Aurora Scroll

Chapter 394 - Liapris Conclusion

Viers had an enlightening experience reading his newest soul.

After Fajrin's less-than-satisfactory performance in the Aletro's trials, he had a pretty miserable time in his cult. He was forced to do many chores and dangerous missions. This went on for months.

Oh, the woe of being a corporate slave. Always have to do what your boss tells you… I feel you, Fajrin. This is why I'm not working for other people. I'm my own boss.

He went from place to place until he ended up at Latias Kingdom. Not too long ago, a secret base of the Gardeners of Perfection, what the Teorph cultists called themselves, was attacked.

The enemy was mighty and brought a battalion of Pathseekers with him. The raid was sudden and destructive. Fajrin might be an expert in escaping but even he had to admit he survived relatively unscathed because fate was on his side that day.

But Lejek, the dark elf leader of that cult branch, was not so lucky. He was deeply injured during the raid. The dark elf might be a Level 5 but the other side also had a Level 5.

Afterward, Lejek hatched a devious plan to use the lives of his kindred elves, as ingredients to brew a cure. That was why he came to Liapris. A sick scheme for sure, but he was a Level 5. The lower the level, the lesser their life's value to him. A common sentiment which Viers had often seen in many Fables.

Fajrin was simply forced to go along without any say in the matter. Injured or not, Lejek was a Level 5.

Viers blurted out a laugh.

Fajrin might not know the identity of the attackers, but Viers knew about them. It was Duke Lucan.

When Viers was doing banditry of the Lucan duchy, he used the face of Marvin. He'd also tossed out that he was with the Teorph cult as a bonus. An empty lie for red herring but it seemed to have driven the duke to take revenge on the Gardeners. Apparently the Duke was on a warpath rooting out cultists all over and this particular cult was his main target.

One thing led to another, and Lejek suffered even more grievous injuries while Fajrin lay dead beneath Viers' feet. Excellent.

With wounds like that, perhaps even I can…

Viers was thinking if he should chase Lejek and kill him. His magic carpet was burnt and he had not got a replacement flying magic item but if he transformed into his water dragon form that was capable of limited flying then perhaps he might have caught the wounded cultist.

But Viers ultimately decided against it. There was nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal and this one was far stronger than him. He had plenty of gains and loot already. No need to take such dangerous risks.

Viers went back to Croix and the other escapees. On dragonback, Croix had already returned ahead of him. They exchanged information and returned to the village to assess the situation. Thankfully, with Lejek chased away, the elves were no longer brainwashed. Many were wounded and the village itself was wrecked but the deadly disease was cut at the source and the imposters that sowed the seeds were repelled. The healing process could finally begin.

There was a party that night. Bonfires, dance, and music. A joyful one, born after a period of sorrow. Although the dead had left them, it was all the more reason for the living to keep braving onward. Croix and the rest were included as guests of honor.

With the foremost elder, Ydris, gone, only two elven elders were left in the council of elders. Both survived Lejek's assault. After Liapris was saved, and Viers returned what the Eucenn-imposter had stolen, the elders changed their tone, especially the skeptical female elder.

The reason why Fajrin was far away from Liapris when Viers killed him was because he had taken as many valuables in the village as he could get his hands on and planned to run away before all went to shit.

A bulk of them were elven medicines and herbs in the apothecary that he was in charge of. Valuable, but since Viers personally had unlimited access to nature's bounty not losing in quality from his Biome, it wasn't a huge loss. The favor of returning the medicines when sorely needed by the elves was more precious, according to his calculating mind.

Obviously, Viers did not return ALL that Fajrin stole.

The cultist's own inventory of dangerous items notwithstanding, he also had the Cradle of Tranquility's Realm Core with him. It took the shape of an unusual rock. It was because he took it that the pocket dimension collapsed. This was something that Viers decided to bag himself. He already had a plan about how to use a new pocket dimension. He'd saved their lives so he didn't feel bad one bit for taking the Realm Core of their cemetery.

Robbing was truly the highway to get rich fast.

It was also the highway to Hell but Viers had always known that.

Firstly, if the demons of Hell wanted him, then they had to earn him first.

Secondly, if he was going to Hell, he was going to do it in style.

Thirdly, if he truly ended up in Hell, he planned on making himself such a colossal nuisance until Hell itself spat him back out!

That was what Viers thought his life should be.

Since he decided to become a Pathseeker, a cultivator with another name, he was always going to defy the Heavens. So what if he ate hundreds of thousands of souls and got tons of bad karma? He'd got the Fables on his side. That was like prescience. He was playing a video game with a walkthrough, what did he have to fear?

Sure, life was unpredictable and would throw lemons at him, but that was what his power was for. Viers had faith in himself that he would prevail, come what may. Even if no one believed he would prevail, Viers would always believe in himself.

The party was going merrily. Viers was not accustomed to crowds so he removed himself from the center of attention. He was still able to observe the party from a veranda on one of the high treehouses. He had a preference for looking at people from high places. Viers wondered if he caught a chronic villain disease.

Boram was popular with elven kids, eager to hear the secret of his mighty strength. Alfred was trading drinks with other elves. Croix was participating in the festivities. Near the prince, Viers saw Falmerion snatching cooked meat pieces midair that the children tossed at him.

The dragon was small again. According to what Croix divulged earlier, he was able to make the dragon 'evolve' albeit temporarily. It was thanks to the dragon on top of the volcano, he said.

That dragon was equivalent to Level 4 in strength. Rather than Pokémon's evolution, it looks closer to Digimon's since Falmerion turned back small again. Hmm, yes. He must have multiple stages of evolution. No way a pure-blood dragon's full strength was capped at Level 4. The baby dragon would eventually possess his 'evolved' power as he matures but how many years or decades would it take?

Viers assessed Croix's status.

More 'grow' than evolution, actually. In a way, Croix borrowed his dragon's power from the future. Instantly making leaps of strength. Even I will not have an easy time fighting the grown Falmerion in a head-on battle. That is quite the cheat indeed… Is he MC material? Royal Blood, a legendary creature sidekick, has a hand in solving a Level 5 problem while being a Level 1, the signs are certainly there.

With his eyes on the smiling young prince who looked like genuinely enjoying himself from the accomplishment of a good deed, Viers made a smile. As for the meaning of that smile, it was complicated.

"So, no regrets left?" Viers suddenly said. His lips were not moving but the recipient heard him.

"My wayward brother has been admonished and my home is safe. Now I can face my honored ancestors with my head held high."

Ydris' soul came for a chat. The two talked about things for a while.

"So you planned on using faeries to send a message to Estellian Church from the start, hm? I guess I was right guessing Lejek was struck by a Holy attribute at the very end."

"We are ancient allies. The current Cardinal of Latias is an honorable daughter of the forest."

"Cardinal Siora Watermoon… You'd think she shot the arrow?"

"Perhaps, or perhaps not. The Church of the Goddess of Light has many excellent individuals," Ydris said.

"...I concur."

"It's time for me to depart," Ydris' voice was content. "It will be tough, but Liapris will be fine without me."

"Don't forget what you owe me."

"Of course. It is only thanks to you, young human, that I can do anything at all after only my soul remains. I'll leave you with the secrets of my secret techniques."

"...I think there has been a misunderstanding. What I want isn't your techniques."

The air between them changed.

"...Think carefully about what you'll say next, young human."

Viers didn't say anything at all. He acted.

There was a brief exchange, and the Level 5 elf soul was now in his soul prison.

"There are two things that are certain in this world: death and taxes. For some, I'm both."

A Level 5 soul was too precious to pass up. Ydris was an elf so Viers couldn't eat his soul with his soul cultivation Arte, Myriad Souls in One. Be that as it may, there were still many options for a soul Pathseeker with Viers' ability to take. He looked forward to plumbing every secret in the elf's memory. A few secret techniques? Viers wanted more. He called this act collecting taxes.

Only after Ydris went through multiple stages of Viers' soul processing would he continue his journey to the world beyond death. Missing a few bits perhaps, but intact in all the parts that mattered. The soul's cycle of death and rebirth would not be interrupted, only slightly delayed.

A Level 5's soul was tricky to grab, but because Ydris was desperate to save his village, he'd made a deal with Viers. That allowed Viers to sink his hooks on him.

After securing Ydris' soul with layers upon layers of bindings and triple-checking it, Viers allowed the feeling of satisfaction to take him.

Time to meet his next appointment.

"Good evening, Jessica. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Viers was still leaning on the wooden railings, watching the party downstairs. Jessica was coming from behind but Viers had no trouble recognizing her. He had many ways.

Also, talking with his back turned gave him a boss-villain vibe, Viers digs it.

"Uhh, hi," Jessica's voice was unsure. "I hope I'm not interrupting?"

Of course, she wasn't aware of what transpired between Viers and Ydris moments earlier. She or anyone else.

"Not at all. We can talk. You must have so many questions."

"...Just two actually. For now, at least. Avel, who are you?"

"Now that is an interesting question."

Viers turned to face her. He was still leaning on the veranda railings with his back.

"I have been called by many names. Adventurer, Traveller, Doctor, Master, Commander, Captain, Admiral, Warrior of Light, Warrior of Darkness, even Barista at the End of the Universe. These are but a few. You are welcome to decide who I am in your eyes."


The light of the spirit forest at night at Avel's back seemed to have played tricks in Jessica's eyes, making the person in front of her so… mysterious.

Also, he was what at the end of the universe? Where even IS that?

Was he a god?

This was the burning question in Jessica's mind. She could ask. She wanted to ask, but was it proper to do so? Curious, for sure but any answer, positive or negative, wasn't going to make much difference. Her second question which she'd carefully picked was more relevant.

"...Right. I didn't even know what I was expecting to hear, actually. The second question is, what do you plan for me?"

Avel did something to her. She could feel a mysterious power inside her body now. It felt like it had always been there but it was now awake. Avel awakened it. But what now? Jessica was wise enough to know there was no such thing as free gifts.

"What indeed," Avel smiled softly.

There was no hostility. Jessica didn't know why but she felt the hair behind her neck stand up. After a few seconds, Avel opened his mouth again.

"Would you like a job?"

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