not too high but you slowly raise the requirement for the next gift.”

“Hm, hm.” Jessica nodded twice. She found Viers’ idea very good.

“The important thing is making the child want to do well in their studies. To a child, studying isn't something fun, you see. Homework is a chore. Even if it's good for them in the future. Forcing them to study will make them hate it even more, but if you dangle a reward after it-”

“Carrot and stick… Thanks for opening my eyes, Kira. Ahh, how embarrassing, I’m taught parenting by a younger man than me.”

“Hehehe, don't mention it. I’m a freeloader in your place after all. I’m just helping a tiny bit. Tell you what, I’ll chip in some money for Tim’s first gift using the money I got from trading your Kill Counting Stone. After I trade them.”

“So that's why you’re going to the city hall, but no, you don't have to. It’s your hard-earned money.”

Their banter continued as they edged closer to their destination. As if time flew, the trip to city hall ended in an instant.

As Viers traded his stone, Jessica was surprised.

“Green? This is incredible, Kira. You hunted so many monsters! Your work is as good as a Level 3.”

Kill Counting Stone started from white, red, green, blue, and lastly, black.

“Hahaha, I’m just lucky. I doubt I can do this well again.”

Viers was just being modest. This green Kill Counting Stone was just one of several. Since he didn't want to make waves, rather than trading single black, he planned to trade several lesser ones, using different faces no less. Now, he just traded in a single green.

The green stone might be above average for a solo Level 2 like him but nothing overly special. Even the clerk handing the stone only raised his eyebrow slightly before proceeding normally. Viers got the money shortly. He also bought another Kill Counting Stone.

He didn't need it; he already had several from other people’s loot, recently in the Dungeon. Most Pathseeker in this area had some in their belongings. He just bought one to show it to Jessica, as part of his disguise.

“Now I return this stone to you. Thanks for letting me borrow it,” Viers gave the now white-colored Kill Counting Stone back to Jessica.

After their business at the city hall concluded, the two went shopping for Tim’s gift before going home.

The day ended peacefully enough, but just after Viers was about to go to bed, his sharp ears heard someone sneakily going out of the house. He didn't use his newly acquired soul sense because it was overkill. He had eyes that could see through walls.

Jessica? A nightly tryst?

During his stay here, he knew Jessica sometimes went out stealthily at night and came back before dawn. He didn't care much because he was busy preparing the Dungeon’s opening and his own training. Tonight, he had no pressing matters.

Viers, on a whim, decided to follow her.

What dirty secret are you hiding, Tifa? Are you secretly a member of an eco-terrorist organization, hm?

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