Avatar: Mage of All Elements

Chapter 11

I didn't go to the tsar. I walked, I walked, and I joined the army. That was a turning point. For me. For the officials it was a common thing, because many people come here from all over the country, so they have worked out a scheme for so many years of war. And all that is needed is to send all those who want to go to the army, where they get «High class» training. And I wouldn't have gone if it weren't for one thing. They give good basics there.

Yes, they are geared to the majority, but that doesn't make them bad. On the contrary. A lot of cannon fodder went through their training in the long war, so they know how to train soldiers

For me, as it turns out, this is a good opportunity to get some documents. It seems like a small thing, but it's a necessity. So... long live the army!


It's been a year of training. That's a lot for a country under attack. That's because this is a training program. There's no duty or anything like that. All those who have to fight learn to fight, not to cook porridge, for example.

In general, they tried to give as much as they could. I didn't become an imba that year, but I understood the basics. All earth magic is based on impulse control. The easier the impulse is, the easier it is to control, and the stronger you can make it.

Impulse is a bit like motion vectors from geometry studies in my old world. It can be straight, curved, or even spiral. For an Earthbender, it's not the shape that matters, it's the control. This is where the difficulties begin. It may be a different path for everyone. But one thing we have been taught. The stronger your body, the more control you have over the element. I didn't agree because I remembered a little girl throwing big men in different directions. As for me, I was looking for my own personal way to control impulses.

 That's how I realized that if the pulse isn't straight, it should be smooth. Where else do you use smoothness? That's right, water magic. That's where I got some of my techniques from, but I felt there was something missing, a framework that would make it work.

The idea came to me while we were eating. Some mages were discussing Dai Li. They're our emperor's guards. It wouldn't matter if they didn't wear special uniforms. Who else in the Avatar world wears uniforms like that? That's right, the Kyoshi Warriors. And if I remember Korrectly, they had a special martial art invented by one of the Avatars. Anyway, the point is to combine magic with some sort of martial art.

Earth magic is more like karate, and water magic is more like aikido. Even though I don't know anything about it, I got the idea. The unit that trained magicians didn't teach MA (martial arts). I had to go to the regular soldiers and ask them. Even if it doesn't work out, I'll know how to fight.


Anyway, that's how a year of training went. We were trained and driven hard in physical training, showed different techniques and military tricks. And for a year, those who wanted to learn were taught well, and those who did not want to learn... well, cannon fodder is needed everywhere.

I had great strength in earth magic from the very beginning. Of course, in more than five years of water magic, I had never reached the level of earth magic. At that time, I hadn't developed earth magic at all. Then, when I started to actively develop earth magic, I found that it was progressing rapidly.

To be honest, I was a little afraid of how strong I would become. Yes, it will take a year of active training and constant control, and like water magic, I'm unlikely to succeed, but my potential is huge.

But the good days of the army were over. It was time to fight. We were all assigned to squads and sent to different parts of the front. We were not thrown into the crucible of war, but into subversive groups. And then, let's say, the working day began.

Explosions, arson, collapses, murders, destruction of roads and industries, and many other things, all these things accompanied us for the next three years. I could have given up, because I'd learned the basics of magic, but I needed practice, and it was the war that provided it. But such practice always involved risk, and even though my reserve of power allowed me to train almost around the clock, it didn't make it any less risky.

Without my ability to heal myself and others, I wouldn't have survived the first ten missions. We were even captured a few times, but I always managed to escape and take a few others with me. In all that time, I've grown very deep in my understanding of magic itself. I used to think it would take me decades to achieve impressive results, but no, constant practice and serious health risks are very stimulating.

During those three years, we managed to slow down the fire troops, if not to stop them completely, then to the point where their progress was no longer noticeable. And it was at that moment that the decision was made to disband our group. It came as a shock to us. But according to the contract that everyone signs before joining the army, we have to spend five years in the war. So two more and freedom.

By the way, many of us go back to the army after the contract expires, only with a higher rank and a good salary, almost without taking part in the fighting.

But as stupid as it was, the command did the smart thing. Since we were so effective, they decided to disband us and instead give each of us a few men for training and experience. The idea made sense, except they didn't know the details. When we found ourselves in a critical situation, it was my immense reserve of strength that helped us break through and escape from the asshole we were in.

Knowing this, the rest of the team was able to focus on their specialties and greatly improve the overall efficiency. And by splitting us up, they only increased our limitations and made trouble for themselves. Eh, it's a shame, but it can't be helped. Now, we were on our way to our base, where we would receive our disciples.

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