Aurora Scroll

Chapter 325 - Consequences

“Hm, hm, hmm~”

Jessica was washing the dishes while humming. Earlier, there was a loud thunder, of sorts. She felt it but the other staff didn't. It felt like a long roar of a beast that made her shiver. After nothing happened afterward, and the two staff did not feel anything unordinary, she continued making preparations for the tavern’s opening schedule.

“Well lookie here. Ain't someone in a good mood,” a plump lady approached while having both hands on her waist. “You’ve been smiling a lot more lately.”

“Eh? Am I?”

“Ooo yeah,” Greta, the tavern’s staff that lived nearby said. “I suppose I should thank the boy. Turns out you like ‘em young, eh?”

A plate slipped from Jessica’s hands and made a loud noise. While Jessica’s face looked shocked, Greta was grinning.

“W-w-what do you mean? I-I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jessica tried to feign ignorance, unskillfully.

“A little bird whispered to me about a certain someone bringing you home on his back in the wee hours. After a hot night out presumably.”

“It was just a single-night mistake!” After saying it, Jessica had the ‘hah’ expression, just realizing how suspicious that sounded.

“Oh hoo… So the following outings you’ve been having are not then? A little bird in the city guard told me.”

Jessica grimaced. She didn't think the rumors had gone that far. Now that this gossiper caught wind of it, it would spread to the whole neighborhood overnight.

“Kira and I don't have that sort of relationship!”

“Now, now, I’m not judging you. As your friend, I told you you needed a boyfriend. You landed one, good for you.” Greta’s face became very close. “So give me the juicy details. Will Tim have a new father soon?”

Wink wink wink, blinkty wink.

“There is nothing between us! We just… Aaaah! Even you?”

Faulkner the silent cook presented a small celebratory cake with congratulations on it. He left it at the table before going back to the kitchen, not saying a single word or even changing his expression.

Now that it was brought to her attention, Jessica thought she indeed looked at Kira favorably but not as a romantic interest. The youth was a freeloader but didn't cause any trouble during his stay. Most of the time he seemed like a big kid having fun but there were times when he showed unusual maturity and understanding.

He also had an air of mystery around him but it didn't bother her. She suspected Kira was stronger than he let on but how strong was unguessable.

What was their relationship exactly? Certainly not lovers, perhaps friends were more accurate?

“Ah, look at the time. Gosh, I have to pick up Tim. Excuse me!” Jessica ran away, much to Greta’s dismay.

Phew… Once she becomes like that, there’s no fighting her.

The two had known each other for decades so she knew her well. Jessica knew Greta had been looking after her since Sawyer died. She always was thankful for her being there.

My, what a dark cloud… Eh?

Jessica thought she saw people floating in the sky. She thought she imagined it until there was a flash of energy and a terrifying pressure from above.

Oh no… Timmy!


After treating his wounds in the Dia’s Biome, Viers went back to the Dungeon using a back entrance to receive his reward.

“Here’s the reward I promised you.”

A girl extended an inventory ring to Viers. He didn't take it immediately, observing the face of the newcomer.


“Reward for beating the Incursion. Being a baby is inconvenient, isn't it?”

“Right… Is this how you look like before?”

Because Abby was a misshapen baby, he thought it would affect her grown-up’s appearance but that did not seem to be the case.

“Perhaps. It’s just this face that seems most familiar to me. Enough about me. What do you plan to do now? Your injury seems deep.”

“I’ll manage,” Viers said while checking the contents of the ring. A bunch load of Nutra and other goodies. With this much red substance, he should be good until Level 4.

It made all the effort of taking down the dragon more than worth it. His many injuries from the battle, especially from the final attack, were stubborn to heal.

“I’ll take it easy for the time being.”

“I see. I’m in the same boat. Much of my insides are destroyed. I’ll need to rebuild it.” Abby looked at Viers from head to toe but didn't comment about his injuries further. “I have gotten much probing though, but those outsiders didn't get anything. I think some were Level 5s’ handiwork.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Abby’s discovery wasn't something that Viers hoped for. Their following small talk gave Viers the impression that Abby had a heavy burden off her shoulders. When asked about the next incursion Abby said with confidence that she would be able to deal with it.

“If I keep the Dungeon small scale from now on, there shouldn't be any problems. If this area becomes too hot, I can move somewhere else. I can do that now.”

“Seems like you get to be on top of things. Good. We’ll talk later when you decide to re-open the Dungeon. Until then, see ya.”

Viers left the dungeon satisfied with the mountain of loot he’d gotten. Those people from Tartazia were rich. Viers was looking forward to incorporating his gains into direct strength. Of course, his three familiars were also included. They had worked hard.

When he approached Ebon Wall City, he realized something was off. The people were restless and clamoring.

“Dude,” Viers stopped a guy on the street. “What happened?”

“Strong Pathseekers just fought. It’s madness I tell you! Madness!”

Sure enough, he’d seen the effect on the streets. Although none of the buildings were destroyed, the people were affected. The symptoms varied. Some were showing signs of Victa Stigma, the thing that you got if struck by the Arte of another. Viers surmised if these people suffered from it from afar, the one doing it must be very strong.

Eyewitnesses said there were people fighting in the sky so Viers was convinced of his theory. It was either a battle of Level 5s or high-tier Level 4s.

With the power they had, if they fought without regard for others, no wonder the small folk got implicated. Even without malice, a human could step on an ant and kill it. It was a similar case.

But to fight so close to a city, either it was a special circumstance or they didn't care about the weaker people.

Besides Victa Stigma which was akin to mana poisoning, there were those that straight up died, mostly the weak and infirm. Some became catatonic or had seizures, where their families or friends rushed them to the healers. There were many more examples but the Idlers who had no way of defending themselves from Artes had the worst of it.

He didn't know it at this time but some of the casualties were because of his Alberaran Shadow Arte. The power of the Divine, even an incomplete fragment of one, must not be recklessly used.

Viers was sure whoever fought was no longer fighting, or else he wouldn't get into the City.

After having a glimpse of the situation, he quickly walked to the place he stayed, the Heaven Is Cruel Tavern, and had his bad feeling confirmed.


Two days later.

Viers and Jessica were at a funeral. They were wearing white clothes, the color for funeral attire in this world.

Other than them, there were Greta’s family and other friends. Jessica had been shedding tears. Even the silent and expressionless cook was looking visibly saddened.

Viers sighed. He was the root of this disaster. The main perpetrators were the unknown Level 5s but Viers was pretty sure they came because of the aura of the rank 7 monster core in the first place.

Greta’s funeral wasn't the only one, there were several going on at the same time. The healers were still swamped with patients.

“How’s Tim?” Viers asked.

“He’s still unconscious. They said he probably wouldn’t wake up… Unless-”

“Unless what?”

“I can procure an elven medicine.”

Viers had many things but that was not one of them. He had diagnosed Tim before but the problem wasn't his soul so he couldn't fix it.

“...I see.”

After they got back to the tavern, the place felt different. It had lost its usual warmth.

“He’s stable for now but the healers say there’s a time limit. I’m leaving tomorrow,” Jessica said. “Bringing Tim with me.”

She had no one left.

“The elves are isolationists. This is known. They probably would bar you from entering their forest.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes, go wherever I must to heal my son.”

Jessica then saw the place where Greta usually worked. There was nothing there but it was as if she could see her silhouette. Then she turned and looked at the empty tavern.

“I’ve told Faulkner. I’m closing this place down and then, I’m leaving this city for good.”

There’s too much pain in this place.

Viers wasn't surprised by her decision.

“I’m sorry Kira, but it seems you need to find a new place to stay.”

“Don't be. Just focus on yourself now… Even the road to the nearest elven grove is a long journey. I’ll-”

“Thank you for the offer but I’ll manage. I can't possibly ask an injured person like you.”

Viers’ full power Arte backlash that wrecked his arms still had not healed. His arms were bandaged even now. His excuse was the Level 5 fight.

“Besides, you don't talk about it but you still have things to do in this place, right?” Jessica said while looking straight into his eyes.

“...Even if you’re a Level 3, this isn't a journey you can make on your own. I know your need for haste but-”

“Then I’ll accompany you. In this journey, before anything happens to you two, I’ll die first. I swear this to all gods that hear.”

The tavern door opened and a man entered. It was the Knight leader of the Grey Hawk Knightly Order, Charles Hall.

“Charles, I appreciate the offer but what about the Order? What about the city?”

“Anderson will hold the fort for the time being. I’m carrying his wishes too.”


Jessica was still hesitant but Charles put his hands on her shoulders.

“I’ve failed to protect you and this city time and time again. If I let you go alone, how can I face Sawyer after I die?”

“...Accept it, Jessica.”


“For your son, remember?”

“...Thank you, Knight Hall. My son and I will be in your hands.”

The next morning, at the city gates. Jessica, Tim, and Charles were ready to go. They had prepared for the journey. They had two horses and a cart, for carrying Tim. Several people were there to send them off, including Mayor Anderson, Faulkner, and Viers.


“What’s this?” Jessica asked about the wooden token.

“I received it in the past from a man that had lost a family. Perhaps it can now be of use to help you recover your son. This is an elf friendship token. At the very least, the elves should hear you out instead of shooting arrows at you. Although, I’ve never used it so I don't really know if it's useful or not.”

“T-This is-” Jessica was speechless. It was exactly what she needed. “I’m grateful.”

“May it serve you well. Take this too.” Next, Viers gave her a white card.

“And this one is?”

“Keep it close and we’ll one day meet again,” Viers said with certainty.

And the three were off, with the good wishes and waves of those left behind.

They encountered a problem almost immediately. At the border to a neighboring viscounty, a bunch of soldiers prevented them and other travelers from crossing.

Apparently, they were in lockdown, searching for a certain wanted individual. No one was to enter or exit until an undefined time.

Jessica had no time for this. She was about to break through. The flying Rank 3 white whale that the border guards imposingly showed to deter hostility didn't dampen her spirit.


But before she could attack, a blue dragon fought the white whale, creating chaos.

“Go! Go now!” Jessica urged Charles who held the reins.

“Hang on!” He didn't need to be told.

Not only them, travelers, merchants, and caravans that were inconvenienced by the closed border on both sides scrambled forth.

As they slipped past the border, Jessica locked eyes with the dragon for a split second.

Jessica had a slight feeling of familiarity.

However, not long after Jessica and Charles were out of view, the dragon got his neck chopped off.

“Ohohoho, what a nice souvenir. It’s my lucky day.”

A bull with a man on its back descended from the clouds.

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