Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 56-2

Meanwhile, at that time, Riche and Eileen were watching the two from a distance, with eyes burning as if they were going to devour them.

“Ugh, that shameless woman! She’s definitely doing that to show off to us!”

“I agree, Riche. That woman with a face and smooth body is undoubtedly pretending to be cute on purpose.”

“She’s so disgusting. Anyway, let’s move slowly too. Even if it’s my magic, if we’re too far away, we might miss them.”

At Skaya’s words, the two nodded their heads.

The three of them hid behind the building as discreetly as possible, only peeking their heads out to watch the two.

As the three of them watched with narrowed eyes, Kane suddenly turned his head.

‘I don’t think I’ll be followed. Damn it.’

In fact, Kane had already noticed it.

From the beginning, he had a sense of discomfort about Riche meeting someone.

That’s because, sadly, except for the David family, Riche hardly had any friends.

The closest anyone she had was Skaya.

But then again, aside from one thing, Kane couldn’t think of any reason why Riche would be meeting Skaya.

And that one thing was obviously tailing their date.

Considering Riche’s personality, she would never have allowed a date with the Constellation.

So just in case, I turned up the volume to the maximum for a while.

And as expected, they were tailing. And with someone he never expected.

‘I never imagined Eileen would be there, too.’

He was curious about how they had contacted each other.

Kane shifted his gaze back to the constellation.

She also knew that the three of them were following with a slight glance.

Then she realized that Kane was watching her and smiled slyly.

“The interrupter is following us.”

Saying that, she tightened her grip on Kane’s arm, which she was already holding onto.

“You, when you were shy in the beginning, That was the concept, wasn’t it?”

“That’s not true. Honestly, my heart is beating so fast right now that I feel like I’m going crazy.”

It’s not a lie.

Although she was trying to act calm on the surface, her heart was pounding like crazy, as Kane could tell from what she just said.

-Thump thump thump thump.

Ugh!! It doesn’t seem like I’m an easy woman, does it? Normally, she wouldn’t do such a vulgar thing, but she’s currently in a situation where she’s lagging behind in position, the women chasing her and Kane, Anje.

So, she has to seize the opportunity when she can.

As she thought about that, her face became more and more flushed.

Constellation was fanning herself with her hand and stared at Kane at close range.

“Do you still think my actions are a lie?”

“Well, honestly… I don’t really believe it.”

Looking at her record so far, he thought that this kind of behavior could also be part of her concept.

So, it’s natural to think that the initial behavior of covering her face and being shy could also be part of her concept.

Kane looked at Constellation with suspicious eyes. Then, she grabbed his arm suddenly.



“So, if that’s the case…”


What the… HECK!

Constellation suddenly placed Kane’s hand near her breast.

Then, she looked at him with a serious expression.

“How about that? Does what I said seem like a lie?”

-Thump thump thump thump.

Maybe it’s not just part of her concept? Kane felt that her heart was beating incredibly fast even though she’s usually composed.

Even for her, it would be impossible to deliberately make her heart beat this fast while weakened.

Therefore, what Constellation said must not be a lie.

“I don’t think it’s a lie…”

“Well, whatever! Let’s continue our date!”

Kane nodded and started walking again.

As a side note, the three people who were observing the situation were stomping their feet in frustration.


Her advent time is not that long.

So instead of going to see a play that would take up a lot of time, she mainly wandered around shopping.

Of course, all the things she bought while shopping were things that Kane paid for with his own money.

She put all the things she bought into the dimensional bag ring she received from Kane.

‘Well, I knew women take a long time to shop, but do they usually take this long?’

Honestly, he thought it would only take an hour or two at most, but they had been shopping for about three hours now.

However, the Constellation next to him didn’t show any signs of getting tired.

Of course, the three people who were following them to the end didn’t seem to be getting tired either.

“Hey, Genshin, I’m starting to get hungry. Would you like to eat?”

“Huh? Are you hungry, Kane? Of course, if Kane is hungry, we should go eat!”

She was smiling widely, with just one mention of eating.

‘How did she hold out this long without advent?’

Thinking that, he took her to a famous restaurant in Royal Capital City and they entered.

Was it because it was still early?

There weren’t as many people in the restaurant as he thought.

The two of them sat at an empty table and looked at the menu.

“Do you have anything you want to eat?”

“Hmm, I don’t really know. To be honest, I don’t have any particular favorite food.”

“Really? Then let’s have this, this, and finally this.”

She looked at the menu that Kane was pointing at.

The food he was pointing at was chicken skewers, beer, and alcohol.

The Constellation didn’t really care what she ate, so she nodded in consideration of what Kane wanted.

“Sure. Lets eat whatever you want. I don’t care.”

“Okay. Here’s our order!”

The store owner came over at Kane’s call.

The store owner nodded at Kane’s order.

“Yes, I understand. Please wait for 10 minutes.”

“No problem.”

With those words, the store owner walked towards the kitchen.

“However, I’m curious. Can you drink well?”

At Kane’s question, Constellation crossed her arms over those magnificent breast and nodded with a confident look.

“I’ve never been drunk. It’s usually difficult for a Constellations to get drunk.”

“Ah, I see.”

It would certainly be difficult for a Constellations of her caliber to get drunk.

After all, their physical abilities were different from mortals.

“Then, we can drink to our heart’s content today?”

“Yes, becuase I don’t get drunk.”

Then it wouldn’t matter if she had a cocktail of soju and beer instead of just beer.

While thinking that, the store owner suddenly came back with the alcohol and chicken skewers.

Kane filled a cup with about 65ml of soju and approximately 105ml of beer, mixing well with a spoon.

Oh! The foam is rising! It’s coming up.

The method of making “So-maek” (a Korean mixed drink of beer and soju) that every Korean tries at least once.

She looked amazed as she watched the foam of the beer rise and supported her chin with both hands.

“Do you usually drink alcohol like this?”

“Well, some people just drink it straight, but it’s not bad to drink it this way.”

“Okay… as long as you’re the one making it, anything is fine.”

She received the cup that Kane handed her with an embarrassed look.

After Kane made a soju-beer cocktail in his own cup (with a lower ratio of soju than the Constellation’s), he raised his cup for a toast with the Constellation and downed it in one gulp.

And that day, Kane regretted feeding her alcohol.

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