Aurora Scroll

Chapter 321 - Incursion

“The preparations are in place. We are as ready as we can be,” Abby said.

“Mmm,” Viers hummed in acknowledgment. “So you can't tell what we will be facing.”

“To my regret, no. The System won't give me any info.”

Viers agreed to help Abby, for a handsome fee of course. He would get a lot of Nutra after this. He stood ready with his three familiars. Arsène was also ready to be deployed from inside him.

The Dungeon was closed for the day. They got no leeway to entertain the delvers. According to Abby, the attack would be massive. A major threat.

For this day, Abby had altered the Dungeon layout extensively, a massive network with various traps and obstacles, capable of fielding a battle of hundreds across multiple stages. Her forces of created creatures were impressive in might and number. The bulk of it was Rank 1 monsters but there were even Rank 3s. Viers observed that Abby was really going all out on this Incursion.

Besides Viers, Abby had called another ally. It was the tribes of goblins and orcs. When Abby sacked the Ebon Wall City, these guys helped make it happen. Apparently, they had hidden villages in the Carfax Peninsula. The place was anti-human but non-humans managed to eke out a living. Of course, it was still a savage and dangerous wilderness filled with tons of monsters.

In the discussion, Viers picked up Abby’s fear of this Incursion. Among the scattered clues, he deduced that this was the reason Abby was rather conservative in her Dungeon expansion and killings.

Like me, Abby, as a Dungeon core with a System, should have a way to vastly increase her power but she always chooses to let the prey go when it isn't overly crucial to her. My guess is the stronger Abby becomes, the more difficult or the more frequent this Incursion thing happens… When put it that way, guess this is like those Heavenly Tribulations in the Fables.

Viers thought that if he was in Abby’s shoes, rather than trying to weaken the Incursion by slowing down his growth, he would boldly go forward, to become stronger than the Incursion’s max difficulty.

Basically, like every xianxia MC. Like what he was doing now.

But this was Abby’s choice, who was he to judge? He simply worked the part he was paid for.

There’s another thing. Should I assist the attackers to destroy Abby? Perhaps I can get her Nutra source in the confusion. Decisions, decisions.

He decided he would side with Abby for now but if things went south and defense was infeasible…

I’ll do what I must.

“Fuu…” Futon sounded worried. The tension was getting to him.

“Don't worry, Futon. We’re together with you,” Dia said while giving the cloud a pat.

“Yaa!” Faiya puffed his small spherical body.

“Damn straight,” Viers replied.

Soon, Abby’s Incursion count down stroke zero.

“They are coming,” the projection of the floating baby Abby said.

At the command room, Viers saw the first of the invaders appear at the uppermost layer of the Dungeon.

“Abby,” Viers said while squinting his eyes. “I counted three portals. Why are there three portals?”

Abby had no answer. The nervousness on her face only grew.


“The Voice of the World has spoken! My valiant warriors, set forth, and bring glory to Tartazia!”

The King of Tartazia, a powerful Level 5 Pathseeker, said to his subject, and his subject answered with a deafening roar.

[Opening the portals. The Incursion begins.]

The Voice of the World was heard by every man and woman in the kingdom.

The King and his court watched from the balcony, at the three armies from the three families chosen for this campaign. The limitation from the Voice of the World was clear, as always, and the families had prepared accordingly since it was announced.

The three armies were not even in force and quality. The first two were about even, meeting the maximum limit dictated by the Voice of the World, while the last was only about half.

In the third army, an out-of-place youth gawked at the first and second armies and at the opening portals. The vanguards had already stepped in. It wouldn't be long until it was his turn.

“Nervous, little brother?”

“Arri,” the youth said to his dependable brother. His presence gave him assurance.

“Don't worry, Arki. Whether it is you or House Glaz, I will protect them all.”

“B-but the forces of Siffo and Monte are so strong. Lord Monte even goes in personally. W-we-”

“Arki,” the big brother grabbed his little brother’s trembling hand. “You are the most talented person that has been born in House Galz in the last hundred years. Be more confident.”

“That’s not true. You are definitely better, Arri.”

“The Voice of the World is never wrong. I was simply born earlier than you. If not, you’ll be the one leading House Glaz right now. If we manage to weather this Incursion, House Glaz will rise again. Let’s go. Remember, once we are inside, stay close to me.”

Watching his brother meekly nod, Arri gave a strong grip on Arki's shoulder.

Arri had to put up a strong face as the leader so he didn't sigh. The Incursion could bring glory and wealth but also death and ruin. House Glaz was currently weak and politics forced him to lead an invasion force. If possible, he’d rather not participate but he similarly couldn't weather the King’s ire.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Still, Siffo and Monte are going in strong. There’s the Siffo prodigy and Lord Monte, the veteran of a hundred Incursions who’s eager to cover his losses from the last war. We can win this. We definitely will.

Arri grabbed the blue pendant on his neck. It was the heirloom of House Glaz that his late father passed down to him.

Father, mother, ancestors… I will not fail you all.

Arri Glaz, the young head of House Glaz entered the portal.


“There are three armies… In total, they number a thousand Pathseekers,“ Abby said.

“Kiik! Portals, close,” a goblin leader said. “No come. Kiik!”

“What's our plan?” A big orc asked.

After the armies passed the portals, they secured a beachhead and raised camps. The three armies appeared at different places, separated.

“We’ll block their advance at this, this, and this junction. It’s a natural fortification and the terrain is advantageous to us so-”

“We attack,” Viers interrupted Abby. “Focus all our strength and destroy one of them at the start. Mess up their camp using your spatial manipulation!”

In games, Viers always preferred an offensive stance. Just as the saying offense is the best defense.

“It’s not that I don't want to, Tanael, but their starting area is unalterable by me.”

“Ah,” Viers understood. “System mechanic. Right… But we’ll still go on the offensive!”


“Before that, the target…” Viers observed the three armies, doing their own thing, at the magic visual that Abby provided.

Army one is giving the taste of luxury and gaudiness. Their men have fancy equipment. Like rich kids flaunting the wealth of their parents. Their leader is a fat man in a palanquin.

Army two resembles soldiers. Like a disciplined army. They move with a purpose like a well-oiled machine. Their leader is a battle-hardened veteran. No wonder.

Army three… They are like one big family? Their people and gears don't seem remarkable. However, they give off a dark horse feeling… The leaders are two boys? Brothers?

“Army one, army two, army three,” Viers pointed at each screen first. “We should hit army one first.”

“Why? Shouldn't we target the weakest with the least number?” Abby and some others favored hitting army three first.

“If they are truly weak, then they wouldn't pose too much of a problem later on. Army one seems to be a hodgepodge gathering of pampered people. Once things are in chaos, they will break under pressure.”

“...Ah, army two is already starting to move.”

Abby was still thinking but the enemies wouldn't wait. She moved monsters to block the advance party of army two and to test their strength.

“Do as you like, Tanael,” Abby and Viers already had an agreement that Viers had the freedom to move as he saw fit on the battlefield. “What do you need?”

Viers put his requests forward.


“Hahaha! That will teach them! Those mutts break like waves before a mighty stone!”

After the fat man laughed, he opened his mouth and a scantily dressed woman put a grape into his mouth. In fact, there were five women in the palanquin beside the fat man. Each was beautiful and pressed their body at the man. The palanquin was carried by ten burly men.

“Young Master Siffo’s command is impeccable.”

“It’s thanks to Young Master Siffo being cool and collected we can strike them back decisively.”

“And don't forget Lord Siffo’s Arte that scattered the beastly rabble. What a powerful Arte. Young Master’s strength has gone up considerably!”

Surrounding the palanquin was the fat man’s entourage of ‘friends’, stoking the fires of ego. They were dressed for battle but their roots could be clearly seen, that they were born with a silver spoon. Every one of them.

“Ohohoho! Training is for the weak! I don't need training to be strong!”

“Young Master is mighty!”

“With Young Master Suman at the helm, the future of House Siffo is secured.”

“Sir, a report from the advance party.”

The one who spoke was the military commander of this army. A bloodied veteran who had seen his fair share of battlefields. But because he was a vassal of House Siffo, the fat man was the supreme commander of this expedition and he was the aide.

“Hmm, speak,” Suman Siffo said while leaning his head on the breast of the woman beside him.

“Apparently, because of Lord Monte’s advance, most of the monsters in the area are focusing on him. There are hardly any monsters barring our way, milord.”

Suman Siffo’s smile grew wider. “Lady Luck is smiling upon me. Tell the men to go forward, and take half of the reserves too. Go with them and take command on the front. Let all of Tartazia know that the bald tiger of Monte’s time is over.”

“As you command. What about you, sir?”

“We've been fighting for hours against the monster mutts now. The day is late. I’ll retire for the day.”

Suman Siffo let the subordinate work while he slept as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

“Of course. May your rest be restful. Excuse me.”

After eating five man’s worth of dinner and indulging in his lust, Suman Siffo slept soundly in his luxurious spatial tent. The magic item was very high-grade and enchanted with all kinds of protection. It was perfectly safe against intruders.

Unless, the intruder was already inside.

Arte - Size Up.

A dust-sized Toxicell Slime grew big enough to swallow an elephant whole.

Suman Siffo, according to the footsoldiers I soul searched, you can grow stronger just by eating… That Food Path method, I humbly receive it. Itadakimasu.

And so ended the life of a powerful Level 3 Pathseeker with an eating-based cultivation method.

As food for another.

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