Avatar: Immortality

Chapter 1: Essence of Immortality

I was woken up by the sound of a wooden wheel passing by. I opened my eyes, but I immediately felt dizzy and was forced to close them again.

I massaged my head to reduce the dizziness.


I felt a liquid on my head.


After my bout of dizziness subsided, I took a moment to observe my surroundings. I noticed small carriages carrying goods passing by, and the people around me were all dressed in ancient attire and suits. Some were even wearing helmets reminiscent of the medieval era, complete with a donut-shaped coin on the front.

"Where am I?"

Without a doubt, I'm not in the modern era right now.

"Have I regressed to ancient times?"

And this small and unfamiliar body I'm currently inside proved all my theories. It seemed impossible, but these vivid feelings and the scene in front of me were undeniable. I had really been transported or regressed back in time somehow.

As I was about to stand up, I suddenly noticed an ominous bottle at my side. It wasn't there before, I'm sure of it. Someone had put it there using some sorcery.

The bottle was small with violet liquid inside. The liquid was glowing and moving even though there was no external force acting on it. There was also a sign on top of the bottle: ESSENCE OF IMMORTALITY.

I took the bottle and quickly drank all the liquid inside. I didn't even consider if there was poison in it, my body—no, my mind—was attracted to it. Maybe because of my dream of immortality back in the modern time.

After I drank the liquid, I immediately felt changes throughout my body. Contrary to what I expected, I didn't feel any pain, I only felt soothing and warm energy moving through my entire body. My skin started glowing, so I quickly left the area to hide.

Soon, the glowing on my body began to fade and eventually vanished. The uncomfortable feeling in my head also disappeared, as did any discomfort in the rest of my body. It was as if I had been reborn. I felt no discomfort; my whole body felt perfect.

Soon, information flooded my brain about the liquid I had drunk. As the label on the bottle said, I had become immortal. My body will never age once I reach the prime age of my life, which should be between 20 and 30 years.

My body also gained a high healing ability that would help maintain perfect health. Any injuries, minor or serious, would be quickly healed. Any disease would die before it even reached my skin, and poisons would have no effect on me.

My mind now has infinite capacity, meaning no matter how many books I read, I will remember them. It's just a matter of time before I turn myself into a walking library. My mind is also impenetrable and indestructible. I can stay sane no matter what happens. Emotions are something I can now freely control. Additionally, no external force can penetrate my mind and manipulate me.

I also have the ability to kill myself if I choose, and I will be reincarnated into a new body immediately. My powers will stay with me even after that.

My skills and abilities wouldn't degrade no matter how much time I spend being lazy and not training. Even if I decide to kill myself, muscle memory is stored in my mind, so I can quickly transfer it to my new body.

I also gained a very high talent for anything. I could quickly learn and master skills such as swordsmanship, archery, and more.

Lastly, I could make a petition to the supreme being to end my immortality. This only applies if I was in the right mind and willing to do it wholeheartedly. With my desire for immortality, there is no possibility of me doing this.

"Hey! I saw you glowing there, my friend!"

I turned and looked at the owner of the voice. It was a kid with a weird expression, similar to that of a crazy person. I thought of killing this kid, but there was no benefit to it. And there's no way they would believe a kid with an expression like this one.

I turned around and left.

"Hey, wanna be friends?!"

I stopped and looked at him with a smile.

"Sure, why not?"

"I am Bumi!"

"Kizer, that's my name."

"Tell me, Bumi, where am I?"

Bumi looked around, confused, scratching the back of his head.

"You're in Omashu, one of the main cities under the Earth Kingdom."


The city of Omashu, famous for its unique look, was built on a mountain, making the city appear quite unique from an outside view.

"I'm lost! I don't want to use my airbending, but it should be okay if I use it a little bit."

A bald kid with a unique blue pattern on his head looked guilty. He had promised his master not to use his airbending while outside the temple, but he had to break that promise a little now as he was greatly lost.

Aang walked to an alley and jumped using his airbending. He reached the top of a house because of that.

"So beautiful."

The scenery in front of him was indeed beautiful and calming to see. Birds flew in unknown directions, and the busy streets created a positive vibe.

As Aang was looking at the streets, he suddenly saw a familiar face. It was a kid with a weird expression following a handsome kid with an ominous aura.


Aang quickly got up and, with the use of his airbending, quickly reached and landed in front of the two.


Bumi immediately greeted Aang with a wide smile.

"Come with us, we are planning on having fun today! I'll show you something cool!"

"I'm in!"

"Let me introduce this new friend of mine first. This is Kizer. And Kizer, this is Aang!"


Kizer offered his hand to Aang, but Bumi quickly interrupted him.

"Come on, there's no need for formalities! We're friends now, and we're not even nobles!"

"You're right."

"Let's go, follow me!"


We soon reached the top of the giant building connected by long lines. I remember from the series that this was the delivery system in this city.

I looked at the two kids beside me. It was unbelievable for me, but not something I would cry over. I'm now part of this world, and I don't plan to leave anytime soon. Especially now that I'm immortal, I have many plans for this world.

"We're here!" Bumi exclaimed as he pointed at the two slides.

"What are we going to do here?" Aang asked with genuine confusion.

"Can't you see it?"

"See what?"

"The world's greatest slide," I said with a smile.

"Bingo! You read my mind perfectly!"

"You two are geniuses!"

Aang's face brightened up as he saw all the possibilities.

We soon got a rock rail and had some fun with it.

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