Name: Angerona Lawton-Wilson

Age: 24

Race: Human (formerly), Metahuman (formerly), Demi-god (currently)

Alias: Anguish (formerly), Hel 

Occupation: Mercenary (formerly), Supervillain, Anti-Hero (when it benefits her), Criminal underground boss, Avatar of Death of the endless 

Residence: Gotham City 

Father: Floyd Lawton 

Alias: Deadshot 

Mother: Veronica Wilson (deceased)

Alias: Deadpool 


Her parents met when their employer sent them to the same job without them knowing. Angry they called their employer and demanded he double the pay, he agreed but only to the one who kills the target. Not satisfied with the answer Deadshot wanted to double-cross him but Deadpool proposed a bet she wanted to see how her marksmanship compared to the legendary Deadshot. Amused he agreed saying that only headshots counted which she was fine with. 

In the end, it turned out that she was as good as he was seeing as their bullets hit the target at the same time in the same place. Impressed Deadshot agrees to split the money with her becoming friends after that. They met several times off work one of which ended up with them sleeping together with no strings attached. A month later Veronica discovered she was pregnant with Floyd's child but kept it to herself seeing as he was seeing another person and she didn't want to ruin that for her friend. 8 months later she gave birth to a baby girl she named Angerona Lawton-Wilson. 

At the age of 10 Angerona asked her mother to train her to be like her which Veronica hesitantly agreed thinking it was just a phase and it wouldn't hurt for her to know how to defend herself. Angerona proves her mother wrong by not giving up and after Veronica see how determined her daughter is plus her potential in marksmanship she trains her seriously. 

Angerona takes her first mercenary/Assassination job at the age of 16 under the moniker Anguish, since the Latin meaning of her name is the Goddess of Anguish, where she gets her first kill. She continues the family business for 5 years gaining a reputation in the criminal underworld for her number of successful assassinations and skills which are on par with the likes of Deathstroke, Deadshot, Deadpool, etc. 

Deadpool and Anguish were on an assassination mission where they encountered the caped crusader. This was not her first dance with Batman she had encountered him countless times and escaped him, but this time it was different her body was not responding well to her mind and her vision was blurry which lead to her defeat. Her mother faired a lot better than she did but ultimately she was also defeated and suffered a severe head trauma, and several blood vessels ruptured in her brain which she ended up dying from. 

Angerona was hospitalized after the fight and the doctors discovered that she had a cancerous tumor in her brain which had caused her to slip into a coma from which she may never wake seeing as she only had a year to live. A doctor by the name of Hugo Strange decided to test a regenerative drug that he developed on her but saw no results. 

What he didn't know was that the drug activated her metahuman ability which was an accelerated healing factor. The reason she didn't show any signs of recovery was because her new ability accelerated her tumor while simultaneously repairing the cancer cells putting pressure on her brain. 

This gained the attention of Death seeing she was no longer able to take the soul of this mortal that was supposed to die. Death explains what's happening to Angerona and decides to get to know her. Intrigued by Angerona Death decides to make her her Avatar completely removing her tumor. 



Superhuman Strength: As Deaths, Avatar Angerona has superhuman strength being able to lift things like cars with ease. 

Superhuman Durability: Angerona's body, much like Superman, is nigh-invulnerable. The only thing capable of harming her is things like Nith metal. 

Superhuman Speed: Angerona is fast enough to defeat multiple targets before they can react and can keep up with the flash. 

Superhuman Agility: Angerona possesses great agility, being able to dodge bullets at point blank. 

Superhuman Stamina: Her endurance allowed her to battle for extremely long periods without tiring at all.

Superhuman Reflexes: She possessed incredible reflexes that enabled her to anticipate, dodge, and counter her opponents' movements, as well as reacting and dodging objects traveling at high speeds.

Immortality: Due to her being connected to Death and her accelerated healing factor Angerona is immortal and she will be as long as Death exists. 

Weapon Summoning: Angerona could manifest various weapons from different parts of her body, usually Necroswords, daggers, spears, and axes. These weapons were incredibly durable and sharp, enough to not only instantly kill the likes of Wonder Woman, but also able to pierce right through Superman's nigh-invulnerable body. 

Necromancy: As an Avatar of Death Angerona is able to resurrect the dead. 

Portal Creation: Angerona is able to open portals to anywhere she has been or seen. 

Telepathic Immunity: The healing factor causes her brain to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering her immune to psychics such as Manhunter

Master Combatant: Angerona is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant on par with the likes of Batman, making her one of the most dangerous and best fighters in the world.

Sword Mastery: She is extremely skilled with a sword thanks to her mother's primary used weapon being a sword. 

Master Assassin: She is a master of assassination techniques, espionage methods, covert operations, infiltration methods, escape artistry, marksmanship, and is highly skilled with many bladed weapons and a number of other weapons including firearms.

Bilingualism: Angerona is fluent in both Russian and English. 

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