Aurora Scroll

Chapter 328 - Gift Giving

Viers made sure Farley was the first to awaken and brought her to a specifically created place in the Biome for the exorcism. Faiya and Futon were instructed to stay put far away while Dia wielded her full authority as Biome Master, as contingencies.

He’d watched the fight of Paina, Farley, and Ciel against Mr. X multiple times. He dissected each scene like a surgeon at the operating table. The impalement of Farley’s right eye stood out.

In the aftermath of the battle, Viers gave them a thorough check but he didn't find anything wrong about them.

Yet he was convinced something was wrong.

But weakened as he was, he was in no shape to take action. Therefore he bought time, putting them in hibernation as they were acclimating to the body. During this time, Viers would recover and make preparations.

For this day, he embedded his own soul method inside Paina and Farley while they were sleeping bit by bit for the big day.

Even though it was an exorcism, Viers did not employ the holy or Church’s method, instead, he would be using his own soul method. He was afraid it would draw the gaze of angels and the like. Should he fail, only then he would give their method a try at a later date.

Months of preparations resulted in this glade being filled with terrifying anti-demon measures. If things went south, it would serve as a containment facility. It would be in this place that Viers scour Farley’s body and soul with a cleansing flame.

Farley was suffering, but Viers could not afford to stop. He couldn't take any chances since this was the handiwork of a Level 5, or worse. Now with a Grand Soul foundation, Viers finally felt something was off.

Looks like there’s some scheme after all!

Viers made the green flames burn stronger, encompassing him and Farley. It wasn't actually flames but it looked like them, a soul purification.

Then something squirmed out from Farley’s right eye. A thin black smoke like a long worm.

“Wh-what!? Hgggh–”

Farley was the most shocked of the thing that emerged from her eye. On the other hand, Viers had expected this.


Farley’s body started spasming, violently. Suddenly, she stopped. She became very still as if she were dead. Her eyes were both open but on her right, the black worm was still tethered.

Viers jumped back in alarm the second he sensed a will was forming in the black worm.

There was a gloom in the air. A sense of heaviness and foreboding. Of death and cold. Viers’ vision was seeing doubles at times, of a terrifying and mysterious landscape, before returning to normal. The surroundings seemed to lose color as everything was plunged into desolate monochrome.

To such changes, Viers was having goosebumps.

The worm, eyeless and mouthless, seemed to look at Viers for a second before entering Farley’s eye again, like a fish line being pulled.

And then Farley raised her upper body.

But Viers knew it wasn't Farley.

“Who. Are. You?”

Viers was in a battle stance, ready for a cataclysmic battle. He’d prepared for this eventuality. That was why his preparation period was so long.

The one inside Farley turned to him, deadpan expression, right eye burning with black fire. Slowly, Farley raised her hand.


That reaction was so out of Viers’ prediction he wasn't able to respond.

“My oh my. Good job, kid. To think you found me out. Thumbs up!”

Farley really gave him a thumbs up. She was all smiles and looking really happy. All that sense of foreboding and mystery disappeared completely.

“...I’ll ask only once more. Who are you?”

“My illustrious self is Dumuzin,” Farley started reclining to the right side, propping up her head. “Cool name, ain't it? You might have heard of me. Nice to finally meet you properly, Viers Isuel.”

“Dumuzin,” Viers muttered under his breath. So it is the head honcho himself.

“Can't say the feeling is mutual. What do you want?” Viers asked, trying to calm his body language and heart as much as he could.

“That’s my line. What do you want? You’re the one that called me out,” Dumuzin said in a light-hearted manner.

“I refuse to play games with you. A Level 5 was after me in Valkut, on your orders. Do you deny this?”

“Georgi acted on my command. That is true.”

Georgi, so that’s his name.

“After he failed, you possessed Farley. Tell me why?”

“Haaah,” Dumuzin sighed. “I wish you can be more respectful towards your elders. I get it, otherworlder, you think everyone in the world is out to get you. Part of it is because of your origin, part because of your assets, but most of it is because of how you live your life.”

Viers squinted his eyes a little after hearing the word otherworlder from Dumuzin but he stayed silent and listened.

“But we like living this way, eh? The power, freedom, no rules, not beholden to anything… We are similar, you and I.”

Dumuzin smiled fondly, with the face of Farley.

“I sense a kinship with you, so I want to be buddies. That’s what I want, bro~”

People of the Church, and the vast majority of the world, would find Dumuzin's remark, to a mortal, absurd.

“A strange gesture of friendship by sending a hitman for your friend candidate,” Viers snorted.

“A friendly greeting is all. See, if you went with Georgi back then, I would have given you unlimited power by now. You might even be a Level 5 already. No harm done to you, honest. I cross my heart and hope to die… But I cannot die though. Oh yeah, what have you been up to? I sort of lost contact with you after Valkut. Don't know what adventures you have.”

“Am I supposed to buy this delusion?” Viers didn't believe it one bit.

“Oh I know you won't believe it so I sent Georgi. Although, Estelle’s little pet distorted the way of things.”

Just what is this demon saying? What is true, and what is false?

“But noooo~” Dumuzin stood up. “You won't accept unlimited power, my power, without being forced to. Wish you would, but nope. Too much skepticism. And, you certainly make yourself hard to find. The Path of Power is long and I can't help but worry for you, bro. So this little thing I left inside my former devotee is meant to be a safeguard. Life insurance. For you. Freely given. No need to thank me.”

Dumuzin shook his head.

“But you squandered it by calling me here. It’s supposed to be undetectable but you’ve grown better, hm? This makes me happy but boy… I hope you can appreciate someone’s effort a little bit more, bud.”

“Cut the bullshit and tell me what you want from me. What are your plans for Farley? You even sent a curse for the three of them.”

Dumuzin walked around Viers as he talked.

“The curses, predictions more accurately, as you already know, is to drive the girls closer to you. To make them tie themselves to your chariot. You like the girl from the Church, right? So I included her in one package as a bonus. Oh, and those predictions are all true, by the way.”

“Uh-huh,” Viers didn't let Farley’s body out of his sight for a second. “Continue.”

“What I want is simple. I want you to be strong. I want you to thrive. I want you to have fun. It’s like one of those Let’s Play videos that you watched in your old world’s yuu-tup. Watching a guy just doing his thing can be entertaining, right? Your personality charmed me.”

“Aaa! I know that look~ Hehehe, yeah. You’re the kind of guy that doesn't believe in… what do you call it? Plot armor? Cause, it’s too good to be true.“

“How much of my memories have you seen? I don't like men spying in my head.”

“Don't worry. It’s just pieces from your time in Luxore. Nowadays, I can tell you with certainty that I can no longer follow your tracks. Be at ease. Aletro’s protection is working as intended. You need to be in Hell for my sight to be able to focus on you.”

Viers eyed Dumuzin with unmasked suspicions.

“If you want me to thrive, you certainly made an effort to cut down my growth. Injured me, wasted my arsenals, forced me hiding in this Biome,” Viers cut in.

“Don't give me that. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? And I know you’ve made the experience of defeat in Valkut into something useful. Steel needs to be tempered and hammered many times before becoming a sharp blade.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better, Demon God Dumuzin?”

“Ahahahahaha!” Dumuzin laughed.

“Anyway, you’ve put me in a big dilemma here, Viers. There is this guy who is so allergic to power given freely; how do I give this guy juicy upgrades and all sorts of power-ups? Well, the answer is to give it with a fist of love.”

Viers felt his face hit by an invisible punch. He was sent flying backward a few meters.

“My time is limited. Rather than wasting this opportunity, I’ll use it to give you a special lecture in combat. Don't worry, I won't harm you or this host. After I’m out of power, my true self won’t know what happened because of your enclosure. All because of your extensive preparations, so don't get in our way, little dryad.”

“Stop doing whatever you want!” Viers pulled out his sword and struck Dumuzin.

“Hey hey hey, you also want power so you can do what you want. I’m more powerful than you so I can do what I want. If you don't like it, then make me.”

The thought of holding back because it was Farley’s body didn't even cross Viers’ mind. His aura soared as he was preparing for a particularly soul-damaging Arte. However before he could use his Arte, Dumuzin used his first.

“Your control of soul arts can still use improvement. Observe,” Dumuzin exhibited his technique once more while Viers was picking himself up from the ground. “Just by doing it this way the efficiency of all your soul Artes will rise by about 4%.”

Arte - Vengeful Spirit.

A ball of white was coming at Dumuzin in a straight line like a rocket. It had the power of destroying most Level 3s in one hit but Dumuzin flicked it to the side like an afterthought.

“Decent, but rough. This is how you should’ve done it.”

And Dumuzin replicated Viers’ technique. His version clearly more powerful than Viers’


The ball of white passed through Viers’ gut and he fell down to his knees. He got raised up into the air by an invisible choke.

Viers was a bit taken aback by Dumuzin’s strength. He didn't think he would be so outclassed. His host, Farley, wasn't even a soul Pathseeker.

“Georgi soul searched the girl’s mind during their fight so I know a bit of your skill set. You want to be better at soul-powered telekinesis, right? The way you’ve done it till now is quite poor. You should make your Victa…”

Viers made a square using his fingers, using it as an impromptu camera lens.

Arte - Fatal Soulframe First Form: Horror!

“Splendid! But if you do this, the soul suction would improve drastically and become much more damaging.”

Arte - Soul Hack!

“The entry to the soul is too overbearing. Make it more subtle by erasing your intent!”

Arte - Speed Ghost Run!

Viers tried to create some distance from Dumuzin after the beatdowns. Then he heard a voice coming from behind.

“Oh, new technique? Not bad, not bad. But if I cannot show superior skill, then it will tarnish my reputation as a Level 10. Show me what you got, my good friend!”

Dumuzin hit him for real but it wasn't done with malice. However, it was clear from anyone’s point of view, including Viers himself, that he was getting toyed with. The battle, if it could be called that, went on for thirteen minutes and Viers was getting owned every second of it.

“Well, that's more or less it. Time’s up.”

Dumuzin sat on Viers’ back while he was lying face down on the ground after getting trashed. His body, soul, and ego were bruised, badly.

“One more thing, you’re devising a way to turn souls into Victa as a replacement for the Church’s Arte once it runs out, which is soon. Based on what I’ve seen, you’re almost there. If you’re stuck at the final stage of development, this part from the Tome of Souls of Sultan Al-Zetel should do the trick.”

Dumuzin sent pages of knowledge directly to Viers’ head and he could do nothing to stop it.

“Time’s up, Viers. I’ll be going now. As long as you keep climbing to the top, we’ll meet again, little friend. And before I forget. Sorry for borrowing your body, little Farley. I’ve left a gift for you too. Don't worry, I won't hate you because you stopped praying to me. Take care, you two. Buh-bye~”

Dumuzin’s wisps of power winked out and the black fire on Farley’s eye was extinguished. Farley fell down unconscious to the side while Viers hit the ground multiple times out of extreme vexation.

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