Aurora Scroll

Chapter 370 - Failsafe

Was Viers afraid of the Level 5? Damn right he was. Should he not be?

Be that as it may, he couldn't say that outright. A more measured response was necessary.

“I believe caution must be taken when dealing with someone capable of killing you with ease.”

“Is that so?” Grace wasn't taller than Viers but the way she looked at him made the impression that she was looking down on him. “Sounds like the reply of a man afraid of getting punished for his wrongdoings. You must have a lot of skeletons hidden in your closet.”

Well, you aren't wrong. How should I respond here?

Dia was still resting after exerting herself. Meanwhile, Clarissa in his mind space was alert. However, Faiya no longer had the Twilight Fire. The fire elemental had already consumed the remaining third to improve himself. That meant no Xiuhcoatl mode for Clarissa, the form she took when he battled the Grandmaster of the Dumuzin cult.

Right now, Viers had no ace in the hole for contending with a Level 5 should it come to blows.

There was the Divine Weapon, but while he might be able to inflict a wound by surprise attack, his death wasn't avoidable.

“An astute observation, countess.”

“Flattery is meaningless, Avel of Javia, the Slayer… What a laughable title you have during your adventuring days. A mere Level 3.”

“I did not give myself the title, but yes, some people have called me that in the past,” Viers replied. Hearing it again after so long, it felt a little cringe indeed.

Viers realized the countess had searched for his roots. He knew it would come out sooner or later since he used the same name and face.

The reason he left his identity behind in the first place was because of the hunt for Tanael after the Book World incident. Tanael had committed some bad things and murdered quite a few people with big backings so they searched for him. To get away from it all, Viers went to Valkut, proceeding with his ‘main quest’.

After the girls’ encounter with Georgi, Viers suspected the cult leader managed to soul search them and find out about his past. The ‘Avel’ identity was compromised and he should have discarded it entirely. And yet, after talking with that cult's big bad demon god that possessed Farley, he said the cult would leave him alone.

After coming to Latias he used the Avel alt account to test if the statement was true. And if he got embroiled in something unpleasant he could easily discard the identity that was already scheduled for disposal. However, he unexpectedly met Prince Croix. Since then he kinda rolled with it.

Managing fake identities was sort of a pain in the ass.

“There was quite a commotion in the area back then because of a powerful being’s Pathseeker trial, which you and your slave were involved in, according to the report. Afterward, you were lost in the sea after the ship you boarded sank. Missing, presumed dead. In truth, you both survived and came to Latias.”

Viers got flashbacks about his time in Regidana listening to the countess’ narration. He often thought of the Book World but less so about where it took place, Regidana. He wondered how were the Governor-King’s son with the Harry Potter vibe, Irene and those gang of adventurers… Also, didn't he sort of own a trading company there?

“Going back further into the past, there was Marakkus where you bought the little giant, another incident there… then nothing. No trace of you whatsoever. Not a single person knows of you. Easy to say that Avel is not your real name.”

The countess must be utilizing a lot of manpower and resources to dig all of those up. On foreign soil no less. Viers was kinda impressed. He thought only the Church would go that far and that was for Tanael, not some minor adventurer who was a mere Level 2 at the time.

The question was why. Why did she do all that?

“Correct again, Countess Weiss,” Viers replied. “Is there a problem?”

The icelady’s objective was to talk, not to fight. Otherwise, there was no need to deliberately set up this stage and the show of power. By the way, Viers surmised Grace wasn’t stopping time. Stopping the entire world’s time would be too OP, even for a Level 5.

Only the area around them had ceased all activities. The term freezing might be more apt. Viers gleaned a bit of the truth because of his affinity with water and superb sense. Of course, it wasn't like Viers could do anything about it. The power difference was too vast.

An unpleasant feeling of powerlessness came again, something he had tasted many times, but he wasn't going to lie down and do nothing about it.

“You are trying to use my nephew.”

Ah, so that’s the crux of her concern, Viers realized.

“Indeed. Since this displeases you, I shall cease such intent entirely.”

Grace struck out. Her palm made contact with Viers’ chest. He didn't even realize he was hit until a cold sensation spread to his entire body.

Viers gasped. He put his hand to the wall because his legs were wobbly. There was a blue sigil on his chest before it flickered out from sight.

“Feel free to embroil my nephew in your plots. If he cannot control someone like you, he has no business being king. However, if you harm my nephew… Am I clear?”

Viers had a hand clenching his chest. There was no damage to him.


When he blinked, the countess was no longer in front of him and the still world returned to normal.

“-Master Avel if you’re okay with it. At least in private. You might agree to be my vassal, but you’re older and stronger than me. Boram also calls you that. Since you agreed to teach me then… What's wrong?”

To Croix, nothing was out of the ordinary.

“Oh, nothing,” Viers tried to act normal. “More importantly, let’s visit Alfred. I’m worried.”

Viers speed-walked out of the countess’ manor.

Croix was happy Avel cared so much about Alfred and Boram simply followed where his master went. As for Viers himself-

Fuck, that was scary… Alright, tsundere icelady is not cute at all.


Such a strong soul.

Grace thought to herself while watching her nephew’s party leave the premises.

Malika’s report said that Avel was a water-lightning Pathseeker but when he was in front of her, she didn't sense a trace of lightning attunement in the slightest.

Water, yes, and something else.

Only after she made direct contact she could sense the depth of soul foundation Avel possessed. Even her own fell short in comparison.

A Soul Pathseeker. Grace was certain of it.

To be able to conceal something so humongous was a testament of his ability. Grace reevaluated her estimation of the boy.

So, he’s Tanael, the one that throws the Coalition into such chaos right now.

With all the facts arrayed in front of her, connecting the dots simply took common sense.

Croix, you have brought quite a monster under your wing. It appears the warning is necessary after all.

The Countess of Stormberg turned around. Her footsteps echoed in the manor.


After visiting Alfred, Viers went back to the house that Iz prepared. The knight was still unconscious so they didn't stay long. Viers pointed Boram to accompany the prince as they bought supplies for tommorows’ trip. Normally he would go with them but a full-body checkup was what he prioritized right now.

“It is a bomb,” Clarissa gave it to him straight.

The two were in the White Flowers Meadow, screens of Viers’ status floating around him. One of them depicted the blue sigil from earlier. It was now magically embedded on his body even though it was invisible.

“The trigger seems to be if you’re trying to harm the young prince.”

Viers agreed with Clarissa’s analysis.

Other than that, there was no anomaly in his body.

At least she doesn't harm me so there’s that… All things considered, perhaps this is the best result. God, dealing with super people is annoying.

Even though she wouldn't admit it, Grace’s actions certainly indicated she cared for Croix. She gave Viers a stern warning and a bomb so he wouldn't even try to harm the prince. He understood her view. If he was in her shoes, he might even have done something more drastic. He understood but it didn't mean he liked it.

“It is very complex,” Clarissa said about the sigil. Like a doctor explaining the illness to the patient. “It might even activate if you try to harm him indirectly. Ice isn't my forte and I don't dare to probe it further.”

“Removal?” Viers asked about the most important thing.

“Nothing feasible at the moment.”

Not what he wished to hear but he was already prepared for the negative answer.

“Manual remote detonation?”

It would be bad if the countess could initiate detonation at will.

“I can't be sure but it is likely possible. The countess isn't a green Level 5. We can try to isolate the sigil from her accessing it, at least. The bomb is still functional though.”


“Will last for a couple of years at least. Possibly even decades.”

Viers leaned back on a chair, sinking down significantly as he looked up to the starry night sky.

“Level 3 peak that just defeats a Level 4… Still so insignificant.”

Viers let the frustrations circle in his system for five seconds before ejecting it.

“I don't have designs to harm Croix in the first place, after getting his brother, at least. In fact, I want him to thrive. This bomb simply kicked me in the butt and told me to not get funny ideas. Well, I can live with that. Worrying around won't help at this stage so walk forward we go. As ever.”

Needless to say, Grace Weiss’ favorability rating in Viers' mind plummeted, but other than that there was not much he could do at the moment.

The lamia fell silent and the mood was dark.

“What’s with the gloom? This isn't your fault,” Viers poked her in the forehead.


“This is a time for celebration, y’know? For your recovery.”

Two figures appeared with a flash of light in the meadows.


Paina tackled Clarissa as soon as she saw her.

“Good morning, Clarissa. I’m happy seeing you up and about,” Farley greeted the lamia with a smile. Her eyes were a bit misty.

The two of them had changed a bit, but such a thing didn't bother Clarissa. “Everyone,” Clarissa hugged Paina back. “I’m back.”

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