Avatar: The Gamer

01 – Childhood

Levi was your average 26-year-old guy, he did not have anything outstanding about him. He had an average appearance, an average job and he didn't have a girlfriend to speak of.

The only thing that might be different about him from other people was that he had grown up as an orphan which wasn't really a perk. 

His life was as average as one can imagine, although it was a massive mayhem in his first few years alive but through luck and hard work he managed to pull himself up, but an average life is the best he could achieve after all these years. 

With no changes to his everyday routine whatsoever throughout the years, one could even say that he was more like a zombie than a human just doing his best to get through everyday life on autopilot and get back to his apartment. 

But, there was one thing that brought excitement into his life and made him feel that he was alive again, Fiction!! 

Whether it is novels, games, fanfiction, anime…etc, you name it, it all added a spark to his dull life. It was like the bright light of a candle in his dark world. 

And so after he finished his work for today he was pretty excited to head home and catch up on some novels and fanfiction that he had been saving in his library for a while, his library which was already full of books that he was planning to read… someday, unfortunately, fate had some other plans for him  


"Alright boss, alright, alright I'll make sure it is ready by Monday next week." He was speaking on his smartphone while walking on the streets at night heading back home, and he had just finished talking to his boss.

And What a fucking pig his boos is, he hated the asshole but he can only speak politely to him and not express it out loud, and what can he do otherwise? Say no to him and get fired? Thank you very much but he doesn't want to starve to death.

He always hated how his life felt like a prison, one wrong move and he will be finished. He hated how just a random stranger above him in a company could completely ruin his life if he just had a bad day and decided to mess with him.

"Sigh, another weekend ruined." he sighed with a heavy heart as he removed the phone from his ear and put it into his right pocket.

'And I thought I'd get to enjoy these couple days, what rotten luck.' he thought as he waited for the light to turn red at the side of the road to cross the street. 

He was currently the only one there as it was already late at night and he had to stay late and put in extra hours to finish the work assigned to him by that asshole. 

A couple of seconds later the light turned yellow before finally turning red giving him a signal to cross to the other side, and that's what he did like he does every day. 

Death always seems so distant from us. so distant from our everyday life, we always hear about it and see it around us all the time but we always think that it's something far removed from us, that it's something that we won't have to deal with until far later in life, that's how most people think, and that's how Levi thought until that moment. 

So what happened next was out of his expectations and caught him completely unprepared.

A huge truck, seeming to have lost its brakes came rushing towards him from out of nowhere, he swore to god he looked both ways before crossing and there was nothing on both sides.

And so in shock, he froze in his place not knowing what to do, and it wouldn't even have made a difference if he had tried to dodge either way, it was already too close.

Its front lights blinded him as it got closer to him and then… It all went dark and he lost consciousness. 


The next thing he knew he regained consciousness and woke up again with a startle. The first thing that he did was to instinctively scream "NOOOOOO", or at least try to as what came out of his mouth was something entirely different. 



'What the hell is going on?.' He was extremely frightened by the voice he just made, trying to say something and saying something entirely different was completely frightening, plus it wasn't his normal voice or even the voice of an adult, it was the voice of a child. Strangely enough, even though he should be panicking now he wasn't, he might be startled but it seemed to all be under his control, it was a weird feeling. 

‘What is going on.’

'My voice just now...' he thought to himself doubtfully, ‘It was the cry of a baby, don't tell me  that…' As a veteran novel reader and a man of culture, he had an idea of what was probably going on by now, but it was still hard to believe. 

Just at this moment, light filled the room he was in as the silhouette of a woman holding a lamp appeared in front of him, the first thing that came into his mind after seeing her was that she had a pretty nice body.

Putting the lamp on the table to the side and getting closer to him her face became clear. She was a beautiful woman with brown hair and blue eyes that seemed to be in her early 20s, and did he say she has a nice freaking body? Well, she does.

"Ohhh what's wrong my little munchkin, are you hungry?." Asked the woman with a doting tone in her voice as she looked at him lovingly, something that was so foreign to him that he froze for a second.

'She's my mother ain't she?.' he thought, a strange feeling wheeling up inside of him, but something suddenly interrupted his train of thought. 

"Wait… What…What are you doing, I am a grown-ass man, unhand me woman, don't…. N… No.. Nooooooooooo.” he screamed and protested at the top of his lungs trying to resist what was about to happen to him but it was all for nothing she was far stronger than him, no it was more apt to say that his baby body was too weak. 

But of course, all that came out of his mouth were baby noises. 

"Alright alright, I understand, my little munchkin is hungry hehehe." Said the woman, definitely not understanding him as she took out one of her boobs from her clothes and picked him up, placing his mouth by her nipple.

"I will not stand for this, do you hear me? I Am a grown-ass adult and I will take my revenge someda.……mmmmm " he protested but sadly for him the woman who is obviously his mother didn't understand anything of what he said as she started breastfeeding him. 

'Well this is not so bad' he thought as he held onto her soft breasts and sucked on them in bliss, 'Mm not bad at all.' he might not want to do it but his young body's desire was just so strong for him to resist.

Not long later he was done with his meal and he gotta say he wouldn't mind another one later, for his young body to grow healthy of course. 

After he was done she put him back on bed with his eyes closed as she slowly exited the room making sure not to "wake" him up and taking the oil lamp with her letting the room fall into complete darkness again. 

After hearing her leave Levi opened his eyes and observed this dark room not knowing whether to laugh or cry. 

'I have always dreamt of being reincarnated and all that but being a baby is way worse than I imagined.' he thought, not even being able to speak or turn around when he is sleeping uncomfortably, and being completely reliant on others to survive is worse than torture, only people who went through stuff like these will know how hard it is. 

'Sigh, something good better come out of this, let's try this out' he thought and he did what any other person in his situation would have done, he was going to see if he had a system or not, or at least some kind of Goldfinger. 

He had no hope of it actually working. He was lucky enough to get reincarnated, a system was just asking for too much but it was worth giving it a try, 'One can only hope right?.', taking a deep breath and exhaling he called out in his mind. 

'System are you there!' 

[Yes user?.]

'WHAT!?? It actually worked?!??.' Levi was in disbelief, he had hoped for it to work but he had very little hope that he would receive a system, in fact, he was mostly doing it to pass the time.

Happiness, ecstasy, nervousness, bewilderment, all these feelings went through his little body at the same time and he did not know what to do for a while. But it did not take long until he felt that sense of calm again like when he first woke up. 

'Being reborn is one thing but having a system?.’ he thought, not knowing how to react, he had only read about things like these before, and to have it happen to him? That was something he only wished for but never thought would happen.

"YESSSSSSS, HAHAHAHA." he screamed at the top of his lungs not caring about anything at all, he was just so happy knowing what this meant, if he survives he is going to dominate this world he was sure of that.

"WAAAAH, WAAH WAAH.'' Sadly all that came out of his mouth after all that screaming were baby cries again.


'Oh no.' he thought in trepidation after his excitement subsided a little, 'She's gonna come again won't she.'  

And as if to answer his thoughts, light spilled into the room again as his mother came back, after changing his diapers which he didn't even realize were dirty she left again leaving him alone. 

'This period of my life will be something that will be buried with me. I'd rather die than let anyone find out.' he thought, making an oath to himself to never speak about this. Some might say he is only a baby and that everybody went through something similar when they were young but it still doesn't erase the fact that it felt humiliating. 

Sorting his thoughts out he went back to business and asked what was on his mind all along.

'So what type of system are you?' He asked hoping for the best, he had read some really disturbing novels and fanfictions in his past lives where systems were more of a curse than a blessing and he really hoped that he wasn't one of the former, ‘Not that it would answer truthfully if it was.’

[The system is a gamer system that lets the host live his life as if playing a game including learning skills, leveling up, getting stronger, and much more] 

'Oh, I see, not bad, no scratch that, that's amazing. This is the best kind of system.’ he thought pleased, it was a waste of time to worry about the system screwing him over or any cliche thing like that, he was already living on borrowed time right now so anything that can happen moving forward is a plus.

‘Alright, let's do this, System pull out my stats.' He requested testing it out and waiting in anticipation, and the system didn't disappoint. 

[Roger that] 


Name: Levi.

Age:  27 DAYS (26 years mentally) 

Level : 0

HP: 1

Chi: 30 (energy used for bending) - (combination of wisdom and intelligence).

SP: 1 (Stamina points) 

Vitality: 0.1

Stamina: 0.1  (Not to be confused with Stamina points, 1 point in Stamina equals 10 in SP, just like 1 in Vitality equals 10 in HP) 

Strength: 0.1

Agility: 0.1

Dexterity: 0.1 

Endurance/Willpower: 2

Intelligence: 1.5

Wisdom: 1.5

Charisma: 2

Luck: 10

Untrained adult male stats are 1. 

Trained adult stats are 5

Elite trained adult stats are 10+


Gamer Mind (passive) - Level Max: This power allows the user to control their emotions and thoughts as if they were in a video game. They are able to remain calm and focused even in the most stressful situations, giving them a significant advantage over their opponents. This power also makes the user's mind impenetrable to outside influence, such as mind control,  psychic attacks and more.

Gamer Body (passive) - Level max: This power allows the user to heal quickly and recover from injuries at an accelerated rate, similar to a video game character. The user can quickly recover from fatigue and exhaustion with just a little rest, and heal from minor injuries in a matter of seconds. They can even regenerate lost limbs or other body parts.


N/A  ] 

Looking at the state panel in front of him Levi couldn't help but think of how similar it is to a video game character stats. 

Although his stats were low, which was to be expected, he was extremely happy with the gamer’s mind and body. Now he can train as much as he wants with no fear of damaging his body or stagnating his growth, and he doesn't have to fear anyone peering into his mind to read his memory and see his secrets.

‘Although the gamer’s body can be a little troublesome to hide.’ he thought fearing that the people around him might see something strange and decide to put an early end to him. How would he explain a broken arm or a burn disappearing overnight? Thankfully for him, the system came to the rescue at the right moment.

[The user doesn't have to worry about that, he can disable any ability he wants or certain parts of that ability, and he can also enable them back anytime they wants]

Seeing the notification in front of him Levi couldn't help but sigh in relief, and move to the next thing he had in mind.

Looking again at the description next to his Chi state which was abnormally high compared to the other stats he couldn't help but think of something. 'Bending?? And chi? Could it be that he is in the avatar world.' he thought, there weren't a lot of places in fiction that used the term bending and chi in the same sentence, in fact, avatar could be the only one, sadly there was no way for him to confirm it for now.



AN: Please read.

Chi is affected by wisdom and intelligence so as we see 1.5 in both of them equals 3 which translates to 30 points in chi. 

HP is affected by Vitality.  So 0.1 vitality = 1HP

SP by Stamina. 0.1 Stamina = 1SP

I made it easy to understand both for me and the readers in the future, it's just a ten times multiplication.


Elites are people like Azula, Zuko, Iroh, Aang… Etc and there are differences even among elites.

And to avoid confusion their stats are not 10, It's 10+ which could mean anything from 10 to 100 maybe more.


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