Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 39-1

In the end, only three of us remained in the classroom: I, Jenny, and Eileen.

That means. All the other students have already formed groups except for the three of us.

Hah. Here we go again.

I sigh inwardly.

[Goddess of Destiny says she was definitely aiming for this!!!]

Unlike before, the constellation screams at me with a message.

Well, I doubt Eileen was aiming for this.

But it does seem a bit too coincidental to be honest.

So, it makes sense for the constellation to be speaking like that.

After all, the only ones left are the three of us.

“I see.”

Eileen nods embarrassed as if she hadn’t seen this coming, and scratches the side of her head.

We stand awkwardly, silent for a moment.

“What’s up with you two being so awkward? It’s been weeks since your failed date.”

Jenny crosses a line she shouldn’t have crossed.

Hey b**ch! Why do you say that!

It’s true that I don’t want to get involved with Eileen, but that doesn’t mean I want to antagonize her.

In fact, I’m pretty sure that what happened back then isn’t a very good memory for her.

Well, a kid and three girls barging in on a date and ruining it, that’s to be expected.

I glanced at Eileen out of the corner of my eye.

She looked unexpectedly calm.

What? She’s not as mad as I thought she would be, but just in case.

Let’s try to change the subject.

“I wasn’t being awkward, so don’t mistake yourself. Anyway, we’re the only ones left, so let’s set a date for the evaluation.”

“… Yes. I think so.”

“Okay. Let’s do it quickly.”

With that, we sat down in the classroom and started meeting.


It’s been 10 minutes since the meeting started.

“So. Lets take the first round.”

“Don’t. If you get greedy, you might get a lower score. I think it’s better to play it safe and do the second round.”

Only ten minutes had passed, and I and Eileen were at odds.

“You’re right, the secondary assessment is more informative and safer, but honestly, we don’t need to play it safe with our skills, do we?”

Technically, we don’t have to play it safe with Eileen.

Eileen shakes her head in disapproval.

“I don’t deny that we’re quite high up in the rankings, but overconfidence leads to failure, and there are sure to be quite a few good people in the first round, so I think it’s best to play it safe and go for the second round.”

Ah, she’s stubborn!

But honestly, Eileen isn’t wrong.

There’s no reason to compete with the best just to get a few extra points.

It’s better to just score higher on the secondary assessment, and it’s safer, too.

But that’s not the problem.

On a purely performance-based assessment, I would agree with Eileen.

However, in the secondary evaluation, the main episode, to be precise, is the time when the Church guys cause the terrorism.

In that episode, Kim Soo-yong, his classmate and the game’s heroine, Lane, Professor Academy, and the students who take the Secondary Evaluation are the ones who stop the terrorism of the Church.

In other words. If I take the secondary assessment, I will be forced to be involved in the main episode.

Yeah. I won’t go there even if I get beaten to death.

Kim Soo-yong can manage without me anyway.

There’s no reason for me to go.

The hero is supposed to do the hard work.

But. That aside, why is Eileen so stubborn with the secondary evaluation?

As far as I can remember, Eileen didn’t appear in the first main episode.

That said, I watched the first evaluation.

I have no idea what caused this sudden change.

So I was struggling to understand Eileen’s actions.

“Whoa. Whoa. Eileen. I know you’re worried about Kane, but you need to calm down.”

Jenny gestures for her to calm down.

“It’s not like that!”

Oh. It was?

Judging by her reddened face and strong denial, Jenny’s words must be true.

I was wondering why it was different from the original.

Obviously, based on a simple performance evaluation, the first assessment is overwhelmingly risky.

That’s because there’s a big difference between having information and not having information.

Of course, the professors are in charge of safety, so it’s safe to say that it’s unlikely that anyone will die or be seriously injured, but there are no absolutes.

From Eileen’s point of view, even if she could cover one person, she might not be able to cover two.

So, from her perspective, there’s no reason to risk the initial assessment.

I appreciate your concern, but…

The problem is, a second assessment is more dangerous!

On the one hand, I’m grateful that she’s worried about me, but on the other hand, as someone who knows the future, I’m worried, frustrated, and scrambling.

I can’t do this.

I didn’t want to do this.

Eileen’s personality is high-minded, but she’s also very competitive.

So it’s easy to get her to do the initial assessment with this one word.

If so, you can naturally lead her to the first assessment by saying.



She tilts her head as if she doesn’t understand my sudden change in mood.

“Are you scared? Then just quit.”

Shaken by my harsh tone, her face turned red-blue and her body trembled.

Looks like my provocation hit her hard.

Well, to be exact, she suggested we go first round because she was worried about me, but here I am provoking her instead.

“Well, I didn’t expect that one of the first-year aces would suggest doing a second round evaluation just because it’s risky~ Hmm. So that’s why you insist we do the first round of evaluation because you were scared. I guess it can’t be helped since it wasn’t your fault for being scared.”

When I emphasized the word “Scared,” I noticed that Eileen’s trembling body suddenly stopped. Then, with a face as cold as ice, she opened her mouth.

“Alright, Kane. If you’re so confident, let’s do the first evaluation. However, if you’re in danger, I won’t help you at all.”


Did the provocation really get to her?

Honestly, I intended to provoke her, but I didn’t expect her to respond with such a cold face.

Jenny also looks a bit surprised, alternating between looking at us with a puzzled face and whispering in my ear.

“Hey, wasn’t that too much of a provocation? It seems like she’s really pissed off.”

No, I didn’t expect her to get that angry either.

Watching us talking quietly, I can tell that Eileen is not happy as she turns her head with a displeased expression.


She’s definitely p**sed off.

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