Aurora Scroll

Chapter 342 - Blue Hounds

The previous night, two people got a message almost at the same time.

A man behind a desk got handed a letter by his subordinates.

At another place, a woman saw a writing that appeared on her mirror.

Their expressions darkened upon seeing the news.

“Send forth the knights,” they both said. “He’s bound to Stormberg. Find him!”


Prince Croix Ash Latias, the 51st in line to the throne, knew people were hunting him. He thought these knights were here for him. After hearing what the one called Hoffstein said to the pair of mysterious Pathseekers beside him, it seemed he was mistaken.

“And what crimes are you talking about, hm?” The masked man that called himself Avel said.

“He attacked a Knight!” Hoffstein exclaimed quite passionately while pointing at Boram. “That shall not go unanswered. The Blue Hounds Knightly Order will see to it that justice be done!”

Was it true? Croix wondered. He got the impression that the pair, especially Boram’s master, Avel, didn't particularly respect the status of others. If he could speak in a frank manner towards him, a prince, then he must have an even lower regard for knights who were not even true members of the noble caste.

“Blue Hounds Knightly Order…” Avel observed the eleven people with Hoffstein. “And you all buy his story? What do you have to say for yourself?”

“We don't have to say anything to you,” a man who wore an emblem on his armor stepped forth. That meant he was the Knight Captain of the order.

“You attacked a knight who was on duty. Now surrender yourself and follow us for questioning. Failure to comply will result in a forceful submission.”

The one called Hoffstein grinned from ear to ear.

“Knight Hoffstein spoke of you two but not the other two,” he looked at Croix. “What is your relationship with them?”

“We…” Croix hesitated to answer.

“I know what’s going on,” Avel interrupted with quite a loud voice. “I get that Hussein most likely fed you his lies and you all swallowed it wholesale.”

“...I will not allow slander and insult to the Blue Hounds,” the Knight Captain’s hand moved to his sword. His men looked ready to battle too. “False accusations-”

This is bad, thought Croix.

“Here’s your proof.”

Avel produced a magic item that showed a recording of what resulted in a quarrel with Hoffstein. He acted barbarously toward a girl and Boram intervened.

“Oi, this is different from the story.”

“What’s the meaning of this, Hoff?”

“You said you found two suspicious guys, wanted to examine them, then they struck you with deadly Artes without warning!”

“You lied to us!?”

“No! I… I… That’s a fake recording! My comrades, don't be deceived!”

While the Knights of the Blue Hounds were shaken, Avel talked to Boram.

“Trash tier villains usually employ tactics like this, cheap lies. It is wise to take proof of what actually happened. Remember this for the future cause you’ll definitely meet another of Hussein's kind. They are like cockroaches. They are everywhere.”

“I’ll remember your teaching, Master.”

“You,” The Knight Captain said to Hoffstein after shaking off his uncertainty. “You and I will have a conversation that you won't like. And you.”

He faced Avel next.

“The fact you let your ward attack a knight despite not having the authority to do so remains a crime. Follow me for questioning.”

Croix felt a rising anger in his chest.

“Blue Hounds! Have you lost all sight of chivalry!? And you still call yourselves Latias Knights!? Cease this shameful conduct at once!”

“...Who’s the kid?” A knight in the back whispered.

“Which one?”

“The older but powerless Idler kid. The younger one seems to be a Pathseeker, oddly.”

“No idea.”

“Chivalry? What’s that? Can you eat it?”

They didn't even show a tiny bit of remorse. Croix was disgusted.


That word stung.

“Men, take them away,” the Knight Captain ordered.

“I’ve heard enough. Boram, crush ‘em.”


Boram dashed forward like a small tank laying waste to infantry, putting himself in the center of the melee.

“Young Lord, get behind me,” Alfred moved in front of Croix.

“Wait, Avel, there’s no need for violence! Let me talk to them. I can-”

“No can do,” Avel said. “Against some people, the only way to get through to them is through violence.”

Croix saw in Avel’s eyes that the belief had seeped into his bones.

“This is my matter. I’ll handle it.”


“Holy Shit! What is this kid made of? My lance can't pierce his skin!”


“Jason down! Jason down!”

“Hoffstein you lying bastard, get in there and fight!”

Boram raised an Onix with his Arte and messed up the company of Level 2 and 3 knights.

Viers reckoned Boram got his part handled. His only concern was the Knight Captain who was a Level 3 peak.

“Guess what? You kicked a steel pole. Not how you thought your day would go, did you?” Viers taunted.

“It is unpleasant.”


“The way you talk to me so brazenly. You should address me as Sir and speak to me with respect!” The Knight Captain attacked Viers with his sword, coated with water magic.

“What part of you is worthy of respect, old man?” Viers defended using a lightning barrier. Their techniques clashed and resulted in a knockback.

“A mere commoner acts like he’s better, know your place!”

The Knight Captain moved with high speed, appearing behind Viers. As his blade was converging on Viers’ neck, he missed.

The Knight Captain chained his first strike into a second and a third and so on. However, his enemy eluded them with ease, as if he had an eye on the back of his head.

“This is just sad. What, you got a little talent so you become a Level 3, reach a little success and become a Knight Captain, and this makes you proud? To be a tiny bit above the ground on the social ladder is enough to make you cling to your status so vehemently? Have you lost your mind, dude?”

“A commoner bowing to a noble is the correct order of the world.”

Water and lightning danced.

“Just a lower nobility. Is it really that important to you? Like, really really matter? You're nothing without it?”

“Endless Wavefall!”


Viers fought without using a weapon. He evaded the Knight Captain’s lunge by ducking low then grabbed his ankle. He threw the man, armor and all, into a rock pillar that Boram had raised nearby. Viers used the time the Captain took reorienting himself to Force Lightning him.

“Bad luck to you,” The Knight Captain didn't seem greatly affected by the electric blast. “Water is weak to lightning, but my armor is enchanted to be lightning resistant. This barely tickles me.”

“Is that so?” Viers narrowed his eyes.

“It’s usele… Eh?”

The Knight Captain felt hotter. Viers’ lightning slowly rose in intensity and heat. The lightning’s color was changing from yellow to red. The noise of cracking plasma was blaring in his ears. The smell of ozone was getting stronger and the ground around him was turning to glass.

Even his Unreality Field was getting frayed. How could the lower leveled boy be so much stronger than him? It was illogical!

Then his life-saving items started breaking. It was the last straw.


Viers sent a stronger jolt without hesitation. Was there even any other choice?

After the strands of destructive energy died down, what was left of the Knight Captain was his exposed bones from stomach to head. Melting and smoking. On the other part of his body, the remains of his armor had fused with his skin because of the heat.

“Shock and awe,” Viers said coldly, as he blew his fingers that emitted smoke. The one-liner was reserved for after his opponent was dead. So what if the dead couldn't hear him?

“Whether it is as a man or knight, you have failed terribly.”

Guess the voltage is too strong? I ruined the flesh.

Seeing all that, Alfred was amazed at Viers’ skill. He had known other Level 4s with less skill in the lightning arts than Viers. He had sensed it from the start, the hidden smell of danger from the masked youth.

The question was, will he be an ally or a foe?

Boram had defeated half of the Blue Hounds. The other half watched their captain get cooked alive with lightning.

“Hells and Damnations!”


They tried to run away but Boram got half and Viers’ chain lightning paralyzed the rest. There were six members of the Blue Hounds still alive, including Hoffstein.

“Now then Boram, lesson time. You let this piece of shit live the other day and now he’s back. These are the consequences of your actions. He cried to his friends and superiors then sought revenge.”

Hoffstein was bound and gagged. He was listening in with tears flowing down his face and making a muffling sound with his mouth.

“Yes, Master.”

“We repelled them, but this cost us Victa.”

“Yes, Master.” Boram said with his head down.

“What would happen if these people were actually stronger than us?”

“...We would be screwed?”

“Precisely! We would be screwed. That would be really really bad for us, wouldn't it?”

“Yes, Master.”

“So what should we do?”

“I understand. I’ll never let my enemies live from now on.”



“It means you shouldn't spare those that don't deserve it.”

“But how should I know who deserves it and who doesn't?”

Viers patted Boram’s shoulder. “As you keep improving yourself, the correct answer will be more clear with time. Remember, not even I can make the correct decision every time.”

“...Yes, Master.”

At this moment, Boram felt his master was the wisest guy in the whole wide world. Number one, no questions asked.

“Now, what should we do with these people, hm?”

Boram walked to Hoffstein and the others with his hammer in hand. Wordlessly, he raised his weapon overhead and then-


Croix shouted.

“Young Lord, wait- Ugh…””

“Please wait, Mister Avel, Boram. These guys might be in the wrong and poor in conduct but they are defeated. There’s no need to kill men that cannot resist in cold blood.”

“Didn't you hear what I just said? This all began because Boram magnanimously spared the human-pig over there.”

“Mister Avel. I can't stand by and watch my people executed.”

“Wrong. They are not your people, Highness. They are my problem.”

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