Avatar: Mage of All Elements

Chapter 22

After getting off the ship and looking around, I had an idea and went straight to the village chief. If my idea worked out, my stay here would be much easier and simpler. I didn't have to walk far, and it wasn't long before the villagers pointed out a man who was no longer young.

«Hello, may I speak with you?» I asked politely. It's not difficult for me, and I'll be living here soon, so it's necessary to behave normally.

«You picked a bad time for this, young man», he replied. Then he sighed, rubbed his eyes, and turned to me, «Yesterday's hurricane caused a lot of damage, and a lot of people have no place to live, so if you have something urgent to do, could you wait until I get things straightened out tonight?»

«Then it is urgent», and to give more weight to my words, I nodded importantly.

«Okay, tell me, what you need?» he asked without interest.

«I'm an earth magician and I want to help you», I replied calmly.

«Kyoshi Island is neutral territory. And we can handle everything ourselves», he replied reluctantly.

«You misunderstand me. I'm not asking for anything, and in fact, my journey here is my own business. I just want to help.»

«For nothing?» he asked doubtfully.

«For shelter and food.»

«I doubt that very much. And there's a lot of work to be done», he didn't want to mess with me.

«Just shelter and food. That's all I ask of you.»

«If there's nothing more to ask of me, then who has what?» he asked suspiciously.

«I came here hoping to train with the Kyoshi warriors. That is all. And if it doesn't work out, I'll help you and go back quietly and calmly. Deal?» and extended his hand for a handshake. Although he was hesitant, he shook his hand, «Where could my magic come in handy?»

«In the center of the settlement, the buildings are almost intact, go and repair them. Later, if you have any strength left, come here as well, we'll think further. I'll find someone to accompany you now. Wait here», he said and walked quickly in a direction only he knew.

Soon, a young, pretty girl with a small child in her arms approached me.

«Excuse me, are you the Earthmage who promised to help?» she asked me. I nodded, «My name is Lan. Come, I'll show you what to do.»

«Okay», we walked to the center of the village, but one question plagued me, «Tell me, if it's no secret, why are you with the baby? Is there no one to leave him with?»

«There is no one to leave it with now that the hurricane has hit everyone. And I'm an orphan and have no family.»

«I'm sorry.»

«It's okay. I'm used to it. My husband went to war and I haven't heard from him.»

«Well, I was in the war myself, so I can assure you that sometimes there's no communication for years. Don't worry», she just smiled. So I decided to change the subject, «And what's the little one's name?»

«It's a girl. And her name is Suyuki.»

«That's a pretty name», I replied with a smile, «And what do you do?»

«Well, now...»

We chatted and I improved the buildings on the way. Some were purely cosmetic, others had more global problems, such as a sagging foundation. I didn't know the basics of construction, but I understood the essence, so I fixed and strengthened everything I could, making a plan for the future. I wasn't in a hurry, so I finished in the evening.

Since all the houses in the center of the village had been repaired by me, I went with Lan and Suyuki to look for the chief. We found him near the tents where most of the villagers were. After waiting for him to finish speaking, we approached him.

«I'm done, what's next?» he looked at me confused.

«Finished what?» he asked.

«Repairing the buildings in the center», Lan said.

«Hmm... we'll have to see», he replied thoughtfully, «Come on, you'll show everything. And you, Lan, settle down here first. I'll be along shortly», and we went back to the center of the village.

We walked around for about an hour, and that was only because the sun had set and there was nothing to see. In the renovated buildings, women, children and old people were being let in. There was no room for more and almost all the men slept outside. The headman invited me into his home.

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